How Long Does It Take to Rewire the Brain from Addiction?

How Long Does It Take to Rewire the Brain from Addiction

Embarking on the journey to understand the intricate process of rewiring the brain from addiction involves delving deep into neuroscience. Addiction doesn’t just affect behavior; it leaves an indelible mark on the very fabric of our brains. 

In this exploration, we will navigate the Areas Of the Brain Affected by Addiction, seeking answers to crucial questions such as “When Does Brain Chemistry Normalize After Detox?” and “What Does it Mean to Rewire the Brain from Addiction?”

Understanding Addiction and Brain

Addiction has a profound impact on the limbic system, hijacking the brain’s reward circuitry. The nucleus accumbens, a key player in pleasure and reward, becomes trapped in the clutches of substances, creating a vicious cycle reinforcing destructive behaviors. 

Additionally, the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and impulse control, undergoes significant alterations, further complicating the journey to recovery.

Now, How Long To Rewire The Brain From Addiction?

How Long To Rewire The Brain From Addiction


The question lingering in many minds is, “How long does it take to rewire the brain from addiction?” Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. 

The duration of the rewiring process depends on diverse factors, such as the type and severity of addiction, individual resilience, and the support system in place.

Early Stages: Establishing New Habits

In the initial months of recovery, individuals focus on breaking the cycle of addiction and establishing new, healthy habits. This stage is critical in laying the groundwork for sustained change. Creating a routine that supports recovery, incorporating healthy activities, and cultivating positive relationships contribute significantly to the rewiring process.

Midpoint: Consolidating Gains

Individuals often experience a sense of accomplishment and stability as the journey progresses. The brain begins to adapt to the absence of addictive substances, and individuals learn to navigate life without relying on them. Both individual and group-based therapeutic interventions play a crucial role in consolidating the gains made during the early stages.

Long-Term Recovery: A Lifelong Commitment

Reaching the point of long-term recovery is a testament to an individual’s commitment and resilience. While the intensity of cravings may diminish over time, maintaining a rewired brain requires ongoing effort. Continuous engagement with support systems, regular therapy sessions, and participation in community-based recovery programs are integral to sustaining the positive changes.

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The Impact on Different Brain Regions

Frontal Cortex: 

One of the pivotal areas affected by addiction is the frontal cortex. This region, responsible for decision-making and impulse control, undergoes significant alterations in the wake of substance abuse. The relentless pursuit of addictive substances can compromise the executive functions of the frontal cortex, leading to a loss of control over one’s actions.

Limbic System: 

The limbic system, particularly the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala, plays a central role in the experience of pleasure and emotional responses. Addiction hijacks this system, creating an overpowering drive to seek substances for pleasure. Breaking this cycle requires not only detoxification but a comprehensive approach to address the emotional imprints left by addiction.


The hippocampus, vital for memory and learning, is not spared from the impact of addiction. Substance abuse can disrupt the formation of new memories and hinder the ability to learn from past experiences. Rewiring the brain necessitates breaking the physiological chains and reconstructing the cognitive pathways in the hippocampus.

When Does Brain Chemistry Normalize After Detox? Unveiling the Timeline of Transformation

Detox is the initial step toward liberation from addiction, but a critical question looms: when does the intricate dance of brain chemistry return to a state of equilibrium? Post-detox, the body undergoes a healing process, shedding the remnants of the substance that held it captive. The duration varies, contingent on factors such as substance type, use duration, and individual physiology.

It’s a gradual metamorphosis, a symphony of molecular adjustments. For some, the pendulum of normalcy swings sooner, while others may endure a more prolonged recalibration. Understanding that the normalization of brain chemistry is a gradual, not instantaneous, process is paramount. Patience becomes the compass guiding individuals through this intricate odyssey.

What Does it Mean to Rewire the Brain from Addiction? Decoding the Essence of Transformation

Rewiring the brain from addiction transcends the physiological realm; it’s a profound metamorphosis that extends into the very fabric of one’s being. It involves dismantling the profoundly ingrained patterns etched by addiction and forging new neural pathways rooted in health and resilience.

This journey necessitates not only abstaining from substances but also actively engaging in therapeutic modalities. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as a Catalyst

Rewiring the brain from addiction isn’t a passive process. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a powerful catalyst in this journey. It focuses on identifying and modifying destructive thought patterns and behaviors, encouraging a profound transformation in how the brain responds to stimuli.

Mindfulness Practices: A Mind-Body Harmony

Integrating mindfulness practices further enhances the rewiring process. Mindfulness meditation and yoga foster a mind-body connection, aiding individuals in navigating cravings and developing a heightened awareness of their thoughts and emotions. This holistic approach contributes significantly to the restoration of balance in brain function.


In addiction recovery, understanding the terrain is half the battle. Acknowledging the areas of the brain affected, grasping the timeline of post-detox normalization, and embracing the essence of rewiring lay the foundation for a transformative journey.

The journey to rewire the brain from addiction is a profound and transformative experience. The duration of this process is as unique as the individual undertaking it. The key lies in acknowledging the complexity of addiction, embracing the support available, and committing to the ongoing work required for lasting change.

Understanding the Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal

What are the Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal

When it comes to grappling with alcohol addiction, understanding the stages of alcohol withdrawal is crucial. Withdrawal is a complex process that varies in intensity, and individuals may experience it differently based on factors such as the duration and intensity of alcohol consumption. 

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the three main stages of alcohol withdrawal: Mild, Moderate, and Severe.

Understanding the Complexity of Alcohol Addiction

Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol addiction is a nuanced and intricate challenge that affects individuals differently. A professional support system ensures a holistic understanding of the complexities involved. 

Unlike self-directed attempts at recovery, where the focus might be on symptomatic relief, professionals delve into the root causes, providing a more thorough and effective treatment plan.

Mild Withdrawal

Recognizing the Signs

In the initial stage of alcohol withdrawal, individuals typically encounter mild symptoms as their bodies start adjusting to the absence of alcohol. Mild withdrawal symptoms may include headaches, nausea, and irritability. These are the body’s early signals that it is transitioning from a state of dependence on alcohol to a state of sobriety.

Coping Strategies

It’s crucial to approach mild withdrawal with a proactive mindset. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as deep breathing exercises or light physical activity, can assist in alleviating these initial symptoms. Staying hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet also contribute to a smoother transition.

Moderate Withdrawal

Escalating Symptoms

As the withdrawal process progresses, individuals may enter the moderate withdrawal stage. During this phase, symptoms intensify, potentially involving more pronounced psychological and physical challenges. Moderate withdrawal symptoms may include heightened anxiety, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure.

Seeking Professional Support

Given the escalating nature of moderate withdrawal, seeking professional assistance becomes imperative. Medical supervision and support from addiction specialists can provide a structured and safe environment for individuals navigating this challenging stage. Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms and ensure a more comfortable withdrawal experience.

Severe Withdrawal

A Critical Phase

Severe alcohol withdrawal, also known as delirium tremens (DT), represents the most critical stage. This phase is characterized by severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms, including hallucinations, seizures, and extreme confusion. It is crucial to recognize the severity of these symptoms and seek immediate medical attention.

Emergency Intervention

Severe withdrawal demands immediate medical intervention

Hospitalization is often necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual experiencing these intense symptoms. Medications such as benzodiazepines may be administered under close medical supervision to prevent seizures and manage the overall severity of the withdrawal process.

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Why Choose Professional Support for Alcohol Addiction?

Opting for professional assistance during alcohol withdrawal is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity. Our team at All American Detox in California emphasizes the following reasons:

Medical Supervision: Ensuring Safety

Alcohol withdrawal can pose serious health risks, and having medical professionals oversee the process ensures immediate intervention in case of complications. Safety is our top priority.

Tailored Treatment Plans: Addressing Individual Needs

Each individual’s journey through withdrawal is unique. Our experts craft personalized treatment plans, considering each person’s specific challenges and needs.

Emotional Support: Nurturing Mental Well-Being

Withdrawal is not just a physical process; it profoundly affects mental well-being. Our team provides unwavering emotional support, understanding the importance of addressing physical and psychological aspects.

Access to Evidence-Based Therapies

Effective alcohol addiction treatment relies on evidence-based therapies that have demonstrated success in helping individuals overcome their struggles. 

Professional support grants access to various evidence-based therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational enhancement therapy (MET), and contingency management. These proven methodologies significantly contribute to the success of the recovery journey.

Ongoing Counseling and Support

Recovery is not a one-time event but a continuous process that requires ongoing support. Professional assistance provides individuals with regular counseling sessions, support groups, and follow-up care, fostering a sustained commitment to sobriety. This ongoing support significantly reduces the risk of relapse and enhances the chances of long-term success.

Integration of Holistic Therapies

Beyond traditional therapeutic approaches, professional support often integrates holistic therapies that address the individual’s mind, body, and spirit. These may include yoga, mindfulness meditation, art therapy, and nutritional counseling. Incorporating holistic therapies enhances the individual’s overall well-being, promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Building a Supportive Network

Professional support extends beyond the individual, involving family members and loved ones in recovery. Building a supportive network is instrumental in creating a positive environment that reinforces the commitment to sobriety. Education, communication, and support network involvement contribute to a more robust and enduring recovery.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Acknowledging and seeking help for alcohol addiction can be a sensitive and private matter. Professional support provides a confidential and secure environment, allowing individuals to address their struggles without fear of judgment or social repercussions. This confidentiality encourages open communication and honesty, crucial elements in recovery.


Understanding the stages of alcohol withdrawal is paramount for anyone dealing with alcohol addiction or supporting a loved one through the recovery journey. 

By recognizing the importance of professional assistance, individuals embark on a transformative journey that addresses the immediate challenges of addiction and lays the foundation for a sustainable and fulfilling future.

From the mild discomfort of initial withdrawal to the potentially life-threatening nature of severe withdrawal, each stage requires a tailored approach and, in many cases, professional intervention.

All American Detox is not just a treatment center; it’s a partner in your journey toward a brighter, addiction-free future. Take the first step towards recovery – reach out to us today.

Steps On How to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

How to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

In our commitment to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery, we delve into the crucial steps to convince someone to seek help at an inpatient drug rehab center. 

At All American Detox, we understand the complexities of this process and have developed a comprehensive guide on convincing someone to go to rehab effectively.

Acknowledging the Issue

Before delving into the steps, it’s crucial to recognize the gravity of the situation. Substance abuse affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. Our team at All American detox emphasizes the importance of approaching this matter with empathy and compassion.

Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

Step 1: Establish Open Communication

Creating a Safe Space

Initiating a conversation about rehab requires a safe and non-judgmental environment. Encourage open dialogue, ensuring the person feels heard and understood. Our experienced counselors at All American Detox Center stress the significance of active listening during this stage.

Step 2: Provide Education on Addiction

Breaking Stigmas

Education is a powerful tool in combating the stigmas surrounding addiction. In this step, it’s essential to offer factual information about the nature of addiction, its impact on mental and physical health, and the available treatment options. Our team specializes in providing accurate and easy-to-understand resources.

Step 3: Highlight the Benefits of Rehab

Painting a Positive Picture

Conveying the positive aspects of rehab can significantly influence the decision-making process. Emphasize the potential for personal growth, renewed relationships, and a healthier lifestyle. At All American Detox Center, we tailor our programs to maximize these benefits for each individual.

Step 4: Address Concerns and Fears

Open Dialogue on Apprehensions

It’s common for individuals to have reservations about entering rehab. Address these concerns openly, discussing the specific fears they may have. Our team excels in providing reassurance and practical solutions to alleviate these worries.

Step 5: Offer Support and Involvement

Building a Support System

Assure the person that they won’t be alone in this journey. Highlight the importance of a robust support system involving family and friends in recovery. Our holistic approach at All American Detox encompasses comprehensive support and fosters a sense of community.

Step 6: Presenting Treatment Options

Tailored Solutions

Every individual’s journey to recovery is unique. Detail the various treatment options available, explaining how each is customized to address specific needs. Our team at All American Detox excels in creating personalized treatment plans for optimal results.

addiction treatment

Reasons to Get Clean and Sober

Embarking on the path to recovery involves acknowledging the compelling reasons to embrace a clean and sober lifestyle. The detrimental impact of substance abuse on physical and mental health cannot be overstated. It’s imperative to underscore the damaging consequences on relationships, careers, and overall well-being.

Benefits of Getting Clean and Sober

Physical and Mental Well-being

Emphasize the immediate and long-term health benefits associated with sobriety. From improved sleep to enhanced mental clarity, the positives are numerous.

Rebuilding Relationships

Explore the impact of addiction on relationships and highlight how embracing sobriety can lead to the restoration of trust and connection.

Personal Growth and Fulfillment

Discuss the potential for self-discovery and growth that comes with breaking free from the chains of addiction.

The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs

Recovery is a nuanced process, often best navigated through established frameworks. The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs provide a well-structured roadmap for individuals striving for sobriety. 

Incorporating these steps into the narrative lends credibility and demonstrates a commitment to evidence-based practices.

  1. Admitting Powerlessness: Acknowledge the inability to control addiction independently.
  2. Believing in a Higher Power: Emphasize the spiritual aspect of recovery, regardless of religious affiliation.
  3. Surrendering to the Process: Highlight the significance of submitting to a proven recovery process.
  4. Taking a Moral Inventory: Encourage introspection and self-reflection as essential to personal growth.
  5. Admitting Wrongs: Emphasize the therapeutic value of admitting mistakes and seeking amends.

Continue elaborating on each step, emphasizing the transformative power embedded in the structured approach of the 12-step program.

Medication-Assisted Therapy in Rehab

In the realm of addiction recovery, embracing innovative approaches is vital. Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) in rehab is a game-changer for many individuals seeking a comprehensive solution to addiction. Incorporating this aspect into the persuasion strategy adds a layer of modernity and effectiveness.

Detail the benefits of MAT, such as minimizing withdrawal symptoms, preventing relapse, and promoting long-term recovery. Highlight success stories and statistical evidence supporting the efficacy of this approach, establishing it as a beacon of hope for those contemplating rehab.

Providing a Holistic Overview

Providing a holistic overview is essential to craft a persuasive argument that stands out. Touch on the psychological, emotional, and physical aspects of addiction and recovery. Address individuals’ fears and reservations about entering a rehab facility, assuaging concerns with concrete information and success stories.


Convincing someone to go to rehab is a nuanced process that demands empathy, education, and support. At All American Detox, we have outlined these comprehensive steps to guide individuals toward making the life-changing decision to seek help. 

By focusing on the tangible benefits of inpatient drug rehab, the transformative 12 steps, and the supportive role of medication-assisted therapy, you can guide your loved one toward a life of sobriety and fulfillment.

At All American Detox, we want to help those who are struggling with addiction and want to live a better, healthier life. Contact us today to speak with one of our addiction treatment professionals and find out how we can assist you!

Remember, each person’s path is distinctive, and our experienced team is here to navigate this journey with them.

Inpatient Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

Inpatient Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

An Introduction to Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects the brain. An addict has an intense focus, also known as an obsession, with a substance. The brain doesn’t care if there are negative consequences to the actions of doing drugs or consuming alcohol. This is why society generally views addicts as people who lack self-control but unfortunately, addiction runs much deeper than that. After all, if overcoming addiction was just a matter of teaching self-control, don’t you think there would be a lot fewer drug addicts in the world?

At All American Detox, we know how torturous and devastating addiction can be. We know that no one chooses to be an addict. No one actively chooses to lie to family and friends about their behavior, feel like they have no purpose in life other than getting high, and become in dire financial stress.  

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We’re dedicated to helping anyone we can who is battling addiction. We know every addict deserves the opportunity to get their life back. Today we’d like to discuss the many benefits of residential inpatient rehab and how it can help you overcome your addiction for good. 

Residential Inpatient Treatment Explained

Since addiction is a disease that looks a little different for everyone, there are multiple treatment options. Inpatient treatment is proven to be one of the more successful routes. During inpatient treatment, our clients remove themselves from their normal surroundings so they can focus 100% on recovery. This is one of the most responsible things an addict can do for themselves. This is one of the few instances in their lives where they can and should put themselves first.

Upon checking into inpatient, our clients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine the right course of treatment for them. Then, depending on what substance you’re addicted to, you’ll go through detoxification. During this time, your body will get rid of all of its toxins. It can be extremely dangerous to try to detox on your own, we strongly recommend doing this at a treatment facility. At All American Detox Center, we will make you as comfortable as possible during this process. We will also monitor your vitals constantly to make sure you aren’t experiencing any serious health conditions as a side effect of withdrawing. 

After detox, you will progress to inpatient treatment. You’ll live at our facility while attending various addiction treatment therapies. Depending on the course of treatment determined for you upon arrival, you’ll participate in individual and group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, family therapy, and more. You’ll learn how to live a substance-free life with different coping skills and tools taught during therapy.

Benefits of Inpatient Drug Treatment

benefits of inpatient rehab

  • Support of others: One of the biggest benefits of going to an inpatient treatment center is having the support of others. Getting sober can be intimidating because of the unknown. During inpatient, you’ll be surrounded by other people experiencing the same thing as you which can be really comforting. You’ll also be surrounded by addiction specialists 24/7 in case you have any questions or need anything.
  • Focus: During this time you can focus 100% on treatment! You don’t have to worry about cooking your own meals, work, and other everyday stressors. 
  • Access to different therapies: Most people struggle to get better from addiction or any kind of mental illness because they don’t have access to the right help. During inpatient treatment, you’ll have multiple kinds of therapies to see which is the best fit for you.  

How to Get Help

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, don’t wait to get help. The first step to seeking treatment is making the phone call. You can call our admissions line to get all of the answers to your questions. We’ll also go over insurance information and then coordinate the little details like transportation to our facility. 

Let Us Help!

At All American Detox, we are a compassionate residential inpatient drug rehab. Our professionals provide detox, residential inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare treatment for addiction. This comprehensive program is designed to work with individuals recovering from addiction from start to finish. Our programs blend traditional treatment techniques and modern therapies, tailoring our plans to meet the individual needs of our clients. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you with drug abuse and alcoholism!

How to Prepare for a Stay in Rehab for Alcohol?

How to prepare for a stay in rehab for alcohol - All American Detox

Deciding to get treatment for alcohol addiction is an important first step on the road to recovery, but the planning needed to enter rehabilitation requires special care.

If you are just starting on your recovery journey it is important to educate yourself on the best practices for preparing your stay in rehab for alcohol and other drugs. This includes things like how to settle your affairs with family and you employer as well as how to make use of insurance and paid leave, how to pack, and how to emotionally prepare for rehab.

Planning for addiction treatment

Step 1: Talk to Your Family

Rehabilitation programs can last anywhere from 1-3 months and in that time, you will have little to no contact with the outside world. If you have important roles in your household such as being the primary breadwinner or taking care of children or an elderly parent, it’s important to make sure that your loved ones have everything they need both to survive and to keep your keep up any household responsibilities in your absence.

Here are some additional things you may want to think about before leaving for rehab.1

  1. Assigning someone to pay the bills
  2. Having your mail picked up or forwarded
  3. Securing childcare for your children
  4. Making sure pets will be taken care of

When you feel confident that all your bases are covered at home it will be easier to get into the recovery mindset once you enter treatment.

Step 2: Tell Your Employer

Many understandably have concerns about telling their employer about a substance abuse issue but in most cases, the potential benefits outweigh the risks. If your employer is understanding, they will see your desire for treatment as positive even valuable to the interest of the company.

Telling your employer will also help you to secure vacation time off, sick leave and FMLA (unpaid leave which provides you with 12 weeks of federally protected leave). You will also still retain your medical benefits which will be important for covering the expenses of your stay in a recovery facility as well as any additional aftercare treatment you may need.1,2

Step 3: Packing Your Bags

Rehab centers are secure and isolated facilities. This provides clients with the proper atmosphere to remove themselves from the stressors of daily life to work on their sobriety. Because of this, there are strict rules about what can be brought with you.

For security reasons, there may be items that are absolutely prohibited such as cellphones, laptops or any device that can be connected to the internet as well as clothing that has profane messaging or drug references. Some items like cigarettes, mp3 players or handheld games may be allowed at certain rehab centers but not others.

Just as important as following the guidelines, is packing for the experience. Before going to an unfamiliar place, it is not uncommon to overpack, but you should stick to essentials and make considerations for your environment.

For example, if you are share close quarters with others and you know that there will be on-site laundry facilities you won’t need to pack two or more weeks’ worth of clothes. You also shouldn’t bring clothing that is stiff or uncomfortable.

Instead opt to bring clothing that is cozy attire such as sweaters, sweatpants t-shirts and comfortable footwear. When drug withdrawals kick in, you will be thankful to have them.

It’s also important to note that once you are admitted into rehab, you will have few (if any) opportunities to leave the premises of the recovery center, so it is important to pack smart and come prepared.

Other important items to pack for rehab include the following:3

  • Toiletries (deodorant, shaving razors, a toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, hair care products, soap, and shampoo
  • Athletic clothes
  • Comfortable clothes, socks, and underwear
  • Mp3, CD player or a handheld game that can’t connect to the internet
  • A journal to write in
  • A few good books
  • Insurance card and prescription information

Step 4: Be Ready to Make Connections

The friendships you make while in rehab are crucial to maintaining long-term sobriety. These social support networks are comprised of peers who provide understanding, inspiration and are there to helping in your time of need. Building these relationships is an intentional part of your rehab program and without it you will not get the full benefits or residential inpatient care.

Step 5: Immerse yourself in the experience

Depending on your situation, your reservations about attending rehab. Feeling of guilt or skepticism or worries about leaving family behind are a natural part of things but they shouldn’t stop you from making the most of your time in treatment.

For one many quality rehab facilities have amenities like social areas, gyms, basketball nets or tennis courts that you can utilize in your free time. Some alcohol rehab centers offer holistic treatments like art therapy, equine therapy, yoga and meditation and all of them offer some form of counseling to help you learn more about why you use and how you can best put that knowledge to use while in recovery.

Get prepared mentally

Instead of seeing rehab as an experience that is forced upon you, think of it as an opportunity for self-improvement. So seldomly in life do we get the time to work on ourselves free from the distractions and stressors of the outside world–and there is plenty to learn to learn and do while in rehab.

Having a growth mindset in recovery means believing in your ability as a person to change. Just as alcohol addiction is forged by years of bad habits and poor decisions, so too is it possible to unlearn bad habits and win back your self-control and clarity of mind.

Get Help at All American Detox Center

Are you finally ready to quit drugs and alcohol once and for all?

All American Detox is a drug and alcohol treatment and rehab center located in Los Angeles California. Our detox and residential inpatient programs can help you overcome substance abuse in comfort and with confidence. For more information, call us today at (844) 570-1301.

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety

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Preparing to stay in rehab for alcohol addiction, far from being simple will test your dedication to getting well. There are many moving parts that will need to be handled with due care and consideration such as coordinating with your employer and insurance, setting aside the time and preparing your family for your inevitable departure.

In the days leading up to enrollment you will also need to pack a bag and mentally prepare yourself for the experiences that wait you in alcohol rehab.


Before rehab, how to prepare. (2022, May 25). Retrieved September 17, 2022, from

Family and medical leave (FMLA). United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2022, from

What to pack for inpatient rehabilitation. UPMC HealthBeat. (2022, April 7). Retrieved September 17, 2022, from

10 Points You Should Know About PTSD Therapy


As the saying goes, “time heals all things,” but in some cases, the side effects of these traumas can persist leading to long term mental suffering also called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.

Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 

Being party to an earth-shattering event or a string of deeply stressful events, can live with us far beyond the event itself. The scars that are left behind is what is known as psychological trauma.

PTSD can occur due to a wide variety of circumstances such as, being in combat, living through a natural disaster, situations of sexual abuse or domestic violence.

Other times, it can occur after hearing details of a deeply disturbing event such as murder or torture. This is especially true if this occurs to somebody that the person is close to.

When a person has PTSD, they relive their trauma through nightmares and intrusive thoughts. They may also self-isolate and become distrustful of others and the world at large. PTSD can also lead to feelings of low self-worth, anger, anxiety and depression.1

Symptoms And Effects of PTSD

  • Involuntary reliving a traumatic memory (also called flashbacks) along with physical symptoms such as increased heart rate or perspiration.2
  • Disturbing dreams or nightmares.
  • Intrusive thoughts that come without warning.
  • Avoiding regular situations and places that are connected to a traumatic memory or experience.2
  • Changes in mood and behavior such as hopelessness; feelings of low self-worth, emotionally numbness, blaming oneself (others) for events out of the realm of control and anger, and guilt over past actions.1
  • Being constantly on edge or at a heightened state of alert making it difficult to relax around others or have healthy sustained sleep.1

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety


  1. PTSD Is More Common Than You May Think 

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 8 million American adults struggle with PTSD.3 Women are also more likely than men to have PTSD and by race, PTSD disproportionately effects Latin, African American, and Native populations.1,4

  1. There Is More Than One Type of PTSD 

Not everyone who suffers from PTSD does so in the same way. Understanding the type of post-traumatic stress disorder of the patient, allows practitioners to develop more effective treatment plans. Here some examples of the different types of PTSD:

Acute Stress Disorder 

Like PTSD, acute stress disorder arises in response to experiencing a traumatic event or being in proximity to someone who has. Unlike PTSD, acute stress disorder generally lasts less than a month after the traumatic event occurs.5

Acute stress disorder is generally treated with a variety of psychotherapies. If left unchecked acute stress disorder can escalate into PTSD.5

Uncomplicated PTSD 

Uncomplicated PSTD is the most common form. It usually arises from a single traumatic event and has symptoms that are less prevalent than complicated PTSD.

Complicated PTSD 

This type of PTSD arises from repeated exposure to traumatic events. Those with complicated PTSD experience flashbacks more often and are more likely have negative opinions about themselves.6

Comorbid PTSD 

The presence of PTSD with at least one other comorbid psychiatric disorder. These may include anxiety disorders, depression, and addiction.

  1. PTSD Therapy Has 3 Main Goals7 
  • Treat symptoms by bringing them to a manageable level.
  • Give patients the skills to effectively manage their trauma.
  • Help the person restore their sense of self-worth and improve their outlook on life.
  1. You Will Learn to Face Your Trauma Head On 

In exposure therapy, people with PTSD learn to process their trauma through confrontation. One of the most effective methods for this is exposure.

Different types of exposure used in PTSD treatment include imaginal exposure or discussing, and working through the traumatic events in a therapeutic setting or in vivo exposure. Vivo exposure involves confronting triggering situation either out in the world or by simulating it, when it is considered safe and beneficial to do so.8

  1. You May Be Prescribed Medication 

While medication may not be necessary for everyone, when used alongside psychotherapy it can greatly benefit treatment.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRI’s] and selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors [SNRI’s] have shown to be the most effective medications at treating PTSD symptoms.9

  1. Therapies For PTSD Are Evidence Based 

Suffering with PTSD can be overwhelming and even feel even hopeless at times. Fortunately, there are several therapeutic methods deemed to be effective at treating PTSD.

In a joint study with the Veterans Health Administration, the Department of Defense (VA/DoD) and the American Psychological Association [APA], Cognitive Processing Therapy [CPT], Cognitive Behavioral Therapy [CBT] and Prolonged Exposure Therapy [PE] were determined to be the most effective treatments for PTSD.10

  1. Learning To Manage Triggers is Key 

Those with PTSD often deal with sudden emotional shifts. These experiences can be brought on by the most subtle of triggers.

Unfortunately, this also means those with PSTD can become distrustful and even fearful of people, places and situations that can trigger unwanted memories.

To help patients regain a sense of security, PTSD therapy trains them to identify triggering experiences and develop coping strategies to deal with them.

  1. One On One Treatment Will Help You Change Your Mind 

Centered around trauma are the thought patterns that keep people with PTSD stuck in negative emotions. Continually living with trauma, they can develop distorted thoughts.

“The outside world as a dangerous place”, “It was my fault that this happened to me” and “I don’t deserve to get better”. These are all harmful thought patterns which can be reframed by working individually with a therapist.

  1. Group Therapy Can Also Be Beneficial 

Group therapy for treating PTSD goes back to World War 2 and was used to help soldiers coming back from the from lines.

Today, group therapy has been shown to treat a variety of traumas including sexual abuse in childhood, trauma stemming from war, refugee displacement, and sexual violence.11 

  1. The PTSD Therapy Timeline 

While no two cases are the same, studies indicate 15-20 sessions can provide recovery for 50 percent of patients.12 In cases of comorbid disorders such as addiction, however, longer treatment (a year or more) may be necessary.12 

Conclusion – Treating PTSD And Addiction 

Today we discussed how PTSD works and discussed the symptoms and differences between the different types of the disorder. We also covered the purpose and goals of therapy and how it can help patients to manage their triggers and gain control of their thinking. We also briefly covered the effectiveness of PTSD therapy and timeline for treatment.

One significant speedbump for the treatment of PTSD is co-occurring illnesses, most notably substance use disorder. According to one study, nearly half of individuals with lifetime PTSD also have substance use disorder.13 For these individuals, it is imperative that they find an addiction treatment program that will help them treat their addiction, while also providing them with therapeutic options to treat their PTSD.

Get Help with Addiction Today

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Are you or a loved one struggle with substance abuse? At All American Detox Center, we specialize in helping you through the earliest stages of recovery. For more information about how our programs call us today at (844) 570 -1301.










What is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? – What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from

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