Inpatient Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

Inpatient Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

An Introduction to Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects the brain. An addict has an intense focus, also known as an obsession, with a substance. The brain doesn’t care if there are negative consequences to the actions of doing drugs or consuming alcohol. This is why society generally views addicts as people who lack self-control but unfortunately, addiction runs much deeper than that. After all, if overcoming addiction was just a matter of teaching self-control, don’t you think there would be a lot fewer drug addicts in the world?

At All American Detox, we know how torturous and devastating addiction can be. We know that no one chooses to be an addict. No one actively chooses to lie to family and friends about their behavior, feel like they have no purpose in life other than getting high, and become in dire financial stress.  

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We’re dedicated to helping anyone we can who is battling addiction. We know every addict deserves the opportunity to get their life back. Today we’d like to discuss the many benefits of residential inpatient rehab and how it can help you overcome your addiction for good. 

Residential Inpatient Treatment Explained

Since addiction is a disease that looks a little different for everyone, there are multiple treatment options. Inpatient treatment is proven to be one of the more successful routes. During inpatient treatment, our clients remove themselves from their normal surroundings so they can focus 100% on recovery. This is one of the most responsible things an addict can do for themselves. This is one of the few instances in their lives where they can and should put themselves first.

Upon checking into inpatient, our clients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine the right course of treatment for them. Then, depending on what substance you’re addicted to, you’ll go through detoxification. During this time, your body will get rid of all of its toxins. It can be extremely dangerous to try to detox on your own, we strongly recommend doing this at a treatment facility. At All American Detox Center, we will make you as comfortable as possible during this process. We will also monitor your vitals constantly to make sure you aren’t experiencing any serious health conditions as a side effect of withdrawing. 

After detox, you will progress to inpatient treatment. You’ll live at our facility while attending various addiction treatment therapies. Depending on the course of treatment determined for you upon arrival, you’ll participate in individual and group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, family therapy, and more. You’ll learn how to live a substance-free life with different coping skills and tools taught during therapy.

Benefits of Inpatient Drug Treatment

benefits of inpatient rehab

  • Support of others: One of the biggest benefits of going to an inpatient treatment center is having the support of others. Getting sober can be intimidating because of the unknown. During inpatient, you’ll be surrounded by other people experiencing the same thing as you which can be really comforting. You’ll also be surrounded by addiction specialists 24/7 in case you have any questions or need anything.
  • Focus: During this time you can focus 100% on treatment! You don’t have to worry about cooking your own meals, work, and other everyday stressors. 
  • Access to different therapies: Most people struggle to get better from addiction or any kind of mental illness because they don’t have access to the right help. During inpatient treatment, you’ll have multiple kinds of therapies to see which is the best fit for you.  

How to Get Help

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, don’t wait to get help. The first step to seeking treatment is making the phone call. You can call our admissions line to get all of the answers to your questions. We’ll also go over insurance information and then coordinate the little details like transportation to our facility. 

Let Us Help!

At All American Detox, we are a compassionate residential inpatient drug rehab. Our professionals provide detox, residential inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare treatment for addiction. This comprehensive program is designed to work with individuals recovering from addiction from start to finish. Our programs blend traditional treatment techniques and modern therapies, tailoring our plans to meet the individual needs of our clients. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you with drug abuse and alcoholism!

How to Prepare for a Stay in Rehab for Alcohol?

How to prepare for a stay in rehab for alcohol - All American Detox

Deciding to get treatment for alcohol addiction is an important first step on the road to recovery, but the planning needed to enter rehabilitation requires special care.

If you are just starting on your recovery journey it is important to educate yourself on the best practices for preparing your stay in rehab for alcohol and other drugs. This includes things like how to settle your affairs with family and you employer as well as how to make use of insurance and paid leave, how to pack, and how to emotionally prepare for rehab.

Planning for addiction treatment

Step 1: Talk to Your Family

Rehabilitation programs can last anywhere from 1-3 months and in that time, you will have little to no contact with the outside world. If you have important roles in your household such as being the primary breadwinner or taking care of children or an elderly parent, it’s important to make sure that your loved ones have everything they need both to survive and to keep your keep up any household responsibilities in your absence.

Here are some additional things you may want to think about before leaving for rehab.1

  1. Assigning someone to pay the bills
  2. Having your mail picked up or forwarded
  3. Securing childcare for your children
  4. Making sure pets will be taken care of

When you feel confident that all your bases are covered at home it will be easier to get into the recovery mindset once you enter treatment.

Step 2: Tell Your Employer

Many understandably have concerns about telling their employer about a substance abuse issue but in most cases, the potential benefits outweigh the risks. If your employer is understanding, they will see your desire for treatment as positive even valuable to the interest of the company.

Telling your employer will also help you to secure vacation time off, sick leave and FMLA (unpaid leave which provides you with 12 weeks of federally protected leave). You will also still retain your medical benefits which will be important for covering the expenses of your stay in a recovery facility as well as any additional aftercare treatment you may need.1,2

Step 3: Packing Your Bags

Rehab centers are secure and isolated facilities. This provides clients with the proper atmosphere to remove themselves from the stressors of daily life to work on their sobriety. Because of this, there are strict rules about what can be brought with you.

For security reasons, there may be items that are absolutely prohibited such as cellphones, laptops or any device that can be connected to the internet as well as clothing that has profane messaging or drug references. Some items like cigarettes, mp3 players or handheld games may be allowed at certain rehab centers but not others.

Just as important as following the guidelines, is packing for the experience. Before going to an unfamiliar place, it is not uncommon to overpack, but you should stick to essentials and make considerations for your environment.

For example, if you are share close quarters with others and you know that there will be on-site laundry facilities you won’t need to pack two or more weeks’ worth of clothes. You also shouldn’t bring clothing that is stiff or uncomfortable.

Instead opt to bring clothing that is cozy attire such as sweaters, sweatpants t-shirts and comfortable footwear. When drug withdrawals kick in, you will be thankful to have them.

It’s also important to note that once you are admitted into rehab, you will have few (if any) opportunities to leave the premises of the recovery center, so it is important to pack smart and come prepared.

Other important items to pack for rehab include the following:3

  • Toiletries (deodorant, shaving razors, a toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, hair care products, soap, and shampoo
  • Athletic clothes
  • Comfortable clothes, socks, and underwear
  • Mp3, CD player or a handheld game that can’t connect to the internet
  • A journal to write in
  • A few good books
  • Insurance card and prescription information

Step 4: Be Ready to Make Connections

The friendships you make while in rehab are crucial to maintaining long-term sobriety. These social support networks are comprised of peers who provide understanding, inspiration and are there to helping in your time of need. Building these relationships is an intentional part of your rehab program and without it you will not get the full benefits or residential inpatient care.

Step 5: Immerse yourself in the experience

Depending on your situation, your reservations about attending rehab. Feeling of guilt or skepticism or worries about leaving family behind are a natural part of things but they shouldn’t stop you from making the most of your time in treatment.

For one many quality rehab facilities have amenities like social areas, gyms, basketball nets or tennis courts that you can utilize in your free time. Some alcohol rehab centers offer holistic treatments like art therapy, equine therapy, yoga and meditation and all of them offer some form of counseling to help you learn more about why you use and how you can best put that knowledge to use while in recovery.

Get prepared mentally

Instead of seeing rehab as an experience that is forced upon you, think of it as an opportunity for self-improvement. So seldomly in life do we get the time to work on ourselves free from the distractions and stressors of the outside world–and there is plenty to learn to learn and do while in rehab.

Having a growth mindset in recovery means believing in your ability as a person to change. Just as alcohol addiction is forged by years of bad habits and poor decisions, so too is it possible to unlearn bad habits and win back your self-control and clarity of mind.

Get Help at All American Detox Center

Are you finally ready to quit drugs and alcohol once and for all?

All American Detox is a drug and alcohol treatment and rehab center located in Los Angeles California. Our detox and residential inpatient programs can help you overcome substance abuse in comfort and with confidence. For more information, call us today at (844) 570-1301.

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety

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Preparing to stay in rehab for alcohol addiction, far from being simple will test your dedication to getting well. There are many moving parts that will need to be handled with due care and consideration such as coordinating with your employer and insurance, setting aside the time and preparing your family for your inevitable departure.

In the days leading up to enrollment you will also need to pack a bag and mentally prepare yourself for the experiences that wait you in alcohol rehab.


Before rehab, how to prepare. (2022, May 25). Retrieved September 17, 2022, from

Family and medical leave (FMLA). United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2022, from

What to pack for inpatient rehabilitation. UPMC HealthBeat. (2022, April 7). Retrieved September 17, 2022, from

Signs & Symptoms of Benzo Addiction

Signs of Benzo Addiction

Benzodiazepines are one of the most abused drugs of all time. Originally, doctors prescribed them to have a calming and relaxing effect on those with psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and much more. But patients tend to keep taking this drug even after the prescribed period as it can be very addictive. Over time, they get addicted to this drug, and it becomes almost impossible to quit.

As the user starts taking more and more doses, there will be plenty of symptoms that the user will develop over time. Some of those symptoms will be short-term, while others can be long-term and may also damage vital functions of our body. However, if the user is made aware of the potential issues and how that drug is destroying their body, they may choose to seek help and get the addiction treatment that they need.

Signs and Symptoms of Benzo Addiction

symptoms of benzo addiction

If we take a clear look at the signs and symptoms of Benzodiazepine addiction, we can see that it can negatively impact an individual’s body. The only way of getting rid of this addiction is to seek help and get into an inpatient drug rehab program. With that said, let’s take a look at some of the symptoms found in an individual’s body due to the use of Benzodiazepines abuse:

  • The Body Weakens Severely: This drug can severely decrease the inner muscle strength by weakening it from the core.
  • Slurry Speech: If the individual is high on benzodiazepine, it could lead to confusion and uncertainty. This is because the drug in their system makes it impossible for the neurons in the brain to communicate with each other thoroughly.
  • Poor Decision Making: The effect of drug abuse often leads to poor decision-making as the brain is high on the drug.
  • Blurry vision: Due to the overuse of benzodiazepines, the neurons in the brain may slowly lose the ability to make proper contact with the eyes.
  • Fatigue or Sleepiness: Due to the tranquilizer effects of benzodiazepines, you may feel more tired and sleepy during the day.
  • Sleeping disorder: The individual’s sleep cycle is also affected by the abuse of benzodiazepines. If the sleep cycle goes out of sync, one may get less sleep at night and more sleepiness in the daytime.
  • Anxiety: This drug can seriously affect our neuron’s chemical levels, leading to anxiety and stress.
  • Anorexia: When a person is under the influence of benzo, they may lose their appetite.
  • Death: Even though it is not that common, it can occur, especially in cases of a drug overdose. The regular abuse of benzodiazepines can create life-threatening symptoms for the patient. 

How Can Detox Centers Help?

Drug Detox Centers are a boon to the modern world where drug usage is rampant, and the number of users increases every day, especially among teenagers and young adults. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, around 53 million Americans above 12 have abused some form of a prescribed drug or other illegal drugs. This number increases threefold if you also include alcohol abuse.

But only 10% of these people seek help, and this number should shock you. Often stigma, fear, or concerns about getting fired from a job prevents people from seeking help, which should change.

That’s where the All American Detox Center comes into play. This drug detox center has received various certifications and is highly recommended. They have well-trained staff and doctors on-site 24/7 and follow proper treatment procedures to cure the symptoms and get rid of the root cause behind their addiction. The All American Detox Center is one of the best-known California detox centers, and they are equipped to deal with the worst of physical and mental issues. They come highly recommended.

Final Words

At All American Detox Center, we have a fully equipped and well-executed plan for providing the utmost to individuals suffering from drug addiction. Addiction to drugs or any substance, benzodiazepines or else, can negatively impact the individual’s body, making it a host for many symptoms. Just call the All American Detox Center at +1 844-570-1301 and get the benefits of their drug detoxification programs. 


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Meth Abuse: Signs, Symptoms & Addiction Treatment

meth abuse - signs and symptoms


As a neurotoxin stimulant, meth is a highly addictive drug that has the power to alter the chemistry of our brain if left untreated significantly. Over time, it could manifest itself in the physical body, mood, behavior, and mental and psychological issues. The cause of meth addiction is not known, but it involves several factors such as biological, genetic, psychological, environmental, and even the availability of the drug. The good news is that it’s not very hard to notice some of the meth addiction signs and symptoms, and it is highly treatable. Organizations such as All American Detox Center have over 30 years of experience and have been helping user users beat addiction for a long time.

If you believe you or someone you love may be struggling with addiction, let us hear your story and help you determine a path to treatment. To learn more about addiction treatment, there are a number of confidential, free, and no-obligation ways to contact us.


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What is Meth Addiction?

Meth is a drug that is scientifically known as Methamphetamine. It is a neurotoxin stimulant that causes a temporary effect on the brain, which makes one feel a sudden sense of happiness, wakefulness, confidence, and rush. Addiction to meth can be debilitating, but there is hope for recovery. After quitting the drug, there is evidence that the brain can return to a normal state after a significant period of sobriety. 

When subjected to this neurotoxic drug, the feeling that one gets creates an addiction in them. Once the drug hits the brain, they get this sudden feeling of rush, confidence, happiness, among other emotions that they may have never felt before, at least not without the drug or with this intensity. But these feelings are temporary, and they go away slowly as the drug begins to wear off.

The effects can last 6 to 8 hours depending on the dosage taken, and it can be further extended to 12 hours. Once the drug wears off, all the feelings of happiness, self-confidence, and positivity go away, and the users come back to the same state that they were before the introduction to the drug. Not to mention, some side effects may also begin manifesting after the drug wears off. They will feel much worse as time passes, and the mind will crave the feelings they had when they were on the drug. It will quickly leave them wanting more, which will worsen as time passes. Unable to control the urge, they may take the drug again and thus creating a vicious cycle that leads to meth addiction.

The drug works by causing your brain to release large amounts of dopamine levels, giving you feelings of pleasure. Our brain can also create dopamine levels naturally through various activities that bring joy and happiness. However, suppose the drug is consumed multiple times. In that case, it will completely disrupt the brain’s natural ability to produce dopamine levels and become dependent on the drug to have the said dopamine levels. So, with no natural dopamine production, they will not feel happiness, joy, or confidence, no matter what they do, and taking the drug is the only way to find happiness again. This is how meth addiction or meth drug abuse takes place.

signs of meth abuse

Causes of Meth Addiction

Unfortunately, there are no exact causes for why an addiction manifests in a person. It depends on several factors that a person experiences, and it also changes from person to person. But here are the 4 factors that various drug detox center believes contributes to the addiction to meth. Have a look at the causes of meth addiction:

1. Biological and Genetical

If the parents or close relatives struggled with addiction in the past, their children’s chances of drug addiction would be a lot higher. The genes get passed on to the children, putting them at risk of getting addicted.

2. Environmental

If a person’s environment is rife with addiction, that creates significant issues. Certain factors such as peer pressure or curiosity can push them to try. Many times, one try is what it takes to get addicted.

3. Psychological

Untreated depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness can often push a person to turn to drugs to see if they can help them. This urge for self-medication often leads them down the path of addiction that is very hard to overcome.

4. Higher Availability of the Drug

Meth is very cheap as the ingredients needed to make Methamphetamine can even be found in common cold medicines. All one needs to do is isolate the ingredients and process them for consumption, and that’s it. Due to the relatively easy process, it can be cheaper than actual medication. So, people would rather take the drug instead of going to a doctor and taking prescribed medication.

Meth Addiction Signs and Symptoms 

As people become more addicted, they may go through a series of changes in their moods, behavioral, psychological, and even physical bodies. Let’s see what kind of changes they go through exactly.

Signs and Symptoms Related to Mood

Depression, anxiety, euphoria, or even the overall sense of happiness and sadness are possible factors that can change a person’s mood.

Signs and Symptoms Related to Behavior

Here are some potential signs and symptoms when it comes to behavioral changes-

  1. Social Isolation
  2. A risky pattern of behavior
  3. Aggression
  4. Impulsiveness
  5. Incarceration
  6. Significant increase or decreases in appetite

Signs and Symptoms Related to Psychology

Suppose a person has been abusing meth for a while. In that case, specific psychological signs & symptoms will begin to manifest, such as nervousness, repetitive activities, paranoia, hallucination, and even a sensation of bugs under the skin.

Signs and Symptoms Related to Physical

Here are some potential signs and symptoms when it comes to physical changes-

  1. Twitches, spasms, and shakes
  2. The feeling of nausea and vomiting
  3. Insomnia
  4. Hair loss and open sores
  5. Vasoconstriction leading to tachycardia.
  6. Liver damage
  7. Fluctuations in body temperature

While these are the usual signs and symptoms of meth addiction, the meth drug overdose symptoms will be much more severe and will require immediate meth addiction treatment

Meth Detoxification at All American Detox Center

The primary goal of All American Detox Center is to help anyone who’s going through addiction with a thorough proper education and treatment. Education on what is happening to their mind and body is vital to make them aware of the drug’s dangerous side effects. They use proven methods for addiction treatment that are customized for every individual. Meth detoxification is nothing but the withdrawal of methamphetamines. After a prolonged withdrawal, the body will automatically get rid of toxins and hence the name detox, a.k.a. Detoxification.

But the issue is that when they are withdrawn from meth, their body will go through a series of symptoms called withdrawal symptoms, and if they are not managed properly, things can get much worse. It is necessary that they get the right meth addiction treatment and that’s why we recommend All American Detox Center. Their proven meth addiction treatment methods are not only very effective at managing the symptoms but also help a user pass through the stage of withdrawal. They have an inpatient drug rehab & detox center based in Woodland Hills in California.


Meth is one of the most common and highly addictive drugs that can cause some significant damage to a person over time if left untreated. So, if you know someone who’s going through meth addiction or any other addiction, get them the help they need by getting them to a meth detox center in Los Angeles. Contact us if you want to know anything more.

Cocaine Addiction Statistics: How Dangerous Is It?

Cocaine Statistics: How Dangerous Is It?

Classed as a schedule II drug by the government, that alone should paint a stark picture of just how hazardous cocaine is. For those not well versed in drug scheduling, II is defined as, “drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence. These drugs are also considered dangerous”. Cocaine Addiction

While there are medical uses for it, one being as a topical anesthetic, when used as recreational drug cocaine leads to disastrous effects.

It’s a powerfully addictive stimulant that works by flooding the brain with dopamine and providing a fleetingly brief euphoric high. The fact that it lasts a short time leads people to use it again to achieve hit those same levels of dopamine eventually leading to building up a tolerance which can quickly turn into an addiction.

If you’re struggling with cocaine addiction or know someone who is, reach out to us at All American Detox, and let’s get you the help you need.

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History of Cocaine

Oddly enough, cocaine has technically been in use for millennia. The indigenous people of South America have been ingesting and chewing on coca leaves, Erythroxylon coca being the source of cocaine, for thousands of years because of their stimulant effects.

It’s essentially one of the oldest known natural stimulants and it wasn’t until the mid-19th century that a German chemist, Albert Nieman, isolated cocaine from those coca leaves.

Famed neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, thought cocaine to be a miracle drug and published a paper on it called “Über Coca”. What he was less aware of at the time were the addictive properties of the drug and thus ended up with addiction.

In that same era, in 1886, a drink invented by John Pemberton was just hitting the soda fountains and eventually the stores. A cocaine-infused beverage known as Coca-Cola with the cocaine itself was removed in 1903.

The 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act heavily regulated cocaine and opiate products and things remained relatively quiet until the explosion of cocaine/crack cocaine in the ’70s and ’80s. From that high watermark, usage has declined quite a bit.

Cocaine Use Statistics in America

While usage is down, it’s by no means under control or at an acceptable level.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2014, about 913,000 Americans met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria for dependence or abuse of cocaine (in any form) during the past 12 months.

Additionally, over 1 in 3 drug misuse or abuse-related emergency department visits involved cocaine.

A 2018 study showed that by far the highest use prevalence for the drug is among those in the 18 to 25 year old demographic with 5.8% saying they’ve used in the past year.

Disconcertingly, 2.2% of high school seniors say they’ve used cocaine in the last year, and with roughly 3.7 million high school seniors in America, that works out to about 81,400 that have used cocaine.

Read about:  How Long Does Cocaine Addiction Treatment Recovery Take?

How to Get Help with A Cocaine Addiction

Getting help with cocaine addiction is easier now than ever before and will hopefully get even easier as the stigma associated with addiction fades.

All treatment programs start with detox (for the most part), treating the mind and the mental aspects of addiction can’t be done in any robust way until the drug, aka toxin, is out of your body completely. From there you’d either enter an inpatient treatment program where a team of licensed professionals would develop an evidence-based program tailored to your needs.

Inpatient care focuses on counseling and group therapy to help you work through what led you to addiction and also to lay the groundwork for a life of sobriety. To equip you with the tools you need to overcome cravings and distractions and stick with recovery long term.

 After that, you’d be on your way to outpatient care, a stripped-back version of inpatient care that doesn’t require a long stay, and then transitioning back to your day-to-day by way of aftercare or a sober living home. Whichever suits you best.


Medical Detox: What to Expect During Detox

rehab center in woodland hills

The first stage of most addiction treatment plans is detox. This is where you actually break your body’s physical reliance on drugs and/or alcohol and allow yourself to go through withdrawal. Because physical dependency plays such a big role in drug abuse, detox is crucial to moving forward and entering recovery. The medical detox process is not necessarily an easy one, but it can be done when the right steps are taken.

It all starts with having professional help at your side. While it may be tempting for some people to just quit cold turkey or to try detoxing in the comfort of their home, both of these can actually be quite dangerous (much less ineffective). It is important to be monitored by professionals who will help ease you off the substance as smoothly as possible. This is where medical detox comes in. 

All American Detox Center Can Help!

At All American Detox, we believe everyone can recover from addiction when given the right treatment and coping tools. Our state-of-the-art facility in Woodland Hills, California offers a variety of programs to suit different needs, including drug detox, residential inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment.

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We also offer ongoing aftercare services to help you maintain sobriety long into the future. When you’re ready to take back control from drug abuse and gain the healthy life you deserve.

What Is Medical Detox? 

Medical detox is the clearance of toxic addictive substances from the body under the guidance of a team of licensed medical professionals. Unlike traditional medical detox, which involves cutting the addicted person off from all substances (including standard medication), medical detox acknowledges the dangers of forcing the body to just up and cut off the substance. Trained medical staff members supervise the patient and even administer medication as needed.

Furthermore, any form of detox results in withdrawal symptoms, but more severe symptoms can occur when patients do not have medical intervention. Withdrawal symptoms here can be more than unpleasant — in some cases, the body can even go into shock or cardiac arrest. Medical detox can stop this from happening by easing symptoms more gradually through medication. Naturally, it’s also worth noting that having trained medical staff members on hand can instantly intervene if there are any dangerous physical reactions. 

Who Is Medical Detox Recommended For?

Almost anyone who engages in heavy drug abuse and has a strong physical addiction is a candidate for medical detox. With that said, certain kinds of addictions may benefit more than others:

People using any of the following drugs may need medically managed/supervised detox:

  • Alcohol – Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be extreme, and they have been known to be life-threatening in certain cases of long-term heavy use (singer Amy Winehouse is a famous case of a person passing away from alcohol withdrawal).  There are several Benefits of Medical Detox for Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Benzodiazepines – Benzodiazepines (often seen in the form of Xanax or valium) can result in life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if use is suddenly cut off. It is strongly recommended that people with these kinds of addictions never attempt to detox on their own without medical supervision.
  • Heroin and opiate prescription pills – Opiate withdrawal is usually not life-threatening, but symptoms can be painful and extremely uncomfortable.
  • Cocaine – Detoxification from cocaine can result in extreme mood swings and may even lead to violent tendencies.
  • Methamphetamine – Similar to cocaine withdrawal, detoxification from other stimulants like methamphetamine can lead to mood imbalances that are challenging to manage without medical intervention. 

What to Expect During Medical Detox?

The process of detoxification can begin soon after you check-in for your addiction treatment program. You will receive a standard examination from a medical professional who will take your vitals and go over your health history. Depending on the kind of drug abuse and the severity of the addiction, your body will naturally start to exhibit withdrawal symptoms within several hours (though again, the exact amount of time will vary from patient to patient and depends on the addiction). 

medical detox

Withdrawal symptoms can include the following:

  • Sweating
  • Fever / flu-like symptoms
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pains
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Insomnia/difficulty sleeping
  • Eye irritation
  • Confusion / disorientation
  • Anxiety/depression

The drug detox center California team will supervise you throughout the process and work to keep you safe and as comfortable as possible. They will also administer medication to help manage your symptoms and keep your detox more gradual rather than abrupt. How long detox lasts will vary greatly between patients, but once it is over, you will be free to move forward into counseling and other important components of addiction recovery. 

How Medical Detoxification Leads to Long-Term Sobriety

The likelihood of relapse can be significantly lowered when medical detox is chosen. The body is allowed to move away from physical drug dependency more gradually, letting you gently ease into sobriety. Many patients leave medical detox feeling healthier and better with themselves physically than they have in months or even years, decreasing the urge to start using again. 

Another important component of medical detox is the hands-on help that surrounds it. Many people go into addiction treatment reluctant to rely on others for help. But the success of medical detox shows that the best results often come when accepting help from other people. This in turn allows patients to enter into counseling with greater positivity and receptiveness. 

You can also read:  5 Benefits of Medical Detox for Alcohol Withdrawal