Inpatient Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

Inpatient Rehab: Everything You Need to Know

An Introduction to Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects the brain. An addict has an intense focus, also known as an obsession, with a substance. The brain doesn’t care if there are negative consequences to the actions of doing drugs or consuming alcohol. This is why society generally views addicts as people who lack self-control but unfortunately, addiction runs much deeper than that. After all, if overcoming addiction was just a matter of teaching self-control, don’t you think there would be a lot fewer drug addicts in the world?

At All American Detox, we know how torturous and devastating addiction can be. We know that no one chooses to be an addict. No one actively chooses to lie to family and friends about their behavior, feel like they have no purpose in life other than getting high, and become in dire financial stress.  

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We’re dedicated to helping anyone we can who is battling addiction. We know every addict deserves the opportunity to get their life back. Today we’d like to discuss the many benefits of residential inpatient rehab and how it can help you overcome your addiction for good. 

Residential Inpatient Treatment Explained

Since addiction is a disease that looks a little different for everyone, there are multiple treatment options. Inpatient treatment is proven to be one of the more successful routes. During inpatient treatment, our clients remove themselves from their normal surroundings so they can focus 100% on recovery. This is one of the most responsible things an addict can do for themselves. This is one of the few instances in their lives where they can and should put themselves first.

Upon checking into inpatient, our clients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine the right course of treatment for them. Then, depending on what substance you’re addicted to, you’ll go through detoxification. During this time, your body will get rid of all of its toxins. It can be extremely dangerous to try to detox on your own, we strongly recommend doing this at a treatment facility. At All American Detox Center, we will make you as comfortable as possible during this process. We will also monitor your vitals constantly to make sure you aren’t experiencing any serious health conditions as a side effect of withdrawing. 

After detox, you will progress to inpatient treatment. You’ll live at our facility while attending various addiction treatment therapies. Depending on the course of treatment determined for you upon arrival, you’ll participate in individual and group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, family therapy, and more. You’ll learn how to live a substance-free life with different coping skills and tools taught during therapy.

Benefits of Inpatient Drug Treatment

benefits of inpatient rehab

  • Support of others: One of the biggest benefits of going to an inpatient treatment center is having the support of others. Getting sober can be intimidating because of the unknown. During inpatient, you’ll be surrounded by other people experiencing the same thing as you which can be really comforting. You’ll also be surrounded by addiction specialists 24/7 in case you have any questions or need anything.
  • Focus: During this time you can focus 100% on treatment! You don’t have to worry about cooking your own meals, work, and other everyday stressors. 
  • Access to different therapies: Most people struggle to get better from addiction or any kind of mental illness because they don’t have access to the right help. During inpatient treatment, you’ll have multiple kinds of therapies to see which is the best fit for you.  

How to Get Help

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, don’t wait to get help. The first step to seeking treatment is making the phone call. You can call our admissions line to get all of the answers to your questions. We’ll also go over insurance information and then coordinate the little details like transportation to our facility. 

Let Us Help!

At All American Detox, we are a compassionate residential inpatient drug rehab. Our professionals provide detox, residential inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare treatment for addiction. This comprehensive program is designed to work with individuals recovering from addiction from start to finish. Our programs blend traditional treatment techniques and modern therapies, tailoring our plans to meet the individual needs of our clients. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you with drug abuse and alcoholism!

What are the 12 Steps of the Recovery Program? How do they work?

12 steps in the recovery process

Originally developed by AA groups, short for Alcoholics Anonymous Group, these 12 steps of recovery programs work as a spiritual foundation that guides a person out of their addiction or alcoholism. Time has come a long way since it was first introduced and now it is more than just a way to overcome addiction. It has now become a guide that pushes you towards a new way of life. With that said, let’s take a look at the 12-step program in brief.

The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs

Here are the 12 steps of a recovery program that have helped countless people over the years on their path to recovery.

12 steps of addiction recovery program

  • Honesty

“I’m not an addict,” “I wasn’t before and I’m not now,” “I don’t need help.” You are not the only person who feels this way at the beginning. It’s hard to accept that you are addicted and that’s accepting it means accepting the fact that you are not in control and that you do need help, but it’s okay. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to not be in control. No one is in control of their lives for every second, minute, and hour of their lives. No one can be in control all the time and that’s because the world is unpredictable and we all make a mistake now and then. Only after you accept the fact that you are vulnerable and that you need help, the program can begin to help you.

  • Surrender

You have to surrender yourself to the program to allow it to heal you. A lot of people tend to have this attitude that this program is trash, or that it doesn’t work, or that it won’t make you a better person and it won’t, not with that attitude. For the program to work, you have to surrender yourself to it and believe in it, which brings us to the point of faith.

  • Faith

Your belief and faith in the program are the only way this program can ever work. When you put your faith in the program of addiction treatment and truly believe that this could work, you will begin to see that it can work.

  • Soul Searching

Now that you have surrendered to the program and it’s working great, it’s time you start working on identifying the root cause of your alcoholism or addiction. More often than not, the root cause behind drinking habits turns out some trauma anxiety or depression that was nagging at them. Instead of dealing with these issues, people turn to alcohol or drugs to numb these feelings and ignore them. But with this step, you are going to have to deal with all these issues. Only when these are truly resolved, your need for alcohol and drugs will be over too.

  • Integrity

Integrity is the key to moving forward. It’s to look at someone else and point out their fault, but it’s incredibly hard to accept that you may also have similar faults or the fact that you might be in the wrong as well.

  • Acceptance

When you find your faults, you have to accept them as they are. No excuses such as “I did it because..,” or “I had to because..” are going to work. You have to accept your faults no matter how bad or embarrassing it is. Just remember no one will judge you there as it’s a safe place.

  • Humility

In this step, a person has to ask someone else to do something that they cannot do by themself.

  • Willingness

In this step, you are asked to make a list of every bad mean, or harmful things that you may have said or done to someone before you began your recovery program.

  • Forgiveness

The above list is not going to be small. The list will have several names unless you are still hiding something which is not going to work. For the program to work, you have to be truthful to others as well as yourself and once the list is ready, you are going to have to make amends for everything you did or said to every person on the list.

  • Maintenance

Nobody likes to agree that they did something wrong but once you do, true spiritual work can begin and heal you from the inside.

  • Making Contact

The 11th step is realizing that your life is not just yours but a part of a higher power that your life has a meaning and that you have to work hard to find the meaning of your life and achieve what you were meant to.

  • Service

You have learned everything you need and have been provided with all the tools that you need. The last step is all about using the rules and principles that you found in the program in real life.

How Do These 12 Steps Work?

The 12 steps in the recovery program work when you work for it. Having the wrong attitude or without faith, the program will not work. For the program to work, you have to believe in the program, submit to it, and do what it tells you to. You have to do everything truthfully without hiding anything from yourself or others around you. When you begin to share, you will realize that others in the recovery program also have similar stories and this will give you the courage to continue with the program. Almost all substance abuse treatment facilities have this 12-step recovery program.

Wrapping Up

The path to recovery is hard and one needs great courage to follow this path. The 12 steps of recovery programs merely serve as the guide that helps to stay on the path until you fully recover. You can just make a call to our recovery helpline number at +1 844-570-1301.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs: What You Need to Know

dual diagnosis treatment program

Struggling with mental health may be quite challenging, especially if you do not have a good support system in your life. Adding substances to this mix can lead down a dangerous or even deadly path and make it more difficult when entering a dual diagnosis program. Finding help is possible though, for both mental health problems and substance use disorders.

Below, we will discuss what a dual diagnosis disorder is, and how it’s generally treated. If you or someone you know is dealing with a suspected dual diagnosis problem, read on for more information on detox and rehab for dual diagnosis.

All American Detox is an inpatient drug rehab center located in sunny Woodland Hills, California. This rehab center provides treatment for individuals suffering from dual diagnosis disorders and prides itself on helping the individual learn new healthy coping skills to deal with the daily stressors of life.


So, what is a dual diagnosis disorder? Dual diagnosis is when you have a substance use disorder and a mental health issue occurring at the same time. It’s possible for a dual diagnosis disorder to occur before or after using substances long-term. [i]Such as drinking long term which may result in major depression or having anxiety, so you start taking prescription pills to ease the anxiety but end up becoming dependent on the pills.

People who suffer from dual diagnosis typically have higher depression or anxiety, leading to more and more drug use to try to alleviate the pain or trauma the individual lives with every day. Subsequently, substance use makes mental health issues much worse, and vice versa.[ii]

Almost one-third of all people who suffer from a mental health illness also abuse substances, implying that additional treatment facilities are needed to identify and treat both diseases together.[iii]

What are Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs?

 Dual diagnosis treatment programs work by treating both the mental health problem and the substance abuse at the same time. There are several different approaches to treating dual diagnosis. One approach is by starting out treating one disorder first. Another approach is treating both disorders at the same time in a different setting, and lastly treating them together but in the same setting.[iv]

When you enter an inpatient rehab drug center, the very first thing that will happen is you will be assessed by medical professionals. Next, you will enter detoxification for drug and alcohol abuse to help rid your body of harmful chemicals that drugs leave in your system, giving you a better chance when entering inpatient care. During detox and inpatient rehab, you will receive medications that help you when you are in pain, as well as to help you stay away from substances.

Things like psychotherapy, support groups, medications, behavioral therapy, as well as 12 step meetings are also beneficial ways to help treat dual diagnosis. [v]Treating dual diagnosis is oftentimes more complicated and may result in a higher risk of relapse.[vi]This is due to the chemical imbalances that occur with long-term substance abuse as well as the imbalances occurring from mental health problems.

dual diagnosis statistics

Are You in Need of Dual Diagnosis Treatments?

Individuals with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder are at a much higher risk for developing substance use disorders from cocaine, heroin, PCP, alcohol, or meth.[vii] Its also important to note that men, military veterans, and individuals of lower socioeconomic status are at higher risk for developing dual diagnosis disorders.[viii]

If you fit any of the criteria above, it may be time to consider getting help by entering a dual diagnosis treatment center. Entering dual diagnosis treatment programs may seem scary at first, but they will help treat both disorders and help you re-enter normal society again while maintaining sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at All American Detox

All American Detox Center offers many medications for drug treatment as well as inpatient care in their luxury buildings, and specialized counseling services fit for the individual’s needs. If you are ready to accept treatment today, you can call All American Detox at (844) 570-1301 to get started or to obtain more information about their services.


It’s important to know when picking the right treatment center for you is that not all treatment facilities treat mental health and substance abuse. Although dual diagnosis treatment is becoming more popular among rehab centers, it’s crucial to make sure this center treats mental health and drug or alcohol abuse together if that’s the treatment you need.

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Mental health is very important, and when you are not well mentally this can allow for more negative reactions or decisions, such as using substances to cope. It is never easy to deal with these issues on your own, and you shouldn’t ever have to. If you are looking for help in treating your dual diagnosis disorder, contact the drug rehab center immediately and get help!


Luxury Alcohol & Drug Rehab Center Los Angeles | Detox in California. (2022). Retrieved 11 February 2022, from

10 Advantages of Residential Inpatient Drug Rehab

A patient’s rehabilitation can’t begin without accepting the decision to alter their connection with drugs. Detox and withdrawal are challenging, but learning to prevent recurrence is more difficult. For individuals suffering from severe addictions, a residential inpatient treatment program may help them regain their concentration and energy, therefore assisting them in remaining clean and decreasing their chance of relapse. The most outstanding addiction treatment programs tailor their approach to meet the specific requirements of each patient. The intensity of a patient’s drug consumption disorder is significant in determining which addiction treatment program is best for them. In this post, Let’s discuss the advantages of residential inpatient drug rehab.

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What Is An Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab is a service that allows patients who are suffering from drug abuse to stay in a comfortable environment while they detox from drugs. Typically, inpatient rehab lasts for at least 28 days, during which patients are accommodated in a treatment facility. This facility offers a safe and secure environment for patients who need more intense therapy than outpatient care.

You will have quick access to medical and clinical specialists throughout the initial phases of rehabilitation if you choose residential inpatient treatment. Patients in an inpatient setting are given daily routines to help them feel more organized. As a result of this setting, people hooked to drugs are not pushed to use due to their difficult home situations. Inpatient therapy allows people to devote their time and attention to becoming clean and living a healthy lifestyle.

Top 10 Benefits of Residential Inpatient Rehab

An inpatient rehab program can provide recovering addicts with a safe detox. let’s look at 10 important advantages of a drug rehab program for you or a loved one. 

10 benefits of inpatient rehab

  • Supervision and a planned routine

Those enrolled in residential inpatient programs are given relatively limited time off, and patients are too preoccupied with their scheduled routine to fixate on their preferred drug. With this approach, patients are less likely to return to their old behaviors after treatment.

Health care providers administering the programs may also see the vitals and other information they are monitoring. Because of their training can quickly determine whether a patient is not responding to therapy and needs more care. If a patient’s condition changes, their individualized treatment plan may be rapidly modified.

  • It’s time to put yourself first

Following a residential program allows one to take a break from their daily routine and concentrate only on one’s well-being. This is an excellent chance for someone to address the issues in their lives that are causing them concern. It is easier to deal with addiction and everyday life when one has enough spare time.

  • Success in detoxification increases

In times of weakness, patients who have completed outpatient therapy find it simpler to reach out to old acquaintances and return to old behaviors. Patients are more likely to succumb to relapse when they return to the same setting where they used drugs or alcohol each evening. Relapse triggers and availability to their drug of choice are not present at a residential treatment facility.

  • Taking a break from bad things

Addiction treatment sometimes necessitates removing oneself from the company of others who are abusing alcohol or drugs. In the early days of recovery, this may be a significant challenge. An opportunity to get away from harmful influences and concentrate on coping skills that will be useful after therapy is provided by residential treatment.

  • Support from a Team of Experts and a Network of Peers

24-hour medical assistance is offered to those in an inpatient drug rehabilitation program. At first, withdrawal symptoms may derail progress toward recovery, which is critical. Patients who know they may get support if they need it may concentrate more on their recovery.

In addition, every patient in an inpatient drug rehab center has the same hardships. Lifelong sobriety is the unifying objective shared by all of them, in residential treatment programs, recovered patients often form close and supportive bonds with people who have been there.

  • Assisting in the process of detoxification and withdrawal

Patients who have been consuming drugs for an extended period may find it particularly difficult to cope with detox and withdrawal symptoms. Because of this, many individuals with drug abuse issues strive to postpone detoxing as long as possible.

Symptoms of withdrawal vary depending on the kind of substance that was overused. Body pains, vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, and elevated blood pressure are signs of drug withdrawal. Anxiety, frustration, and exhaustion are among the signs of meth withdrawal.

  • It’s time to rest and heal

Addiction is a severe problem for addicts and their loved ones. Everyone participating in therapy benefits from the chance to work through and heal old wounds. The most acceptable gift you can offer someone is your time and space.

  • Develop new routines

Inpatient rehab’s format encourages patients to develop healthy coping mechanisms in place of substance abuse. Making your bed as soon as you get up every morning is one example of learning how to play an instrument, and success is more likely if you work on developing new habits.

  • Drug and alcohol abstinence is a lifestyle choice

The continual temptation to visit a liquor shop or a dealer’s residence to pick up narcotics is removed in an inpatient drug rehab program. At first, cravings might be challenging, but they are made much more difficult when drugs and alcohol are easily accessible. A person’s chances of surviving the early stages of addiction are significantly improved if they do it in a sober and encouraging environment.

  • After the project is finished, there will be ongoing assistance

After therapy, a decent program will provide support for graduates. A follow-up visit or phone contact with a staff member may be necessary for some instances. The aftercare program serves as a lifeline for those who have completed residential treatment and are still adjusting to life outside the facility.

You Can Also Read About: How Residential Treatment Supports Addiction Recovery?


Overall, the advantages of residential inpatient drug rehab may be seen at every stage of therapy, and it benefits people on a physiological, mental, and psychological level.

You deserve to reward yourself with a long and healthy life. Allow us to provide you assistance and the luxury of time to concentrate on your wellness. Call All American Detox Center and get in touch for a more extended period. You deserve to live the life of your dreams. Just make a call at our addiction recovery helpline number +1 844-570-1301.

How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

Opioids are a kind of drug that a doctor administers to relieve pain. When opioid medicines pass through your circulation, your cells send out signals that reduce pain while promoting calm and pleasure-seeking feelings.

However, taking too many pills might be dangerous to your health, and it is essential to take this medication exactly as directed by your doctor. It is possible to get sleepy on common opioids, but this may lead to death with greater doses. Furthermore, the positive feelings associated with opiate usage may lead you to seek out more enjoyable experiences, perhaps leading to addiction. You may always seek treatment and go through opioid detox if you overdose. Let’s discuss How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction Contact All American Detox Center is one of the leading drug detox center in California to learn about drug detoxification.

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What are opioids?

Opioids are a group of medications derived from the opium poppy plant. Some opioids are extracted directly from plants, while others are synthesized in laboratories by scientists utilizing the same chemical composition. Opioids are often used as medications because they include compounds that relax the body and help alleviate pain, making them popular choices. Coughing and diarrhea may be treated using opioids, typically used to treat moderate to severe pain. 

How can a person become an opioid addict?

Some opioids can also be used to cure coughing and diarrhea. Non-medical use of opioids is common since they may induce feelings of relaxation and happiness.

With opioids, your brain and body might be tricked into believing that medicine is vital to surviving. Addiction might develop if you can’t handle the appropriate dosage and discover that you need more and more drugs to get relief.

If you desire the medication or feel like you can’t control the temptation to use it, you may have an opioid addiction. Keep taking medicine without your doctor’s permission, even though you know it’s harmful to you, and you may get hooked. One particular characteristic of opioid overdose symptoms is a strong desire to engage in a specific behavior.

Is it possible to safely treat pain with opioids?

Doctors in anesthesiology are trained to assist patients in managing their pain while minimizing the adverse effects and the danger of addiction.

  1. Contact your doctor or anesthesiologist:- Consider all non-addictive pain relievers. If opioids are still the best choice, inquire about reducing the dangers and adverse effects. It is essential to notify your doctor about any medical concerns you have and any previous opioid use. Your doctor will want to know about any prior drug or alcohol misuse you have had, and if you are at risk for abusing opioids, you should inform them about it.
  2. Opioids should only be used under the guidance of a physician:- Pay attention to your doctor’s instructions and the label on the medication you are taking. Ask your doctor whether opioids are safe if you are on other drugs.
  3. Observe for adverse reactions:- In addition to tiredness and constipation being common opioid side effects, additional symptoms such as shallow breathing and a decreased heart rate may indicate an overdose. The best way to keep yourself safe is to ask your doctor for advice.
  4. Preparation is essential before undergoing surgery:- Discuss your opioid use and surgery with your surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and any other doctors who may be treating you if you are preparing for an operation. Opioid use might extend your hospital stay and raise your risk of problems after surgery. Before undergoing surgery, your medical staff may assist you in safely managing your pain. During an emergency, the patient can either go to a drug rehab center or get help from one of the many nearby ones.

Advantages of Opioid withdrawal

It is possible to successfully treat withdrawal symptoms with the help of a medical anesthesiologist, even if they are unpleasant to bear. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after discontinuing opioid usage, most patients report increased function without increasing pain. The discomfort may initially worsen as people gradually wean themselves off the medication. Pain management may also benefit from alternative medicines with lower risks and adverse effects.

Removing the opioids might help the pain management professional get a better sense of what is causing you suffering. The doctor will be able to make a more informed decision about your treatment options if they have this information.

Stopping the use of prescription opioids may be difficult but possible

Because withdrawal symptoms like restless nerves or sleeplessness may occur in patients who abruptly stop taking opioids, working with your physician, anesthesiologist, or another doctor to wean yourself off of the medicine gradually is critical.

Knowing what to anticipate while reducing down on medication is essential. Symptoms of opioid withdrawal include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A need for drugs
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • The ground shakes (shaking)

The feelings of anxiety may be lessened by gradually reducing the dose, consulting with the relevant professionals, and receiving psychological assistance. 

Here are some of the things your anesthesiologist doctor can do:

To reduce the severity of opioid withdrawal symptoms, create a custom tapering regimen for yourself.

  • Keep an eye on your signs of withdrawal.
  • Use your feedback to adjust the pace and length of the tapering.
  • Assist you in finding other resources.

Contacting a drug detox center is always an option available for the patients.


Sleeplessness, diarrhea, nausea, and decreased breathing are all common side effects of opiate usage. Opioids may have products that are very close to those of heroin, and misusing prescription pain medicines increases the danger of switching to heroin. Addiction recovery may be aided by various approaches, including medications and behavioral therapy.

Get in touch with one of our addiction counselors at All American Detox Center by dialing our hotline number (844)-570-1301. In order to assist as many people as possible, we aim to cure addiction and help them have a healthier and happier life. We have up-to-date safety measures as per COVID guidelines. 

What Is the Definition of Addiction?

What Is the Definition of Addiction?

It’s stigmatizing. It’s a struggle. It’s helplessness. It can seem perversely fun. It’s the illusion of control. It’s destructive. It’s deceptive. It’s painful. It’s euphoric. It’s devastating. It’s life-shattering. And it’s certainly treatable. Learn here about drug addiction!

How Do You Define Addiction? 

So, how do you define addiction? While addiction comes in many forms, the American Psychiatric Association does a great job of defining it concisely: “Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use disorder despite harmful consequences”.

The effects of substance abuse and addictive behavior eventually manifest in a dancing plethora of adverse ways, a few of those, according to Healthline, being:

  • A lack of self-control
  • Increased reliance on the substance 
  • Emotional numbness

What starts maybe innocently as a way to feel better or from curiosity, snowballs into one of those, you-just-can’t-help-yourself vibes, and it continues ad nauseum until you reach a breaking point. The proverbial rock bottom.

But does it happen to everyone?

What is Drug Addiction?

Addiction is a disorder of the brain and behavior. When you’re hooked to drugs, you can’t stop yourself from using them, no matter how dangerous they are. The sooner you seek treatment for drug addiction, the more likely you are to prevent some of the disease’s more serious consequences.

Drug addiction can begin with the occasional use of a recreational drug in social situations, and for some people, the drug usage progresses to more frequent use. Others, particularly those addicted to opioids, develop a drug addiction after being exposed to prescription drugs or acquiring medications from a friend or relative who has been given the medication. The risk of addiction and the rate at which you get hooked differs depending on the drug. Some medicines, such as opioid pain relievers, have a higher risk of addiction and induce it more quickly than others.

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Drug addiction is not limited to heroin, cocaine, or other illicit narcotics. Alcohol, nicotine, sleep and anti-anxiety drugs, and other legal substances can all lead to addiction.

Why Addiction Effects Some People and Not Others

Drug addiction is defined as a complex condition and brain disease. Addiction is not a fate that befalls all, which honestly is great, so let’s take a moment to acknowledge that fact. That said, it is something that can touch everyone in one way or another. It’s not as if we’re separated out and sorted into static columns of “addict” and “addiction-free” at birth. Like the fluidity with which our lives move, so too does addiction.

There are a handful of big-time considerations for why the scourge of substance abuse affects some of us and not others, the National Institute of Health does a great job boiling it down:

  • Biology – The risk of addiction is 40 to 60% related to genetics, which is wild. Gender, ethnicity, and existing mental disorders all can be factors that increase risk.
  • Environment – This is perhaps the most visible factor. Things related to your neighborhood, home life, family, and socioeconomic standing. All these things play an enormous role when combined with the peer pressure many kids and even adults face.
  • How the substance is taken – Simply put, smoking or injecting increases the potential for addiction drugs.

It’s a bit nature and a bit nurture and ultimately recognizing that each person’s situation is unique is important in forging a road to recovery they can confidently, and successfully, travel down.

How to Treat Addiction

It’s not an easy task but luckily there are many approaches to suit the varied needs of those suffering from addiction. Often the first thing that happens is an acknowledgment of their addiction and the struggle, or impossibility, to cope with it personally and internally. That’s how it all starts for us at All American Detox, we help anyone who reaches out and asks for help.

After that momentous leap, a huge component to getting on the straight and narrow is drug detoxification, i.e. the act of removing toxic substances from your body through physiological and medicinal practices. Our program is a way to safely get you off the drugs or alcohol and back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Defining Addiction at All American Detox

Depending on the individual situation, inpatient treatment may be the best way to go. We create a welcoming environment, with loads of amenities and surrounded by a team of medical and psychiatric professionals, to keep you comfortable while you get yourself clean.

As important as it is to get clean and on the right track, doing it in a bubble at a center like ours isn’t quite the same as real life. We know that. Because of that, we offer robust outpatient and aftercare to help adjust to sober living on the outside. It’s essentially the same treatment we offer at a facility but at a scaled-back level. Think of it as us holding your hand through the transition.

Yet another element of the treatment ecosystem is sober living, more or less a stripped-down version of inpatient treatment. Folks can come and go as they please, get back into and resume normal life while having a safe space to come back to as they really cement those newly formed healthy habits.

Addiction doesn’t have to be a life sentence and at the All American Detox Center, we are here to help people find a path to lasting recovery once and for all. Call us today to learn more about our drug alcohol detoxification program!