Understanding The Importance of Self Care in Addiction Recovery

Self Care Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a complex and challenging journey that requires dedication, support, and a holistic approach. One vital aspect of this process is self-care. Self-care refers to the deliberate practice of nurturing and tending to one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It involves engaging in activities and adopting habits that promote self-nourishment, self-compassion, and personal growth.  

In the context of addiction recovery, self-care plays a pivotal role in supporting individuals as they rebuild their lives, heal from the effects of addiction, and establish a solid foundation for lasting recovery. By prioritizing self-care, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, reduce the risk of relapse, and foster a healthier and more fulfilling life.  

This article delves into the importance of self-care in addiction recovery and highlights the various ways in which self-care can positively impact individuals’ recovery journeys. 

What is Self-care in Addiction Recovery? 

The term “self-care” is used to describe the activities and routines that people in addiction recovery do on purpose to tend to their own mental, emotional, and physical well-being while they are working on beating their addiction.  

It entails forming habits and behaviors that are beneficial to one’s health as a whole and support the process of recovery over the long term. Self-care is an essential component of addiction recovery because it enables individuals to keep their lives in balance, lower their levels of stress, and lay a solid groundwork for long-term sobriety. 

Importance of Self-Care in Addiction Recovery: 

Self-care plays a crucial role in addiction recovery. It involves taking deliberate actions to maintain and improve one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By prioritizing self-care, individuals in recovery can strengthen their resilience, reduce the risk of relapse, and enhance their overall quality of life.  

Here are some key reasons why self-care is important in addiction recovery: 

  1. Physical well-being:

    Addiction can take a toll on the body, leading to various health issues. Engaging in self-care activities like exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep helps restore physical health. Regular physical activity can improve mood, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem, promoting a healthier lifestyle. 

  2. Emotional well-being:

    Recovery involves addressing underlying emotional issues that may have contributed to addiction. Self-care activities such as therapy, support groups, mindfulness, and meditation can help individuals process emotions, reduce anxiety and depression, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. It allows them to build emotional resilience and manage triggers effectively. 

  3. Stress reduction:

    Stress is a common trigger for relapse. Engaging in self-care practices that alleviate stress, such as relaxation techniques, hobbies, or spending time in nature, can enhance emotional well-being and provide healthier ways to manage stress. By prioritizing stress reduction, individuals can avoid turning to substances as a coping mechanism. 

  4. Self-awareness and self-compassion:

    Self-care encourages individuals to develop a deeper understanding of their needs, limitations, and boundaries. By practicing self-compassion, individuals can let go of self-blame, shame, and guilt associated with addiction. It promotes a positive self-image, and self-acceptance, and fosters a kinder relationship with oneself. 

  5. Improved relationships:

    Addiction often strains relationships with loved ones. By focusing on self-care, individuals in recovery can rebuild trust, establish healthier boundaries, and cultivate meaningful connections. They can also develop effective communication skills and learn how to prioritize their well-being while maintaining healthy relationships. 

  6. Prevention of relapse:

    Self-care is a vital component in preventing relapse. By engaging in activities that promote overall well-being, individuals create a stronger foundation for recovery. A healthy lifestyle, positive coping strategies, and effective stress management can help individuals navigate challenging situations without resorting to substances. 

  7. Increased self-esteem and confidence:

    Addiction can erode self-esteem and self-confidence. Engaging in self-care activities that promote personal growth, learning new skills, and achieving personal goals can rebuild self-esteem and foster a sense of accomplishment. This enhanced self-worth can serve as a protective factor against relapse. 

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What are some steps on Self-care in Addiction recovery? 

Here are some examples of self-care practices that can be beneficial in addiction recovery: 

  1. Engaging in regular exercise:

    Physical activity not only promotes physical health but also improves mood, reduces stress, and helps manage cravings. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it’s going for a walk, practicing yoga, running, or participating in a sport. 

  2. Practicing mindfulness or meditation:

    Mindfulness and meditation techniques can help calm the mind, increase self-awareness, and manage cravings or triggers. Consider incorporating mindfulness exercises or guided meditation into your daily routine. 

  3. Prioritizing healthy sleep habits:

    Getting sufficient and quality sleep is vital for overall well-being and recovery. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a soothing bedtime routine, and ensure your sleeping environment is conducive to restful sleep. 

  4. Nurturing your hobbies and interests:

    Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it’s playing a musical instrument, painting, cooking, gardening, or any other hobby you enjoy. These activities provide a sense of fulfillment, distract from cravings, and promote a positive mindset. 

  5. Connecting with supportive individuals:

    Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, or a recovery community. Attend support group meetings, and therapy sessions, or engage in sober social activities where you can connect with individuals who understand your journey. 

  6. Taking breaks and practicing relaxation:

    Set aside time for relaxation and self-care. This can involve taking breaks throughout the day, practicing deep breathing exercises, enjoying a warm bath, getting a massage, or engaging in other relaxation techniques that promote stress reduction and rejuvenation. 

  7. Setting and achieving personal goals:

    Establish realistic goals for yourself and work towards them. These goals can be related to various aspects of your life, such as career, education, hobbies, or personal growth. Celebrating achievements along the way boosts self-esteem and motivates recovery. 

  8. Establishing a healthy routine:

    Create a structured daily routine that includes self-care activities, regular meals, exercise, work or study time, and relaxation. Having a routine provides stability, reduces uncertainty, and promotes a sense of control over your life. 

  9. Seeking professional help when needed:

    Recognize that seeking professional help is an important form of self-care. If you are struggling with addiction or facing challenges in recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to an addiction treatment center, therapist, or medical professional who can provide guidance and support. 


Self-care in addiction recovery is a crucial component of maintaining well-being and supporting long-term sobriety. It involves intentional actions and practices that nurture physical, emotional, and mental health. By prioritizing self-care, individuals in recovery can develop healthy habits, reduce stress, and build a solid foundation for a fulfilling life free from addiction. 

In addition to recovery, self-care encompasses various aspects. Physical self-care involves taking care of the body through exercise, nutritious eating, and adequate sleep. Emotional self-care focuses on nurturing emotions, practicing self-compassion, and seeking support through therapy or counseling. Mental self-care involves engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, promoting mental clarity and positive thinking. 

Ultimately, self-care in addiction recovery is a personalized journey. It requires individuals to explore and discover what practices work best for them. By prioritizing self-care, individuals in recovery can cultivate resilience, maintain balance, and create a solid foundation for a fulfilling and sustainable life in sobriety. 

FAQs on Self-care in Addiction Recovery: 

Q1: Can self-care replace professional treatment in addiction recovery?  

A: No, self-care should not replace professional treatment in addiction recovery. Self-care practices complement and enhance the effectiveness of professional treatment, therapy, and support systems. It is important to seek professional help, such as addiction counselors or therapists, to address the underlying causes of addiction and develop a comprehensive recovery plan. 

Q2: How do I incorporate self-care into my daily routine?  

A: Incorporating self-care into your daily routine requires intention and consistency. Start by identifying self-care activities that resonate with you and are feasible to incorporate into your schedule. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for self-care practices. Prioritize self-care as a non-negotiable part of your routine and make adjustments as needed to ensure it remains a consistent part of your life. 

Q3: What if I feel guilty or selfish for prioritizing self-care?  

A: It is common to experience feelings of guilt or selfishness when prioritizing self-care, especially if you are used to putting others’ needs before your own. However, it’s important to recognize that self-care is necessary for your well-being and recovery.  

Taking care of yourself allows you to show up fully for others and be a positive influence in their lives. Remember that self-care is not selfish; it is an essential part of maintaining your health and being able to support others effectively. 

How to Discuss Your Addiction with Your Pastor

How to Discuss Your Addiction with Your Pastor - All American Detox

Anyone struggling with an addiction may also be feeling extreme shame, guilt, and embarrassment. It can be difficult to open up about your addiction, even to those you love the most. But what may come as a surprise, is that your pastor may be just the person to talk to. Having a faith-based community can be so helpful when dealing with any sort of issue. People of faith believe in a higher power and a greater purpose to life. Therefore, talking to your pastor about your addiction can be the best first step to your recovery.

Here we will discuss:

  • How your pastor can help
  • The importance of community discussion
  • Understanding your pastor and getting help
  • How All American Detox can help?

How Pastors Can Help:

            Although they may appear to be wise, intimidating, intellectual leaders of faith, pastors are just people like all of us. Pastors are people who preach faith to the community. They believe in the Holy Spirit, sin, and forgiveness. Pastors are highly educated, kind and understanding people and they want to help individuals live their lives in alignment with faith. This includes those who may be battling an addiction.

Pastors will listen to you and share their personal knowledge of addiction, and work towards guiding you back to faith. They do not discriminate against anyone with an addiction and if you are brave enough to open up to them, they will help you. Pastors carry a lot of insight into the world and likely into addiction as well. They will be able to guide you back to faith and into a community-based group that may be able to help you recover from your addiction. They will not judge you, nor will they expose your secret to others. They are trustworthy people whose overall goal is to guide the community to live through and with God.

Community Discussion:

One of the greatest blessings churches bring is a sense of community. It brings together like-minded people who share a passion for faith in a sacred space. And if there is anything to know about addiction recovery, it is that having a supportive community is crucial to having a fulfilling life away from drugs of alcohol. Finding a community-based recovery group may be exactly what you need to start your journey to recovery. Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous are entirely faith-based support groups that use the 12-step program to help you reach your goals with the support of others in recovery.

Through the 12-step program, you will focus on 3 key areas; acceptance towards your addiction, surrendering to the recovery process, and active involvement in the community. Each of these is equally as important, however being involved in the community can add value and purpose to your life away from drugs or alcohol. By being involved in the community, you will meet others in recovery and build deeper, more meaningful connections.

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Understand Pastors and Get Help

Although all pastors come from different families in different cultures, with different baggage to carry, they all have the same role within the church. They are to be a leader, a role model, a person of strong faith that guides others to live through God. They spread knowledge and wisdom from the bible, history and current life to help you understand the importance of living a faithful life. They want to help, and your pastor will help you.

It can feel scary to open up about a drug or alcohol addiction in the sacred space of a church. If this is what is stopping you from speaking your truth to your pastor, then ask if they will meet you outside of the church to talk. More than likely, they will be happy to chat with you somewhere else. The important thing to remember is that your pastor wants you to live a drug-free, fulfilling life and they will be happy to help you get there.

All American Detox Center

Managing an addiction on your own can be extra difficult, but the good news is, you do not have to do it alone. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, All American Detox Center is here to help. All American Detox Center provides various options for addiction recovery and individualizes the treatment plan to fit your needs. With the help of many highly trained and licensed professionals, you will learn to understand the root of your addiction and start to build the skills needed to live a drug or alcohol-free life. All American Detox Center is just a simple call away. Call (844) 570-1301 today to learn more about the addiction recovery options and see if All American sounds like a good fit for you.


DrugAbuse.com. “12-Step Recovery Programs and Support Groups.”

https://drugabuse.com/treatment/therapy/group/12-step-programs/ Retrieved 12, December 2022

SBC Life. “What is a Pastor?”

https://www.baptistpress.com/resource-library/sbc-life-articles/what-is-a-pastor/ Retrieved 27, September 2022

Northstar Church. “You Asked for it: What is the Difference Between Church and Community?”

https://northstar.church/you-asked-for-it-what-is-the-difference-between-church-and-community/ Retrieved 23, July 2015

Business Matters: Managing Mental Health Matters in the Workplace

Managing Mental Health Maters in the Workplace

For Americans, the average time spent working or in a workplace environment is about 38-40 hours a week. With inflation greatly affecting the United States, this number may be even higher. With 168 hours in a 7-day week and many of those hours are spent sleeping, driving, or taking care of a household, 40 hours a week to spend in a workplace environment can feel like a lot, especially if the employers do not discuss mental health and wellbeing. But how many employers or workplace environments emphasize the importance of mental health? Does mental health in the workplace matter? Here we will discuss:

  • Benefits of a healthy workplace
  • How to encourage employee health in a workplace
  • Why we need to start talking about mental health
  • How All American Detox Center can help?

Benefits of a Healthy Workplace:

            It should be not come as a surprise that working in a healthy environment comes with many different benefits. However, this is not always achieved, nor is it even addressed by many employers. Before diving into the benefits of a healthy workplace, lets discuss what a healthy workplace looks like.

The Human Resources Director of California defines a healthy workplace as a place where all employees, leaders, and managers can openly communicate and collaborate on their vision of improving the health, well-being, and safety of all people involved in the organization or company. A healthy workplace is filled with individuals who care about one another and want to protect and promote the health and well-being of each employee.

With the rise of mental health issues throughout the last few years, primarily due to the global pandemic, striving for a healthy workplace is even more important. When an employer allows for an open and honest conversation about mental health, the employees are going to feel more secure and trusting of their environment. The improvement of employers, leaders and managers overall mental health and well-being is the first and most obvious benefit of a healthy workplace.

When a company is being run by a group of people who focus on prioritizing their health and well-being, there is going to be more productivity and greater performance. This will not only help the company as a whole, but also each employee working as well as the customers that interact with the company.

Some other benefits of a healthy workplace include:

  • Improved corporate or company image
  • Lower turnover rate
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Stronger interpersonal relationships within the company
  • Greater growth and learning opportunities

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How Can You Encourage Employee Health in the Workplace?

There are many ways an employer can encourage health and well-being in the workplace. One option is to implement a health and well-being program. This could be a weekly educational team meeting to discuss the importance of mental health and teach different coping skills and stress management skills. This will help educate each person in the workplace to learn more about different mental health topics and maybe start to implement new stress management or coping skills.

Another option is to provide individualized check-ins with each employee to discuss job satisfaction, their mental health and wellbeing, and allow them to provide any possible feedback that may improve their workplace environment. The biggest thing to consider is to simply incorporate the topic of mental health into the workplace as often as possible. Discussing mental health is crucial for a healthy working environment.

Encourage exercise, a healthy morning routine, decreasing screen time usage and at least 8 hours of sleep at night. This can be incorporated at the workplace by adding monthly challenges for each employee to participate in, such as a Walkathon or tracking your screen time usage. You can add little prizes and make it fun!

Start Talking About Mental Health

          According to the CDC, mental health includes our emotional, psychosocial and social well-being and it effects the way we think, feel and act. In other words, it is the way we show up in the world, so why are we still not talking about the importance of mental health? Poor mental health can lead to mental disorders such as anxiety or depression which impacts every aspect of a person’s life.

As a society, we need to start talking about mental health more! Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually can improve the overall quality of humanity. Not to mention, the overall quality of your own life.

All American Detox Center

 While the topics of mental health have become more ingrained into our society and many workplaces, it is still a stigmatized and taboo topic. Oftentimes, when someone is struggling with poor mental health or a mental disorder, they will turn to drugs and alcohol to help them cope with the distress. If you or someone you know is struggling with drugs or alcohol, All American Detox Center is here to help you. At All American Detox Center, we provide you with a safe and warm environment to help you understand substance abuse and addiction and the importance of mental health. The highly trained and licensed professionals will help you start to build the skills needed to live a life away from abusing drugs or alcohol.

Help is only a phone call away. Call (844) 570-1301 today to learn more about the addiction recovery support options at All American Detox Center.


The Balance. “What is the Average Number of Work Hours per Week?”

https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-is-the-average-hours-per-week-worked-in-the-us-2060631#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways,work%20from%20home%20in%202021. Retrieved 7, September 2022

Human Resources Director. “The Healthy Workplace and its 10 Benefits.”

https://www.hcamag.com/us/specialization/benefits/the-healthy-workplace-and-its-10-benefits/326054 Retrieved 18, February 2022

Made for Minds. “Global Mental Health Issues on the Rise.”

https://www.dw.com/en/mental-health-issues-like-depression-and-anxiety-on-the-rise-globally/a-63371304#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20WHO%20World,to%20nearly%201%20billion%20people. Retrieved 10, October 2022

CDC. “About Mental Health.” https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm Retrieved 28,

June 2021

Difference Between Parenting and Mental Health Problems

Difference Between Parenting and Mental Health Problems - All American Detox

Parenting does not come with a rulebook that guides you to raise perfectly self-sufficient and mentally stable children. It is a trial and error process that plays the biggest role in your child’s life. Most of our parents did not grow up discussing mental health as a normal conversation. Mental health concerns and resources are far more accessible and normalized now than they ever have been. But what is the difference between parenting and mental health problems? Are parents to blame if their child develops severe anxiety or depression? How can you prevent this from happening?

Here we will cover:

  • What happens if parents have poor mental health
  • Parents mental health support
  • How children can be affected
  • Practical ways to help

What Happens if Parents Have Poor Mental Health?

Parents or primary caregivers are likely the people most involved in a child’s life. This means if a parent has poor mental health, their child will absolutely be affected in some way or another.

Poor mental health could mean:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of motivation
  • Feeling sad or down
  • Excessive fear or worry
  • Excessive sleeping or insomnia
  • Social isolation
  • An inability to connect to others or the world we live in

Poor mental health can lead to severe anxiety, depression, untreated PTSD, or thoughts of self-harm or suicide. It can also lead to excessive alcohol or drug use. When parents have not been taught helping ways to cope with the stress and overwhelm life and parenthood brings, it can quickly turn into self-soothing through drugs or alcohol. This is problematic for nearly everyone involved in that person’s life, but especially their children.

As a parent, it is our main priority to ensure our children have their basic needs met. Are they fed, clean, hydrated, and supervised? But it is also our responsibility to make sure they feel loved, valued, adored, cared for, and important. So many of us grew up in emotional distant or physically distraught household environments. This can leave a child with years of emotional damage and greatly affect the way they show up in the world.

It was estimated that 10% of children ages 5-16 have a clinically diagnosed mental health problem and about 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem within any given year. But if parents work on healing themselves, and discussing mental health with their children, they can learn to support themselves in a healthy and fulfilling way to then teach this to their children.

Parent’s Mental Health Support

Seeking mental health support does not always come before the children and is an ongoing, never ending process. Therapy can be a helpful way to unload any personal baggage you may be carrying around. There are many different types of therapeutic modalities that can help you navigate and manage any sort of mental health problem.

Parents are often viewed as people who “have it all together.” Children look up to you, other parents may look up to you, and there is a lot of pressure to maintain that image. But parents need mental health support too. There are also tons of parenting support groups that may be able to connect you with other parents dealing with similar issues. The biggest thing to remember, is that while the healing work may be helping you better understand yourself, it is also helping the way you connect and show up for you child.

How Children can be Affected: Practical Ways to Help

When a parent or both parents are struggling with poor mental health, this becomes a risk factor for maltreatment. Parents who struggle with low self-esteem, lack of motivation, poor impulse control, antisocial behavior, high anxiety, or depression compromise their ability to properly care for their child. Children may be abused or neglected due to their parent or caregiver having untreated mental health issues. They may grow up with a lack of self-worth, trauma, feelings of being invisible or not important, or develop their own negative self-soothing practices such as substance abuse or self-harm.

If you are a parent dealing with mental health struggles, you are not alone. Parenting is one of the toughest roles you can take and while it may bring loads of joy and happiness, it can also bring up hardships and struggles. The good news is, there are practical ways to help yourself and your relationship with your child.

The most practical step you can take, is finding a local therapist that can help you understand and manage the symptoms of your mental health issues. There are plenty of therapist that accept insurances or offer a sliding scale-fee. There are also several online therapy services offered at a low cost. Therapy can be an intimidating and daunting experience, but it is available to help you let go of what has been holding you back and find self-soothing techniques to alleviate some of the discomfort caused by your poor mental health.

Other practical ways to help include:

  • Exercise
  • Mindfulness practices such as meditation or journaling
  • Reading self-help books, specifically focused on the mental health issue you may be experiencing
  • Breathwork exercises to help calm your nervous system
  • Spending time with others
  • Talking to a trusted friend about your struggles

Get Help

A child’s mental health is supported by their parents. Children learn from the environment they are living in. They can feel the energy within the room even before they are capable of expressing their thoughts or feelings. This is why it is so important for a parent to get help if they are struggling with poor mental health.

If you, or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or substance abuse, All American Detox Center is here for you. All American Detox Center provides clinical support to those who may be battling with an addiction. Please call (844) 570-1301 today to get the help you need and deserve.

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety

Treatment Options for Drug & Alcohol Abuse at All American Detox

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Are you finally ready to quit drugs and alcohol once and for all? All American Detox is a drug and alcohol treatment and rehab center in Los Angeles California. Our detox and residential inpatient programs can help you overcome substance abuse in comfort and with confidence. For more information, call us today at (844) 570-1301.


National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). “Warning Signs and Symptoms.”


Mental Health Foundation. “Children and Young People Statistics.”



Child Welfare Information Gateway. “Mental Health of Parents and Caregivers.”




BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services. “10 Tips to Booth Your Mental Health.”

http://www.bcmhsus.ca/about/news-stories/stories/10-tips-to-boost-your-mental-health Retreived October 4, 2018.

10 Damaging Effects That Children of Alcoholics May Endure

10 Damaging Effects That Children of Alcoholics May Endure

The impacts of addiction on children are complex and far reaching. During this crucial age, children need to feel safe and secure–they also require love, understanding and guidance. And because children are still developing, they also must rely on their guardians for material needs like food, water and shelter.

Creating such an environment fosters growth and empowers children preparing them for life’s challenges. A parent who grappling with alcoholism, on the other hand may be neglectful, abusive or dangerous.

Alcoholism is also a progressive disease that gets worse over time, and even if things are okay for now there is no such thing as a functional alcoholic.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction it is important to consider the impact that drinking could be having on your kids. While alcohol addiction can be a hard habit to kick, getting treatment as early as possible is the best way to minimize harm for the whole family

Read on to learn the 10 potential consequences children can face as a result of parental alcoholism.

Developmentally – In the Womb

Alcoholism can impact a child before they are even born, in utero. Alcohol enters the bloodstream, easily passing to the uterus where it is absorbed more slowly. In its vulnerable state, a fetus can endure permanent developmental changes to the body and brain.

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety

1. Physical Development

  • Facial deformities such as cleft lip or palate: a gap (or gaps) that form on the upper lip or roof of the mouth.1
  • Premature birth and low birthweight
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Small head size
  • Stunted height

2. Stunted Brain Development

The scanned brains of children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) reveal smaller brains as well as malformation in several areas of the brain. Other research found that prenatal poor communication between several parts of the brain.2 Together, the developmental issues associated with prenatal alcohol results in cognitive issues that can persist into adulthood.

3. Problems With Learning and Attention3

  • Memory problems
  • Issues with motor control and coordination
  • Speech impediments and problems with language development
  • Trouble paying attention
  • Poor critical thinking skills

4. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)

Drugs including alcohol, opioids, amphetamine, cocaine and can lead to what is called neonatal abstinence syndrome or NAS: a condition where a baby is born dependent to the drug that the mother was taking.4

NAS can cause a variety of withdrawal symptoms many of which may complicate the pregnancy putting the baby’s health and life at risk.

Disruption of Childhood Development

5. Neglect

In cases where child maltreatment has occurred, 40% involve alcohol and drug use. This amounts to around 480,000 kids annually.5

Child neglect is the failure of a parent or guardian to secure a child’s fundamental needs including:

  • Physical Neglect: This includes securing material needs like clothing, food, shelter, or keeping them safe from harm.6
  • Educational Neglect: Not enrolling their children in school or pulling them out too often are examples of emotional neglect.6
  • Emotional Neglect: Ignoring, humiliating, or berating, intimidating the child or separating them from others.6
  • Medical neglect: Not providing proper medical care for a child or refusing recommended and necessary care from a doctor.6

6. Physical Abuse 

Psychical child abuse is the second most reported form of child abuse next to neglect; it includes any physical injury intended to cause harm.

Common forms of child abuse include:

  • Hitting or beating (either with bare hands, or an object like a belt or a stick)
  • Using objects like a stove or a lighter to burn the skin
  • Kicking
  • Suffocation by strangulation of holding a child underwater (even temporarily)
  • Restraining using rope or tape.7

Alcoholism is believed to contribute to child abuse for several reasons:

  • Heavily alcohol use can impair areas of the brain responsible for self-control, giving rise to violent behavior against children.8
  • Heavy alcohol abuse causes the abuser to miss social cues and mistakenly assume that family members are treating them with hostility or disrespect; it may also cause them to misjudge the severity of their actions.9
  • Child abusers who are alcoholics are more likely to perpetrate violence if they can place the blame on alcohol instead of holding themselves accountable.9

7. Sexual Abuse

Among both boys and girls, alcohol was found to be a risk factor in child sexual abuse or CSA; it was also found to be more common in families where alcoholism is or had been present.9 For women, alcoholism is also a risk factor for developing alcohol and substance abuse problems later in life.10

8. Emotional Abuse

In many cases, the impact of emotional or verbal abuse are just as damaging as physical abuse. And like physical abuse can be exacerbated by alcohol misuse. Situations involving emotional abuse may include:

  • Verbal bullying
  • Yelling or screaming
  • Putting down for the child making mistakes
  • Isolating the child from friends or family
  • Ignoring or refusing to speak to the child
  • Gaslighting ­– invalidating an individual’s perception of reality; especially when it means denying the existence of physical or emotional abuse.

Alcoholism and child abuse can also occur in the other direction. In other words, children experiencing emotional and physical abuse are at risk of developing alcohol or substance abuse problems as adults.

9. Trauma and PTSD

The exposure of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse at the hands of a guardian or another adult are traumatic experiences. Trauma is also associated with the development of other mental illnesses like anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, Borderline Personality disorder and substance abuse disorder.12

10. Substance Misuse and Addiction

Trauma leaves lasting scars which if left unaddressed can follow a child into adolescence and adulthood. Without the skills to cope, it is likely that they will develop other methods, one of which is self-medicating using alcohol or other drugs.

Having substance abuse issues is also more common amongst those with at least one other mental illness; over 18% of those who struggle with mental illness also have a substance use disorder.13 Having a co-occurring disorder can also complicate the recovery process often requiring more intensive and engaging forms of substance abuse treatment.

Brief about Post-child abuse14

  • 14% of children (1 in 7) experience neglect or abuse every year in the US.
  • 33% of children (1 in 3) who enter the foster care do so as a result of parental drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Child abuse is often thought of as just being intentional physical and emotional harm such as striking or bullying but it also includes neglect. Parents who fail to provide necessities like food, water, shelter, education, or medical care are also committing child abuse.
  • Child abuse is traumatic; children who experience it may develop feelings of guilt or shame, reoccurring memories and maladaptive thinking. Without proper mental health services, they can go on to develop mental illnesses including substance abuse.

Treatment Options for Drug & Alcohol Abuse at All American Detox

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Are you finally ready to quit drugs and alcohol once and for all? All American Detox is a drug and alcohol treatment and rehab center in Los Angeles California. Our detox and residential inpatient programs can help you overcome substance abuse in comfort and with confidence. For more information, call us today at (844) 570-1301.


NHS. (n.d.). Overview -Cleft lip and palate. NHS choices. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cleft-lip-and-palate/

Gadye, L. (n.d.). What is fetal alcohol syndrome, and how does it affect the brain? BrainFacts.org. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.brainfacts.org/diseases-and-disorders/childhood-disorders/2018/what-is-fetal-alcohol-syndrome,-and-how-does-it-affect-the-brain-082318

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, December 14). Alcohol use during pregnancy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/fasd/alcohol-use.html

Default – Stanford Medicine Children’s health. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health – Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=neonatal-abstinence-syndrome-90-P02387

The relationship between parental alcohol and other drug problems and … (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2022, from http://preventchildabuse.org/images/docs/therelationshipbetweenparentalalcoholandotherdrugproblemsandchildmaltreatment.pdf

Neglect. NSPCC. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/neglect/

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Child physical abuse: Medlineplus medical encyclopedia. MedlinePlus. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001552.htm

Gouvernement du Canada. (2012, July 26). WHO Facts on Alcohol and Violence: Child maltreatment and alcohol. Canada.ca. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/stop-family-violence/prevention-resource-centre/children/who-facts-on-alcohol-violence-child-maltreatment-alcohol.html

Widom, C. S., & Hiller-Sturmhöfel, S. (n.d.). Alcohol abuse as a risk factor for and consequence of child abuse. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh25-1/52-57.htm

Martie L. Skinner, Allison N. Kristman-Valente, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Adult Binge Drinking: Childhood Sexual Abuse, Gender and the Role of Adolescent Alcohol-Related Experiences, Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 51, Issue 2, 1 March 2016, Pages 136–141, https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agv093

Trauma. Mental Health Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/a-z-topics/trauma#:~:text=Trauma%20can%20make%20you%20more,difficulties%20in%20your%20daily%20life.

Russ, S. (2020, April 29). One in three children entered foster care in 2017 because of parental drug abuse. Child Trends. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.childtrends.org/blog/one-in-three-children-entered-foster-care-in-fy-2017-because-of-parental-drug-abuse

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety?

dealing with depression & anxiety

Life is hard as it is and it’s even harder for people to deal with depression and anxiety. People with depression and anxiety need love and care but more importantly, they need proper help and therapy for them to heal and live their lives like they are supposed to. But this sounds much easier than it actually is. In reality, there’s a considerable amount of stigma, prejudice, and discrimination against people with depression and anxiety, like they didn’t have enough issues already and now they have to deal with this as well.

These things really make it harder for people to deal with depression and anxiety and instead people often choose to hide their anxiety and depression from people. If depression and anxiety are left untreated, they may develop into chronic ones which will make them very difficult to manage, so it is necessary that you or people you know who have depression get the help they need. Let’s take a deep dive into everything that you need to know to deal with depression and anxiety.

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What Are Depression and Anxiety?

Depression and Anxiety are both types of psychological conditions that influence the way a person behaves or acts. Depression in particular causes feelings of sadness and negatively affects their emotions about how they feel, how they think, or even how they act. This can lead to a loss of interest in work, day-to-day chores, and activities. Depression could also negatively affect their friendships and relationships, which could complicate things even further.

Anxiety, on the other hand, causes overwhelming feelings of what to do, what not to do, what’s to come, and what’s not to come, among countless other fears. This causes unnecessary anxiousness or worries about things that they shouldn’t be anxious about and in extreme cases may even trigger an anxiety attack. In some cases, people with extreme anxiety levels are not even able to enter an elevator or cross the street or even go out of their homes.

People who are addicted to drugs or are alcoholics often have signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety and often need therapy along with an addiction treatment program to completely get out of their current situations. If you need a recommendation for a great drug detox center, then we will be happy to introduce you to the All American Detox Center that not only helps people who are addicted, but also treats people with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and much more. Their residential inpatient treatment is excellent and has some of the highest ratings when it comes to patient recovery success.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?

symptoms of depression & anxiety

Here are some major signs and symptoms that you will notice in a person if they are depressed or anxious. Let’s start with Depression first.


While it usually starts with feelings of sadness and hopelessness, it could get more serious with time. Here are some major ones.

  1. Irritability, restlessness, unexplained aches and pains, and may even have irregular heartbeat or tachycardia.
  2. Their emotional state is very vulnerable when they are under depression. So, they may end up saying or doing something that jeopardizes their relationships and/or friendships.
  3. Loss of interest in day-to-day activities or social activities or hanging out of the home.
  4. Lack of energy, enthusiasm, motivation, and/or hope is common among people with depression.
  5. Changes in mood, appetite, and weight.
  6. Sleeping issues.
  7. Difficulty focusing on the important stuff and uncontrollable thoughts.


Here are some of the common symptoms of anxiety.

  1. Fear, anxiety, and/or nervousness.
  2. Uncontrollable stress.
  3. Irritation, physical restlessness, and/or a sudden fight or flight state of mind.
  4. Trouble falling asleep.
  5. Headache, confusion, and brain fog.
  6. State of panic.
  7. Being always on the edge.
  8. Anxiety attack.

How To Deal With Depression and Anxiety?

Some people have either, while others may have both, but due to societal stigma, prejudice, and discrimination against people with depression and anxiety. So, dealing with depression and anxiety becomes much harder. Dealing with depression and anxiety is something not a lot of people can do. Even if they do choose to do something about it, they either choose not to get help due to said stigma. Even if they do manage to ask for help, they are often misdiagnosed, either due to systemic bias. Or due to the fact there’s no definitive test that says positive for depression or anxiety or both.

There’s a whole lot of research going on to figure out more about these psychological conditions. To effectively deal with depression and anxiety, it’s important that the one who has these psychological conditions gets admitted to an addiction recovery center. Don’t get fooled by the name. They treat all kinds of psychological disorders including addiction treatment programs, eating disorders, and depression and anxiety treatment.

Just search for a residential inpatient drug rehab and check their treatment programs for depression, anxiety, or any other psychological conditions. They don’t just treat their symptoms but fix the root causes behind their anxiety and depression through therapy and proper treatment methods.

Wrapping Up:

Anxiety and depression can be quite overwhelming, especially with the stigma that surrounds them. If they don’t get the treatment in time, it could get quite serious which could lead to more problems. Managing the symptoms isn’t enough and one needs to deal with the root cause behind their anxiety and depression. So that this will make it difficult for these conditions to come back again. All American Detox Recovery Center can help you in recovery, which is a luxury residential treatment center in Los Angeles. Just make a call to us at our addiction recovery hotline +1 (844) 570-1301

How Can a Healthy Diet Help Addiction Recovery?

How Can a Healthy Diet Help Addiction Recovery

When you are new to the recovery process of substance abuse, choosing to eat a healthy balanced diet while also getting enough exercise can not only help you to stay in recovery and better your chances of relapse, but it also will make you feel better emotionally, mentally, and physically. Knowing the right healthy foods to eat is very important in addiction recovery. Below, we will discuss the importance of healthy eating in addiction recovery and how can a healthy diet help addiction recovery.

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 When addicted to substances, eating healthy is not always a priority and this may make your health decline. Substance use also can create problems such as vomiting, mild to severe nausea, diarrhea, and even constipation. When these instances occur, it creates a negative imbalance when your body goes to process food.

Many substances that individuals become dependent on change the way their body processes food and can result in stomach problems or gastrointestinal problems. Eating certain foods high in fiber can help with the digestion process, as well as getting enough water and exercise.

Substance use may leave you feeling down, depressed, low energy, or even annoyed or agitated but when in recovery, the right nutrition can alleviate these symptoms.

Importance of Healthy Eating in Addiction Recovery

There are so many benefits of healthy nutrition when going through the recovery process. When you eat healthily, you feel better all around. Substance abuse and addiction drain the vital resources we need to maintain optimal health.

Benefits to Healthy Eating in Recovery

  • Fewer health problems
  • Increased energy
  • Clear mind
  • Balanced mood and emotions
  • Decreased chance of relapse

Oftentimes drugs and alcohol deplete your health in many ways. Sometimes, the damage of drugs or alcohol can become a permanent problem in your life. It’s important to know what drugs can affect your health and how they affect you. Below is a breakdown of how certain drugs affect the way your body works.

Opioids: Can cause constipation, nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting

Alcohol: Can cause weight gain, a deficiency in vitamin B6, thiamine, and folic acid (essential for your body)

Stimulants: Can cause dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance[iii]

Sometimes drugs and alcohol may make you develop an eating disorder. In fact, up to 50% of individuals with eating disorders also abuse drugs and alcohol.[iv]If you or someone you know may be developing an eating disorder or may be struggling with a co-occurring disorder get them to help today. There are many eating disorder programs available in and around the United States.

It’s important to develop healthy eating habits and understand the role of nutrition in addiction recovery. Some substance abuse programs can help with this, many of them provide healthy meals three times a day and can help you develop better skills in recovery.

How Nutrients Affect the Body

 Nutrition and recovery go hand in hand, and it’s crucial to get the right nutrients when you’re recovering from substance abuse. When eating healthy during recovery, you will need to know how nutrients affect your body. According to the Gateway Foundation, there are six essential nutrient groups derived from food that nurture our bodies.[v]

how nutrition affect the body

  • Vitamins: Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-9, and B-12 help to support our immune system, to develop strong bones, for calcium absorption, to keep skin and hair healthy and strong, aids in our brain and nervous system functioning, and support metabolism for carbohydrates and protein.
  • Minerals: Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc help to balance blood pressure, boosts the immune system, ensure proper blood clotting, and prevents tooth decay.
  • Protein: Food high in protein such as meat, broccoli, tofu, etc. supports our skin, hair, and bones as well as gives us energy.
  • Fat & Fatty Acids: Sunflower oil, avocado, and other fat and fatty acids help support hormone production, blood clotting, muscle function, blood sugar regulation, vitamin and mineral absorption, immune system function, and brain function.
  • Carbs: Foods high in carbs like wheat bread are essential for our central nervous system and brain functioning.
  • Water: Water benefits every single part of our body and supports all functions while helping to flush toxins, improve our mood and improve our brain function.

Whether you are in recovery or not, you should be doing everything you can to get the right nutrients from the right healthy foods as well as drinking enough water every day. Improving your diet includes having regular meals, lots of water, lean proteins, whole fruits and vegetables, whole grain snacks, healthy fats, at least six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, regular exercise, and relaxing when necessary.[vi]

What To Eat During Addiction Recovery?

 You may be feeling lost or overwhelmed when it comes to eating healthy and making sure you’re getting the most optimal nutrients for your body. You may be under a lot of stress or anxiety coming back into society, which is normal. Eating healthy can be easy, but it often takes work to maintain. Below is a list of foods that will nurture your body, as well as foods to avoid during recovery and after, this is how a healthy diet can help addiction recovery.[vii]

Foods that Nurture:

  • Curry with turmeric, shellfish, chicken, turkey, fish, dark chocolate, yogurt with kiwis, almond milk, green tea, leafy green salads, tofu, poultry, bananas, whole grains, variety of fruits and vegetables, blueberries for antioxidants, beans, legumes, oatmeal, nuts, seeds, avocado oil, brown rice, peanut butter, cherry tomatoes, etc.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Sugar, candy, salty foods, caffeine, red meat, too much oil, and processed foods

When avoiding foods, it is usually easier to cook and make meals from home. Eating out may seem like the easier option but is not always the healthiest. Coming up with meal plans and meal prepping will save you time and you will feel better emotionally, mentally, and physically. You can also talk to a nutritionist that can help guide you in the right direction to healthy eating.


 It can be difficult to find addiction treatment programs that offer healthy meals and knowledge on eating healthy. Fortunately, All American Detox is all about healthy eating during recovery. All American Detox is an inpatient drug rehab center located in sunny Los Angeles California. This detox center in particular prides itself on teaching you the healthiest ways of living, including diet, nutrition, and exercise.

Here at All American Detox, you can feel safe and comfortable while detoxing from drugs as well as staying at their facilities to start your recovery process. While doing so, you will be given healthy meals and learn new skills on how to stay healthy outside of rehab. If you are ready to enter detox or inpatient treatment, call All American Detox now at (844) 570-1301 or visit their website at the link here All American Detox Center


How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

Opioids are a kind of drug that a doctor administers to relieve pain. When opioid medicines pass through your circulation, your cells send out signals that reduce pain while promoting calm and pleasure-seeking feelings.

However, taking too many pills might be dangerous to your health, and it is essential to take this medication exactly as directed by your doctor. It is possible to get sleepy on common opioids, but this may lead to death with greater doses. Furthermore, the positive feelings associated with opiate usage may lead you to seek out more enjoyable experiences, perhaps leading to addiction. You may always seek treatment and go through opioid detox if you overdose. Let’s discuss How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction Contact All American Detox Center is one of the leading drug detox center in California to learn about drug detoxification.

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What are opioids?

Opioids are a group of medications derived from the opium poppy plant. Some opioids are extracted directly from plants, while others are synthesized in laboratories by scientists utilizing the same chemical composition. Opioids are often used as medications because they include compounds that relax the body and help alleviate pain, making them popular choices. Coughing and diarrhea may be treated using opioids, typically used to treat moderate to severe pain. 

How can a person become an opioid addict?

Some opioids can also be used to cure coughing and diarrhea. Non-medical use of opioids is common since they may induce feelings of relaxation and happiness.

With opioids, your brain and body might be tricked into believing that medicine is vital to surviving. Addiction might develop if you can’t handle the appropriate dosage and discover that you need more and more drugs to get relief.

If you desire the medication or feel like you can’t control the temptation to use it, you may have an opioid addiction. Keep taking medicine without your doctor’s permission, even though you know it’s harmful to you, and you may get hooked. One particular characteristic of opioid overdose symptoms is a strong desire to engage in a specific behavior.

Is it possible to safely treat pain with opioids?

Doctors in anesthesiology are trained to assist patients in managing their pain while minimizing the adverse effects and the danger of addiction.

  1. Contact your doctor or anesthesiologist:- Consider all non-addictive pain relievers. If opioids are still the best choice, inquire about reducing the dangers and adverse effects. It is essential to notify your doctor about any medical concerns you have and any previous opioid use. Your doctor will want to know about any prior drug or alcohol misuse you have had, and if you are at risk for abusing opioids, you should inform them about it.
  2. Opioids should only be used under the guidance of a physician:- Pay attention to your doctor’s instructions and the label on the medication you are taking. Ask your doctor whether opioids are safe if you are on other drugs.
  3. Observe for adverse reactions:- In addition to tiredness and constipation being common opioid side effects, additional symptoms such as shallow breathing and a decreased heart rate may indicate an overdose. The best way to keep yourself safe is to ask your doctor for advice.
  4. Preparation is essential before undergoing surgery:- Discuss your opioid use and surgery with your surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and any other doctors who may be treating you if you are preparing for an operation. Opioid use might extend your hospital stay and raise your risk of problems after surgery. Before undergoing surgery, your medical staff may assist you in safely managing your pain. During an emergency, the patient can either go to a drug rehab center or get help from one of the many nearby ones.

Advantages of Opioid withdrawal

It is possible to successfully treat withdrawal symptoms with the help of a medical anesthesiologist, even if they are unpleasant to bear. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after discontinuing opioid usage, most patients report increased function without increasing pain. The discomfort may initially worsen as people gradually wean themselves off the medication. Pain management may also benefit from alternative medicines with lower risks and adverse effects.

Removing the opioids might help the pain management professional get a better sense of what is causing you suffering. The doctor will be able to make a more informed decision about your treatment options if they have this information.

Stopping the use of prescription opioids may be difficult but possible

Because withdrawal symptoms like restless nerves or sleeplessness may occur in patients who abruptly stop taking opioids, working with your physician, anesthesiologist, or another doctor to wean yourself off of the medicine gradually is critical.

Knowing what to anticipate while reducing down on medication is essential. Symptoms of opioid withdrawal include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A need for drugs
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • The ground shakes (shaking)

The feelings of anxiety may be lessened by gradually reducing the dose, consulting with the relevant professionals, and receiving psychological assistance. 

Here are some of the things your anesthesiologist doctor can do:

To reduce the severity of opioid withdrawal symptoms, create a custom tapering regimen for yourself.

  • Keep an eye on your signs of withdrawal.
  • Use your feedback to adjust the pace and length of the tapering.
  • Assist you in finding other resources.

Contacting a drug detox center is always an option available for the patients.


Sleeplessness, diarrhea, nausea, and decreased breathing are all common side effects of opiate usage. Opioids may have products that are very close to those of heroin, and misusing prescription pain medicines increases the danger of switching to heroin. Addiction recovery may be aided by various approaches, including medications and behavioral therapy.

Get in touch with one of our addiction counselors at All American Detox Center by dialing our hotline number (844)-570-1301. In order to assist as many people as possible, we aim to cure addiction and help them have a healthier and happier life. We have up-to-date safety measures as per COVID guidelines. 

The Importance of Adaptability in Addiction Treatment Recovery


Making the choice to enter treatment for substance addiction requires an immense amount of change. Transitioning to sobriety includes changes to your way of life for example the way you think and the way you cope. Learning adaptability skills is a great tool for your recovery. The importance of adaptability in addiction recovery is necessary and can help boost your confidence as well. In many cases, we think of change in a negative manner, and we may try to avoid it in any way it comes to us because we are afraid of what that change may bring us whether it be a good or bad change.

We all have the strength within to create change and already have adapted to so many things over the course of generations. Think of all the things you have adapted to in your daily life and know that adaptability in addiction recovery is absolutely possible with strength, courage, and support.

If you are struggling with substance abuse and are ready to learn new adaptability skills, All American Detox Center is the solution for you.

All American Detox is a drug rehab center in Los Angeles that provides you with personalized treatment plans and luxury residential inpatient treatment.

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Importance of Adaptability in Addiction Treatment Recovery

What is Adaptability?

Adaptability is the capacity for an individual to cope, recover, and take advantage of the change that may disrupt the individual’s daily life. Substance addiction comes with many disruptions to an individual’s daily life including work, school, and family.

Adaptability is a very essential skill to develop when in recovery because it allows you to see the many possibilities and opportunities there are that come with first, getting sober, and second, accepting change.

The importance of creating change in addiction recovery can literally change your life for the better, and if you may be nervous just think about all the times you have accepted change or adapted to a new lifestyle. One example of adaptability that has affected societies globally is the covid 19 pandemic. Individuals have had to accept these unanticipated changes in their daily life such as working from home, having online school, losing loved ones, and postponing important events.

If we as a society can adapt to a global pandemic, you too can learn adaptability skills and learn to grow in recovery.

What is Addiction?

When we think of addiction, we may think of individuals who are weak and only care for themselves. We may see them as criminals, dangerous, or annoying to society. This kind of thinking upholds the stigmatization of drugs and may actually cause more harm than good.

Addiction is a chronic disease in the brain and many individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol are trying to escape the pain. For example, the emotional and psychological pain of losing a parent or the physical pain of a traumatic injury.

What are the signs of addiction? Below is a list of some of the signs and symptoms of drug addiction that may be preventing someone from changing their ways.

  • Problems at work, home, or school such as being late, not showing up, or being unable to perform normal work duties
  • Loss of energy of motivation
  • Neglecting one’s appearance
  • Spending a lot of money on the substance
  • Experiencing withdrawal from the substance
  • Lying about using the substance
  • Stealing to get money for the substance

Is addiction controlling your life? If so, it may be time to think about entering a drug alcohol rehab center. The importance of being willing to change in addiction treatment will provide you with so many positive benefits by the end of your stay.

8 Ways to Improve your Adaptability Skills in Addiction Treatment

How can we create adaptability within ourselves? How to improve your adaptability skills in addiction treatment recovery?

An important tip to remember when creating space for change is to take things slow as to not overwhelm yourself and know that adaptability and change will benefit you greatly in your long-term recovery.

Here are 8 ways you can improve your adaptability skills in addiction recovery:

  1. Accept the uncertainty of the future – things change all the time in the world, accept that things may not be the way you want them to be can allow you to keep an open mind
  2. Encourage others to be open-minded – you will need support, and encouraging others to keep an open mind can go a long way
  3. Force yourself to take risks – trying new things may lead you to new opportunities
  4. Learn to compromise – compromising benefits you when you are at work, home, with friends, etc.
  5. Add variety to your routine – maybe include a new diet on a certain day of the week, or incorporate new hobbies to keep things exciting
  6. Change your thought process – this is key to accepting change and moving forward in many situations
  7. Learn to be flexible – being flexible allows you to feel at peace with many tasks
  8. Embrace learning – be ready to learn new skills in recovery

The Importance of Adaptability in Addiction Recovery

A big factor in learning adaptability is changing your mindset and adopting new healthier ways of thinking which will largely benefit you in recovery. Keeping your old mindsets may lead to relapse.


These lifestyle adjustments are necessary to lead a healthy life and allow us to learn, grow and overcome. Entering treatment may feel scary because of the changes that will occur, but you must trust the process and accept that uncertainty and you will come out of treatment feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the world.

Are You Ready For Addiction Treatment?

This drug detox center in Los Angeles is currently accepting new patients and when you enter, you will be talked through the detoxification process and what comes after. When entering treatment, just remember how many positive benefits come with this big change.

Visit All American Detox at their website Alcohol Rehab Center, or call them now at (844) 570-1301.

The Benefits of Family Therapy for Drug Addiction

Family Therapy for Substance Abuse

If you or a loved one is considering addiction treatment, you may already be familiar with group and individual counseling. But what about other forms of therapy? In this article, we will discuss what family therapy is and who benefits from it in an addiction context.

What is family therapy?

Family therapy emerged from psychotherapy in the early 1960s. But unlike psychotherapy, which focuses on resolving issues with the individual, a family therapist looks at how one or more individuals function, resolve conflicts and communicate within the context of their family unit.

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Who Benefits from Family Therapy

Family therapy shows remarkable flexibility in treating disfunction. Family units such as couples, parents with adolescent children, and even less conventional types of family units can benefit from this type of therapy.

In recent decades, many families deviate from the nuclear family norm. A practitioner may work with a family where some or all its members are unrelated. In another situation, cousins, grandparents, or siblings may play more dominant and important roles than is typical. And regardless of who comprises a family system, its members live and develop interdependently.

The Family as a Whole

Addiction is considered by many to be a family disease, and this is for many reasons. One reason is that addiction susceptibility can be inherited genetically. Also, when families succumb to addiction, it is more likely for an environment that perpetuates substance abuse across generations to be created.

The Family of The Addicted Person

If you have somebody in your family who has a substance use disorder (SUD) you are probably experiencing a range of emotions. In the throes of addiction, it is not uncommon for your loved one to engage in life-threatening behaviors, endanger others, become hostile and withdraw from family responsibilities. These behavioral issues can cause additional stress and even rifts in the relationship and may need to be resolved with family counseling.

The Person with an Addiction

A person with an addiction may resort to drug use in part to cope with the dysfunction in their family. They may feel, misunderstood, unloved, or stigmatized by family members. When treatment is underway, this loss of critical support can lead to negative outcomes and prolonged family dysfunction can worsen mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Family therapy offers a way to address concerns on behalf of the patient, which can give them a more positive outlook towards the recovery process. This positively seems to be an important predictor of successful treatment. As one study noted, alcoholics who received family therapy were more likely to enroll in drug detox center and experience positive outcomes than those who did not.

If you are currently in addiction treatment, you may feel isolated or disconnected from your regular life. Family therapy provides a way for loved ones to be more visible and involved in addiction treatment which in many cases benefits the patient.

What are the Goals of Family Therapy?

During a family therapy session, the practitioner will interview and moderate family discussions in order to get a better understanding of how the family unit functions and determine what it does well and what problem areas need to be addressed. Specific goals include:

  • Solving disputes within a family
  • Improving honest engagement
  • Establish boundaries
  • Help families engage in healthy communication
  • Foster compassion and understanding between family members
  • Help individuals develop a greater awareness of family dynamics.


effect of addiction on family

How Family Therapy Works with Addiction Treatment

In the interest of getting everybody on the same page, it is important to educate family members on the realities of addiction.

Family members will need to adjust to understanding addiction is a disease so that they may develop realistic expectations for treatment. Addiction is the result of numerous factors, such as genetics, trauma, mental health, and others but its outcome strips away an individual’s ability to stop using.

Taking steps like these is important for developing empathy and helpful dialogue around the subject of addiction. As family members are often subjected to stress and negative experiences it’s important to channel that into healthy, productive discussion and refrain from blaming and shaming.

If you are the one in addiction treatment, education could mean learning about how attachment styles, mental wellbeing is deeply dependent on how your family functions. This newfound awareness can then be translated to solutions, like the development of boundaries, assertiveness, the development of independence and empowerment.

Where is it Offered?

As previously mentioned, family therapy has proven to be flexible in its ability to treat issues within family systems, but it is also favored for its ability to be purposed in a variety of treatment settings such as:

What Approach is Right for Me?

Family Systems Therapy

Treats individuals based on their role in a larger family system. Because families share a collective history, the behavior and sense of identity that makes one feel unique are interconnected and dependent on the other members.

In addiction treatment, a family systems counselor might help you to recognize how a person’s drug usage is tied to dysfunctional patterns of communication and help them develop tools to increase mindfulness, create healthy boundaries, and promote healthy communication with loved ones.

Family Behavior Therapy (FBT)

An approach suitable for both and adults and adolescents. In this approach, patients work with their family and a therapist to develop behavioral goals. Upon meeting these goals, they are rewarded with a reinforcer or something that encourages them to continue the behavior. For example, parents might reward adolescents for remaining sober or for increasing their school attendance.

Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)

Typically lasting only 3 months split into 12-15 sessions, BSFT is an effective intervention treatment for parents with adolescents who are struggling with substance abuse and other behavioral issues. In this short but effective treatment, the therapist builds a relationship with each member of the family and learns their motives and concerns. Once this phase is completed, and mediation is underway, an action plan is developed to treat the issues and maximize the family’s overall health.

If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about addiction treatment options in the Southern California area– look no further. All American Detox offers premier detox and residential inpatient treatment. For more information, please contact us at the de-addiction helpline number