We all move along a continuum in life, like how the season blend into one another. There’s no hard line in the sand that separates summer from autumn, winter from spring. They all transition smoothly.

So, what is a sober living home in that context? Well, at their core, that’s what they’re about: transition.

They’re group homes for people that have finished their inpatient treatment. A space that allows folks in recovery to transition into living independently without alcohol or drugs before taking the next step of being fully on their own.

Going back to the real world can be overwhelming and after being in a place for weeks or months where the only focus was intensive rehab, it takes time to adjust. Being surrounded by people going through the same thing fosters a sense of community, solace and reassurance.

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Sober Living Homes Explained

After the fully immersive experience of rehab ends, the work of living sober begins. It takes as much commitment and dedication as anything and concentrated power of will to overcome triggering situations.

Keep in mind, going from treatment straight back to your day-to-day increases the chance of relapse because, while you’re outfitted with the tools to deal with stressors, you haven’t really put them into practice yet.

The big difference between them and a residential program is that you’re freely able to come and go. The rigid structure that defined the inpatient treatment is gone and you can take care of your work and family obligations, partake in hobbies and leisure activities and whatever you please so long as you comply with the rules and mandates of the sober living home.

Sober living homes are essentially a safe and supportive environment to operate from. A place where you can further develop those new, non-substance-based, coping mechanisms and cement healthy living habits.

Each home operates with its own rules so it’s wise to get familiar and comfortable with the rules of whichever facility you chose before committing. It’s worth noting that some, not all, sober living homes will incorporate random drug testing as a means of accountability and making sure you’re staying on track.

Speaking of accountability, that’s a massive part of the whole experience. Addiction is a lonely road and it’s tough for people that haven’t been through it to truly understand where you’re coming from. Sober living homes create an environment where everyone gets it. You’re all battling the same demons. Not only does that create a sense of accountability to one another but it forms the basis of strong friendships.

Think about it, if you came from a toxic atmosphere, surrounded by friends who were bad influences, going back to that is going to be tough, no? Triggers and temptations at every turn. Not a supportive way to live to say the least. Sober living homes allow you to generate new friendships with people actively engaged in staying sober which in turn helps you stay sober. Replacing toxicity with positive friendships that inspire and reinforce sobriety.

Sober living homes also present an opportunity to delve into 12-step programs, a tool that many people find to be incredibly helpful on their lifelong recovery journey. 

Who Should Go to A Sober Living Home?

Sober living homes are a great resource for just about everyone and it serves as a sturdy bridge for anyone fresh out of a treatment center. The weeks or months you spend in a home devoted to, and revolving around, positively reinforcing sobriety can be the difference between making it work and succumbing to a devastating relapse. Not to mention that a sober living home is a great place to forge a network of sober-minded new friends. Friends that can keep you accountable and on the straight & narrow.

Get in touch with us at All American Detox and we can walk you through more of the ins and outs of what they’re all about and which would be a good fit for you. To know more, call our addiction recovery helpline number.

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