Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs: What You Need to Know

dual diagnosis treatment program

Struggling with mental health may be quite challenging, especially if you do not have a good support system in your life. Adding substances to this mix can lead down a dangerous or even deadly path and make it more difficult when entering a dual diagnosis program. Finding help is possible though, for both mental health problems and substance use disorders.

Below, we will discuss what a dual diagnosis disorder is, and how it’s generally treated. If you or someone you know is dealing with a suspected dual diagnosis problem, read on for more information on detox and rehab for dual diagnosis.

All American Detox is an inpatient drug rehab center located in sunny Woodland Hills, California. This rehab center provides treatment for individuals suffering from dual diagnosis disorders and prides itself on helping the individual learn new healthy coping skills to deal with the daily stressors of life.


So, what is a dual diagnosis disorder? Dual diagnosis is when you have a substance use disorder and a mental health issue occurring at the same time. It’s possible for a dual diagnosis disorder to occur before or after using substances long-term. [i]Such as drinking long term which may result in major depression or having anxiety, so you start taking prescription pills to ease the anxiety but end up becoming dependent on the pills.

People who suffer from dual diagnosis typically have higher depression or anxiety, leading to more and more drug use to try to alleviate the pain or trauma the individual lives with every day. Subsequently, substance use makes mental health issues much worse, and vice versa.[ii]

Almost one-third of all people who suffer from a mental health illness also abuse substances, implying that additional treatment facilities are needed to identify and treat both diseases together.[iii]

What are Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs?

 Dual diagnosis treatment programs work by treating both the mental health problem and the substance abuse at the same time. There are several different approaches to treating dual diagnosis. One approach is by starting out treating one disorder first. Another approach is treating both disorders at the same time in a different setting, and lastly treating them together but in the same setting.[iv]

When you enter an inpatient rehab drug center, the very first thing that will happen is you will be assessed by medical professionals. Next, you will enter detoxification for drug and alcohol abuse to help rid your body of harmful chemicals that drugs leave in your system, giving you a better chance when entering inpatient care. During detox and inpatient rehab, you will receive medications that help you when you are in pain, as well as to help you stay away from substances.

Things like psychotherapy, support groups, medications, behavioral therapy, as well as 12 step meetings are also beneficial ways to help treat dual diagnosis. [v]Treating dual diagnosis is oftentimes more complicated and may result in a higher risk of relapse.[vi]This is due to the chemical imbalances that occur with long-term substance abuse as well as the imbalances occurring from mental health problems.

dual diagnosis statistics

Are You in Need of Dual Diagnosis Treatments?

Individuals with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder are at a much higher risk for developing substance use disorders from cocaine, heroin, PCP, alcohol, or meth.[vii] Its also important to note that men, military veterans, and individuals of lower socioeconomic status are at higher risk for developing dual diagnosis disorders.[viii]

If you fit any of the criteria above, it may be time to consider getting help by entering a dual diagnosis treatment center. Entering dual diagnosis treatment programs may seem scary at first, but they will help treat both disorders and help you re-enter normal society again while maintaining sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at All American Detox

All American Detox Center offers many medications for drug treatment as well as inpatient care in their luxury buildings, and specialized counseling services fit for the individual’s needs. If you are ready to accept treatment today, you can call All American Detox at (844) 570-1301 to get started or to obtain more information about their services.


It’s important to know when picking the right treatment center for you is that not all treatment facilities treat mental health and substance abuse. Although dual diagnosis treatment is becoming more popular among rehab centers, it’s crucial to make sure this center treats mental health and drug or alcohol abuse together if that’s the treatment you need.

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Mental health is very important, and when you are not well mentally this can allow for more negative reactions or decisions, such as using substances to cope. It is never easy to deal with these issues on your own, and you shouldn’t ever have to. If you are looking for help in treating your dual diagnosis disorder, contact the drug rehab center immediately and get help!


Luxury Alcohol & Drug Rehab Center Los Angeles | Detox in California. (2022). Retrieved 11 February 2022, from https://allamericandetox.com/

Substance Use Disorder Symptoms

10 Signs of Substance Use Disorders

Are you close to someone who may be showing signs of a substance use disorder? Addiction may come from abusing alcohol, depressants, inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or stimulants for a long period of time. Teens and adults with mental health issues are at high risk for drug and alcohol addiction. Thankfully, there are some telltale signs of alcohol or drug addiction that you can look out for to help your loved one. Learn here symptoms and signs of substance use disorders.


Substance abuse indirectly and directly affects more than half our population. Individuals who suffer from substance abuse disorders leave behind family, friends, and others that are also affected by the user’s addiction. With the increasing stressors of life, individuals use alcohol or other drugs as a way to cope with these stressors or to deal with pain. There are many factors to an individual’s substance use disorder.

When looking for an addiction treatment program for you or your loved one, you want to find what will work best for their needs. You may want to consider making a treatment plan for your loved one by talking with an addiction counselor. The first step to getting sober is entering a drug detox center to get the substances out of your system. All American Detox is considered one of the best inpatient drug rehab centers in Los Angeles due to its ability to maximize care for its patients. You can call them today at (844) 570-1301.

Substance Use Statistics:

  • In 2017, there were 19.7 million reports of drug addiction
  • 74% of these individuals also used alcohol in combination with their drug use
  • More than 8.5 million individuals suffer from dual diagnosis

Below, we will explain substance use disorders and break down the warning signs of drug abuse for adults and teens.

signs of substance use disorder

What is a substance use disorder?

A substance use disorder generally occurs after a long period of drug or alcohol use. If your life revolves around the substance, you have been abusing, you may have a substance use disorder. You will be completely dependent on the substance of choice mentally as well as physically.

What causes addiction? There are oftentimes a variety of factors that may lead to abusing drugs or alcohol such as

  • Genetics or generational addiction
  • Chaotic home environment
  • Abuse in the home or domestic
  • Parent with addiction/ living with parents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol
  • Peer pressure
  • School problems
  • Lack of community resources
  • Mental illnesses

Drug and alcohol dependence affects many aspects of our lives such as the way we socialize, who we socialize with, our jobs, our home lives, and most importantly our health. Our teens may be developmentally impacted by drug or alcohol abuse and adults may even suffer from permanent health problems.

Signs of substance use disorder

Discovering that your loved one may have an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be heartbreaking but knowing the signs of substance use disorder may help you when wanting to get your loved one help. If you see the individual showing warning signs of drug or alcohol abuse, it may be time to start looking into substance abuse programs.

Physical symptoms of substance abuse:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Appetite changes
  • Sleep pattern changes
  • Physical appearance deteriorating
  • Runny nose
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • Tremors
  • Slurred speech
  • Odors on breath or the body

Behavioral symptoms of substance abuse:

  • Relationship problems
  • Secret behavior or seeming as though they are hiding something
  • Possible legal trouble from usage
  • Neglecting normal responsibilities
  • Changes in friends or hobbies
  • Financial problems or stealing money to use
  • Drunk driving
  • High or increasing tolerance
  • Using to relieve symptoms

Psychological signs of substance abuse:

  • Acting fearful, anxious, or paranoid
  • Decreased motivation
  • Spurs of energy or nervousness
  • Mood swings or angry outbursts
  • Change in personality, attitude, or outlook on life

These are the symptoms and signs of substance use disorder. It’s also important to know that when dealing with someone who has an addiction to substances, you should come to them as calming and patient as possible. When you approach someone struggling with addiction in an aggressive manner, it’s possible this will further push the individual struggling away from seeking treatment.

Drug Detox Center – All American Detox

All America Detox is a luxury inpatient and detox drug rehab center in Los Angeles, California. The staff at All American Detox all have more than 30 years of experience working with substance abuse individuals. This detox center keeps their staff at around 24 members, and only takes 6 patients at a time so you know you are getting the best care.


Recognizing you have a problem with drugs or alcohol is truly the first step when entering the recovery process. Accepting help and going to treatment takes a lot of courage, determination, and patience and is very commendable. Overcoming addiction is possible with the right help and support. Finding support such as family, close friends, other individuals in recovery is essential when going through the motions of living sober.

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Addiction treatment services Los Angeles CA: Drug rehab services. All American Detox. (2022, January 28). Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://allamericandetox.com/treatment-services/.

Meth Abuse: Signs, Symptoms & Addiction Treatment

meth abuse - signs and symptoms


As a neurotoxin stimulant, meth is a highly addictive drug that has the power to alter the chemistry of our brain if left untreated significantly. Over time, it could manifest itself in the physical body, mood, behavior, and mental and psychological issues. The cause of meth addiction is not known, but it involves several factors such as biological, genetic, psychological, environmental, and even the availability of the drug. The good news is that it’s not very hard to notice some of the meth addiction signs and symptoms, and it is highly treatable. Organizations such as All American Detox Center have over 30 years of experience and have been helping user users beat addiction for a long time.

If you believe you or someone you love may be struggling with addiction, let us hear your story and help you determine a path to treatment. To learn more about addiction treatment, there are a number of confidential, free, and no-obligation ways to contact us.


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What is Meth Addiction?

Meth is a drug that is scientifically known as Methamphetamine. It is a neurotoxin stimulant that causes a temporary effect on the brain, which makes one feel a sudden sense of happiness, wakefulness, confidence, and rush. Addiction to meth can be debilitating, but there is hope for recovery. After quitting the drug, there is evidence that the brain can return to a normal state after a significant period of sobriety. 

When subjected to this neurotoxic drug, the feeling that one gets creates an addiction in them. Once the drug hits the brain, they get this sudden feeling of rush, confidence, happiness, among other emotions that they may have never felt before, at least not without the drug or with this intensity. But these feelings are temporary, and they go away slowly as the drug begins to wear off.

The effects can last 6 to 8 hours depending on the dosage taken, and it can be further extended to 12 hours. Once the drug wears off, all the feelings of happiness, self-confidence, and positivity go away, and the users come back to the same state that they were before the introduction to the drug. Not to mention, some side effects may also begin manifesting after the drug wears off. They will feel much worse as time passes, and the mind will crave the feelings they had when they were on the drug. It will quickly leave them wanting more, which will worsen as time passes. Unable to control the urge, they may take the drug again and thus creating a vicious cycle that leads to meth addiction.

The drug works by causing your brain to release large amounts of dopamine levels, giving you feelings of pleasure. Our brain can also create dopamine levels naturally through various activities that bring joy and happiness. However, suppose the drug is consumed multiple times. In that case, it will completely disrupt the brain’s natural ability to produce dopamine levels and become dependent on the drug to have the said dopamine levels. So, with no natural dopamine production, they will not feel happiness, joy, or confidence, no matter what they do, and taking the drug is the only way to find happiness again. This is how meth addiction or meth drug abuse takes place.

signs of meth abuse

Causes of Meth Addiction

Unfortunately, there are no exact causes for why an addiction manifests in a person. It depends on several factors that a person experiences, and it also changes from person to person. But here are the 4 factors that various drug detox center believes contributes to the addiction to meth. Have a look at the causes of meth addiction:

1. Biological and Genetical

If the parents or close relatives struggled with addiction in the past, their children’s chances of drug addiction would be a lot higher. The genes get passed on to the children, putting them at risk of getting addicted.

2. Environmental

If a person’s environment is rife with addiction, that creates significant issues. Certain factors such as peer pressure or curiosity can push them to try. Many times, one try is what it takes to get addicted.

3. Psychological

Untreated depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness can often push a person to turn to drugs to see if they can help them. This urge for self-medication often leads them down the path of addiction that is very hard to overcome.

4. Higher Availability of the Drug

Meth is very cheap as the ingredients needed to make Methamphetamine can even be found in common cold medicines. All one needs to do is isolate the ingredients and process them for consumption, and that’s it. Due to the relatively easy process, it can be cheaper than actual medication. So, people would rather take the drug instead of going to a doctor and taking prescribed medication.

Meth Addiction Signs and Symptoms 

As people become more addicted, they may go through a series of changes in their moods, behavioral, psychological, and even physical bodies. Let’s see what kind of changes they go through exactly.

Signs and Symptoms Related to Mood

Depression, anxiety, euphoria, or even the overall sense of happiness and sadness are possible factors that can change a person’s mood.

Signs and Symptoms Related to Behavior

Here are some potential signs and symptoms when it comes to behavioral changes-

  1. Social Isolation
  2. A risky pattern of behavior
  3. Aggression
  4. Impulsiveness
  5. Incarceration
  6. Significant increase or decreases in appetite

Signs and Symptoms Related to Psychology

Suppose a person has been abusing meth for a while. In that case, specific psychological signs & symptoms will begin to manifest, such as nervousness, repetitive activities, paranoia, hallucination, and even a sensation of bugs under the skin.

Signs and Symptoms Related to Physical

Here are some potential signs and symptoms when it comes to physical changes-

  1. Twitches, spasms, and shakes
  2. The feeling of nausea and vomiting
  3. Insomnia
  4. Hair loss and open sores
  5. Vasoconstriction leading to tachycardia.
  6. Liver damage
  7. Fluctuations in body temperature

While these are the usual signs and symptoms of meth addiction, the meth drug overdose symptoms will be much more severe and will require immediate meth addiction treatment

Meth Detoxification at All American Detox Center

The primary goal of All American Detox Center is to help anyone who’s going through addiction with a thorough proper education and treatment. Education on what is happening to their mind and body is vital to make them aware of the drug’s dangerous side effects. They use proven methods for addiction treatment that are customized for every individual. Meth detoxification is nothing but the withdrawal of methamphetamines. After a prolonged withdrawal, the body will automatically get rid of toxins and hence the name detox, a.k.a. Detoxification.

But the issue is that when they are withdrawn from meth, their body will go through a series of symptoms called withdrawal symptoms, and if they are not managed properly, things can get much worse. It is necessary that they get the right meth addiction treatment and that’s why we recommend All American Detox Center. Their proven meth addiction treatment methods are not only very effective at managing the symptoms but also help a user pass through the stage of withdrawal. They have an inpatient drug rehab & detox center based in Woodland Hills in California.


Meth is one of the most common and highly addictive drugs that can cause some significant damage to a person over time if left untreated. So, if you know someone who’s going through meth addiction or any other addiction, get them the help they need by getting them to a meth detox center in Los Angeles. Contact us if you want to know anything more.

10 Advantages of Residential Inpatient Drug Rehab

A patient’s rehabilitation can’t begin without accepting the decision to alter their connection with drugs. Detox and withdrawal are challenging, but learning to prevent recurrence is more difficult. For individuals suffering from severe addictions, a residential inpatient treatment program may help them regain their concentration and energy, therefore assisting them in remaining clean and decreasing their chance of relapse. The most outstanding addiction treatment programs tailor their approach to meet the specific requirements of each patient. The intensity of a patient’s drug consumption disorder is significant in determining which addiction treatment program is best for them. In this post, Let’s discuss the advantages of residential inpatient drug rehab.

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What Is An Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab is a service that allows patients who are suffering from drug abuse to stay in a comfortable environment while they detox from drugs. Typically, inpatient rehab lasts for at least 28 days, during which patients are accommodated in a treatment facility. This facility offers a safe and secure environment for patients who need more intense therapy than outpatient care.

You will have quick access to medical and clinical specialists throughout the initial phases of rehabilitation if you choose residential inpatient treatment. Patients in an inpatient setting are given daily routines to help them feel more organized. As a result of this setting, people hooked to drugs are not pushed to use due to their difficult home situations. Inpatient therapy allows people to devote their time and attention to becoming clean and living a healthy lifestyle.

Top 10 Benefits of Residential Inpatient Rehab

An inpatient rehab program can provide recovering addicts with a safe detox. let’s look at 10 important advantages of a drug rehab program for you or a loved one. 

10 benefits of inpatient rehab

  • Supervision and a planned routine

Those enrolled in residential inpatient programs are given relatively limited time off, and patients are too preoccupied with their scheduled routine to fixate on their preferred drug. With this approach, patients are less likely to return to their old behaviors after treatment.

Health care providers administering the programs may also see the vitals and other information they are monitoring. Because of their training can quickly determine whether a patient is not responding to therapy and needs more care. If a patient’s condition changes, their individualized treatment plan may be rapidly modified.

  • It’s time to put yourself first

Following a residential program allows one to take a break from their daily routine and concentrate only on one’s well-being. This is an excellent chance for someone to address the issues in their lives that are causing them concern. It is easier to deal with addiction and everyday life when one has enough spare time.

  • Success in detoxification increases

In times of weakness, patients who have completed outpatient therapy find it simpler to reach out to old acquaintances and return to old behaviors. Patients are more likely to succumb to relapse when they return to the same setting where they used drugs or alcohol each evening. Relapse triggers and availability to their drug of choice are not present at a residential treatment facility.

  • Taking a break from bad things

Addiction treatment sometimes necessitates removing oneself from the company of others who are abusing alcohol or drugs. In the early days of recovery, this may be a significant challenge. An opportunity to get away from harmful influences and concentrate on coping skills that will be useful after therapy is provided by residential treatment.

  • Support from a Team of Experts and a Network of Peers

24-hour medical assistance is offered to those in an inpatient drug rehabilitation program. At first, withdrawal symptoms may derail progress toward recovery, which is critical. Patients who know they may get support if they need it may concentrate more on their recovery.

In addition, every patient in an inpatient drug rehab center has the same hardships. Lifelong sobriety is the unifying objective shared by all of them, in residential treatment programs, recovered patients often form close and supportive bonds with people who have been there.

  • Assisting in the process of detoxification and withdrawal

Patients who have been consuming drugs for an extended period may find it particularly difficult to cope with detox and withdrawal symptoms. Because of this, many individuals with drug abuse issues strive to postpone detoxing as long as possible.

Symptoms of withdrawal vary depending on the kind of substance that was overused. Body pains, vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, and elevated blood pressure are signs of drug withdrawal. Anxiety, frustration, and exhaustion are among the signs of meth withdrawal.

  • It’s time to rest and heal

Addiction is a severe problem for addicts and their loved ones. Everyone participating in therapy benefits from the chance to work through and heal old wounds. The most acceptable gift you can offer someone is your time and space.

  • Develop new routines

Inpatient rehab’s format encourages patients to develop healthy coping mechanisms in place of substance abuse. Making your bed as soon as you get up every morning is one example of learning how to play an instrument, and success is more likely if you work on developing new habits.

  • Drug and alcohol abstinence is a lifestyle choice

The continual temptation to visit a liquor shop or a dealer’s residence to pick up narcotics is removed in an inpatient drug rehab program. At first, cravings might be challenging, but they are made much more difficult when drugs and alcohol are easily accessible. A person’s chances of surviving the early stages of addiction are significantly improved if they do it in a sober and encouraging environment.

  • After the project is finished, there will be ongoing assistance

After therapy, a decent program will provide support for graduates. A follow-up visit or phone contact with a staff member may be necessary for some instances. The aftercare program serves as a lifeline for those who have completed residential treatment and are still adjusting to life outside the facility.

You Can Also Read About: How Residential Treatment Supports Addiction Recovery?


Overall, the advantages of residential inpatient drug rehab may be seen at every stage of therapy, and it benefits people on a physiological, mental, and psychological level.

You deserve to reward yourself with a long and healthy life. Allow us to provide you assistance and the luxury of time to concentrate on your wellness. Call All American Detox Center and get in touch for a more extended period. You deserve to live the life of your dreams. Just make a call at our addiction recovery helpline number +1 844-570-1301.

How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

Opioids are a kind of drug that a doctor administers to relieve pain. When opioid medicines pass through your circulation, your cells send out signals that reduce pain while promoting calm and pleasure-seeking feelings.

However, taking too many pills might be dangerous to your health, and it is essential to take this medication exactly as directed by your doctor. It is possible to get sleepy on common opioids, but this may lead to death with greater doses. Furthermore, the positive feelings associated with opiate usage may lead you to seek out more enjoyable experiences, perhaps leading to addiction. You may always seek treatment and go through opioid detox if you overdose. Let’s discuss How Opioid Overdose Is Hazardous To Your Health?

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction Contact All American Detox Center is one of the leading drug detox center in California to learn about drug detoxification.

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What are opioids?

Opioids are a group of medications derived from the opium poppy plant. Some opioids are extracted directly from plants, while others are synthesized in laboratories by scientists utilizing the same chemical composition. Opioids are often used as medications because they include compounds that relax the body and help alleviate pain, making them popular choices. Coughing and diarrhea may be treated using opioids, typically used to treat moderate to severe pain. 

How can a person become an opioid addict?

Some opioids can also be used to cure coughing and diarrhea. Non-medical use of opioids is common since they may induce feelings of relaxation and happiness.

With opioids, your brain and body might be tricked into believing that medicine is vital to surviving. Addiction might develop if you can’t handle the appropriate dosage and discover that you need more and more drugs to get relief.

If you desire the medication or feel like you can’t control the temptation to use it, you may have an opioid addiction. Keep taking medicine without your doctor’s permission, even though you know it’s harmful to you, and you may get hooked. One particular characteristic of opioid overdose symptoms is a strong desire to engage in a specific behavior.

Is it possible to safely treat pain with opioids?

Doctors in anesthesiology are trained to assist patients in managing their pain while minimizing the adverse effects and the danger of addiction.

  1. Contact your doctor or anesthesiologist:- Consider all non-addictive pain relievers. If opioids are still the best choice, inquire about reducing the dangers and adverse effects. It is essential to notify your doctor about any medical concerns you have and any previous opioid use. Your doctor will want to know about any prior drug or alcohol misuse you have had, and if you are at risk for abusing opioids, you should inform them about it.
  2. Opioids should only be used under the guidance of a physician:- Pay attention to your doctor’s instructions and the label on the medication you are taking. Ask your doctor whether opioids are safe if you are on other drugs.
  3. Observe for adverse reactions:- In addition to tiredness and constipation being common opioid side effects, additional symptoms such as shallow breathing and a decreased heart rate may indicate an overdose. The best way to keep yourself safe is to ask your doctor for advice.
  4. Preparation is essential before undergoing surgery:- Discuss your opioid use and surgery with your surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and any other doctors who may be treating you if you are preparing for an operation. Opioid use might extend your hospital stay and raise your risk of problems after surgery. Before undergoing surgery, your medical staff may assist you in safely managing your pain. During an emergency, the patient can either go to a drug rehab center or get help from one of the many nearby ones.

Advantages of Opioid withdrawal

It is possible to successfully treat withdrawal symptoms with the help of a medical anesthesiologist, even if they are unpleasant to bear. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after discontinuing opioid usage, most patients report increased function without increasing pain. The discomfort may initially worsen as people gradually wean themselves off the medication. Pain management may also benefit from alternative medicines with lower risks and adverse effects.

Removing the opioids might help the pain management professional get a better sense of what is causing you suffering. The doctor will be able to make a more informed decision about your treatment options if they have this information.

Stopping the use of prescription opioids may be difficult but possible

Because withdrawal symptoms like restless nerves or sleeplessness may occur in patients who abruptly stop taking opioids, working with your physician, anesthesiologist, or another doctor to wean yourself off of the medicine gradually is critical.

Knowing what to anticipate while reducing down on medication is essential. Symptoms of opioid withdrawal include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A need for drugs
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • The ground shakes (shaking)

The feelings of anxiety may be lessened by gradually reducing the dose, consulting with the relevant professionals, and receiving psychological assistance. 

Here are some of the things your anesthesiologist doctor can do:

To reduce the severity of opioid withdrawal symptoms, create a custom tapering regimen for yourself.

  • Keep an eye on your signs of withdrawal.
  • Use your feedback to adjust the pace and length of the tapering.
  • Assist you in finding other resources.

Contacting a drug detox center is always an option available for the patients.


Sleeplessness, diarrhea, nausea, and decreased breathing are all common side effects of opiate usage. Opioids may have products that are very close to those of heroin, and misusing prescription pain medicines increases the danger of switching to heroin. Addiction recovery may be aided by various approaches, including medications and behavioral therapy.

Get in touch with one of our addiction counselors at All American Detox Center by dialing our hotline number (844)-570-1301. In order to assist as many people as possible, we aim to cure addiction and help them have a healthier and happier life. We have up-to-date safety measures as per COVID guidelines. 

Drug Detox: Process and Side Effects

Drug detox- process, side effect and detox centers

Drug and alcohol detox is your first step to recovery from addiction. There are several different ways to detox although it is always a good idea to detox under medical supervision and not on your own. Ridding your body of unwanted toxins from drugs can provide you benefits such as relief from withdrawal and a safer recovery process. There is a specific process to drug detox due to the severe side effects that come with substance withdrawal. When you decide to enter a drug detox center, you will experience mental and physical fatigue as well as anxiety, mood swings, and nausea. Let’s discuss the process and side effects of drug detox.

Drug detoxification and medically managed withdrawal can be a safe and effective way to begin your recovery from substance addiction.


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Drug Detoxification: Process & Side Effect

Who needs detox? What is the drug detox process and its side effect? Detox is most effective for individuals with addictions to heroin, alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines.

Medically managed detox is a necessary process for individuals who are addicted to substances because these substances can have severe and sometimes long-lasting physical and mental impacts on the brain and the body, and it takes time, hard work, dedication, and support to unlearn addictive behaviors.

Many may be wondering why detox is necessary. Detox is an essential component to recovery because when addiction is present, the body becomes used to functioning with the help of the substance. Without the substance, the body forgets how to operate, and withdrawal symptoms start to occur.

While these symptoms can be physical, they can also be mental, and often times these issues overlap that bring on moderate to severe pain and discomfort. Supervised detoxification helps you to relieve that pain and discomfort while also ridding toxins from your body.

What is Drug Detox

So, what exactly is drug detox? Drug detoxification is the process of eliminating toxic substances from the body after stopping drug use. When detox is done safely and correctly under medical supervision, it improves the overall outcome of your withdrawal symptoms.

Detox is necessary when there is a physical dependence on a drug or substance and withdrawal symptoms are experienced when drug symptoms wear off. The goal of detox is to minimize the potential physical harm that may result from quitting drugs after a long period of time.

What’s the Process of Detoxification?

If you are considering medical detox for yourself or a loved one, you may be wondering what the detox process entails and what types of detox treatment you can choose from.

Types of Detox:

  • Outpatient detox: When choosing outpatient detox, you will stay at home while under the regular supervision of medical professionals. The benefit to outpatient detox is that you get to be n the comfort of your own home and be with family, although the downside to this option is not being under 24-hour supervision, which may lead to relapse.
  • Medical detox: A commonly used method of detox in which drug detox centers use different medications to ease the mental and physical symptoms that are associated with drug withdrawal.
  • Inpatient detox: During residential inpatient treatment, you will leave home and enter a detox center where you will be under 24/7 medical supervision to help make your detox process go smoothly with the least amount of pain.
  • Rapid detox: A less effective option where you are heavily sedated during your detox. This method is expensive and extremely dangerous.

Once you have chosen your detox option with the help of a drug addiction professional, it’s time to understand the process of drug detoxification.

Process of Drug Detoxification:

  1. Substance Evaluation: Before you begin a detox, you will be medically tested to see what substances are in the blood and how much of the substance is in your system. There will also be an evaluation for co-occurring disorders, dual diagnosis, and mental health issues. These evaluations are for medical professionals to help you receive the best detox treatment for your personal needs.
  2. Stabilization: After evaluation, you will then be guided through the detox process, and this may be done with or without medications. During this time, you are under medical supervision to keep you comfortable while detoxing.
  3. Guiding patient into treatment: After ridding your body of the substance and getting through detox successfully, you will then discuss what happens going forward and what your treatment and rehab plan will be. Remember that detox only deals with the physical addiction, not the psychological one.

Process of detoxification - All American Detox 

What are the Side Effects of Drug Detox?

Medical detox is rigorous and difficult. The mental and physical side effects of drug detox can be painful and overwhelming to many.

The amount of time you spend at a detox will vary based on your needs however, some of the most common effects of drug detox withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Muscle Pain
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue

When deciding what detox treatment is best for you, you may want to consider inpatient detox; although it may be scary to leave home, inpatient detox treatment allows for 24-hour help to ease these side effects.

How Long Does Drug Detox Last

There are several factors that will determine how long your detoxification will last. Individually these factors will vary based on what substance you are addicted to, how often you had used, and how much of the drug is in your system.

To determine your length of stay, medical professionals will look at the following factors:

Substance of Use

– Route of administration
– Severity of addiction
– Family history of addiction
– Co-occurring disorders

Duration of use

– Level of willingness to change
– The current level of social support
– History of relapse/ withdrawal
– Risk of developing severe withdrawal

What Happens After Detox

Withdrawal symptoms can be mild to severe and the more severe the symptoms, the higher the risk of relapse or life-threatening health problems. For these reasons, it is never a good idea to detox from home without any medical help.

So, you have finished detox and have the addictive substance out of your body. Now what? Generally, around two weeks after you finish detox the most severe symptoms should have dispersed, although you must remember this is one the start to recovery.

After detoxification, you will then transfer from a drug detox center to a drug rehab program that best fits your individual needs. This is where you can begin to work on and heal the mental, emotional, and psychological issues that come with drug addiction.

In some cases, individuals may have lingering side effects after detox. These symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, and mood swings. This is called post-acute withdrawal syndrome and when this occurs, you should let your medical provider know so they can adjust your medications to help you feel more at ease.

With continued rehab treatment, monitoring of withdrawal symptoms, and intensive therapy programs you can address the underlying issues and reasons for addiction. Finding support groups is an essential key to staying on top of your recovery.

Detox Centers Near Me

Now that you are equipped with information on the drug detox process and side effects of withdrawal, you can enter drug alcohol detox center and get started on your path to recovery.

You may now be asking yourself, am I ready for detox? Are there detox centers near me? The answer is yes! Choosing detox means choosing to get your life back. All American Detox located in Los Angeles is ready to help you through this process. A detox may seem scary, but if you can be open to positive change and have the determination within, it may lead you on a much better path than you have ever experienced.

Call All American Detox at their drug addiction hotline number or visit their website now!

The Importance of Adaptability in Addiction Treatment Recovery


Making the choice to enter treatment for substance addiction requires an immense amount of change. Transitioning to sobriety includes changes to your way of life for example the way you think and the way you cope. Learning adaptability skills is a great tool for your recovery. The importance of adaptability in addiction recovery is necessary and can help boost your confidence as well. In many cases, we think of change in a negative manner, and we may try to avoid it in any way it comes to us because we are afraid of what that change may bring us whether it be a good or bad change.

We all have the strength within to create change and already have adapted to so many things over the course of generations. Think of all the things you have adapted to in your daily life and know that adaptability in addiction recovery is absolutely possible with strength, courage, and support.

If you are struggling with substance abuse and are ready to learn new adaptability skills, All American Detox Center is the solution for you.

All American Detox is a drug rehab center in Los Angeles that provides you with personalized treatment plans and luxury residential inpatient treatment.

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Importance of Adaptability in Addiction Treatment Recovery

What is Adaptability?

Adaptability is the capacity for an individual to cope, recover, and take advantage of the change that may disrupt the individual’s daily life. Substance addiction comes with many disruptions to an individual’s daily life including work, school, and family.

Adaptability is a very essential skill to develop when in recovery because it allows you to see the many possibilities and opportunities there are that come with first, getting sober, and second, accepting change.

The importance of creating change in addiction recovery can literally change your life for the better, and if you may be nervous just think about all the times you have accepted change or adapted to a new lifestyle. One example of adaptability that has affected societies globally is the covid 19 pandemic. Individuals have had to accept these unanticipated changes in their daily life such as working from home, having online school, losing loved ones, and postponing important events.

If we as a society can adapt to a global pandemic, you too can learn adaptability skills and learn to grow in recovery.

What is Addiction?

When we think of addiction, we may think of individuals who are weak and only care for themselves. We may see them as criminals, dangerous, or annoying to society. This kind of thinking upholds the stigmatization of drugs and may actually cause more harm than good.

Addiction is a chronic disease in the brain and many individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol are trying to escape the pain. For example, the emotional and psychological pain of losing a parent or the physical pain of a traumatic injury.

What are the signs of addiction? Below is a list of some of the signs and symptoms of drug addiction that may be preventing someone from changing their ways.

  • Problems at work, home, or school such as being late, not showing up, or being unable to perform normal work duties
  • Loss of energy of motivation
  • Neglecting one’s appearance
  • Spending a lot of money on the substance
  • Experiencing withdrawal from the substance
  • Lying about using the substance
  • Stealing to get money for the substance

Is addiction controlling your life? If so, it may be time to think about entering a drug alcohol rehab center. The importance of being willing to change in addiction treatment will provide you with so many positive benefits by the end of your stay.

8 Ways to Improve your Adaptability Skills in Addiction Treatment

How can we create adaptability within ourselves? How to improve your adaptability skills in addiction treatment recovery?

An important tip to remember when creating space for change is to take things slow as to not overwhelm yourself and know that adaptability and change will benefit you greatly in your long-term recovery.

Here are 8 ways you can improve your adaptability skills in addiction recovery:

  1. Accept the uncertainty of the future – things change all the time in the world, accept that things may not be the way you want them to be can allow you to keep an open mind
  2. Encourage others to be open-minded – you will need support, and encouraging others to keep an open mind can go a long way
  3. Force yourself to take risks – trying new things may lead you to new opportunities
  4. Learn to compromise – compromising benefits you when you are at work, home, with friends, etc.
  5. Add variety to your routine – maybe include a new diet on a certain day of the week, or incorporate new hobbies to keep things exciting
  6. Change your thought process – this is key to accepting change and moving forward in many situations
  7. Learn to be flexible – being flexible allows you to feel at peace with many tasks
  8. Embrace learning – be ready to learn new skills in recovery

The Importance of Adaptability in Addiction Recovery

A big factor in learning adaptability is changing your mindset and adopting new healthier ways of thinking which will largely benefit you in recovery. Keeping your old mindsets may lead to relapse.


These lifestyle adjustments are necessary to lead a healthy life and allow us to learn, grow and overcome. Entering treatment may feel scary because of the changes that will occur, but you must trust the process and accept that uncertainty and you will come out of treatment feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the world.

Are You Ready For Addiction Treatment?

This drug detox center in Los Angeles is currently accepting new patients and when you enter, you will be talked through the detoxification process and what comes after. When entering treatment, just remember how many positive benefits come with this big change.

Visit All American Detox at their website Alcohol Rehab Center, or call them now at (844) 570-1301.

Top 10 Heroin Overdose Symptoms and Signs

Top 10 Heroin Overdose Symptoms and Signs

Heroin is a highly addictive mind-altering drug that is made from morphine. Morphine is a natural substance that comes from the seed pod of an opium poppy plant. Heroin is sold illegally on the streets in several forms. One form of heroin is a white or brown powdery substance that gets snorted or smoked, while the other form is referred to as ‘black tar heroin’ due to its impurities making it a sticky dark substance that is injected into your veins. There are a lot of heroin overdose symptoms and signs.

Using heroin in any form creates feelings of euphoria and it’s for this reason that heroin becomes addictive to users and leads to overdose. When using heroin frequently, your body creates tolerance and therefore you will want to use heavier amounts of the drug.

The more frequently heroin is used, the higher the risk of showing heroin overdose symptoms and other side effects of heroin use. These Heroin Overdose Symptoms and Signs can be fatal and may have lasting impacts on your cognition, mood, physical health, and more.

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction Contact All American Detox Center is one of the leading drug alcohol detox center to learn about drug detoxification.

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Heroin Overdose Signs and Symptoms

Heroin drug abuse and addiction have been on the rise, and so have heroin overdoses.

How do you know if you are addicted to heroin? Are there telltale signs and symptoms of heroin addiction that you should be aware of? Yes! Knowing the signs of addiction may be the first step in getting help. Addiction symptoms may lead to more detrimental overdose symptoms from heroin, and they will look different.

What does heroin addiction look like? If you are suffering from any of these below, it may be time to consider addiction treatment options.

  • Increasing need for more privacy to use
  • Quickly running out of money, or always borrowing money
  • Looking high or sedated to others
  • Nodding off from severe drowsiness
  • Withdrawing from family
  • Withdrawing from work or hobbies
  • Hiding your use from family, friends, etc.
  • Rapid weight loss that happens quickly
  • Visible skin problems from the use

Heroin takes over a person’s life completely due to its highly addictive properties. It’s important to recognize the addiction and seek heroin addiction treatment from the best drug rehab center before more harm occurs to the abuser than the ones around the abuser.

Heroin Drug Abuse

In 2019, more than 14,000 individuals died from a heroin overdose in the United States So, why do people use heroin?

In addition to heroin’s quick effects, there are also feelings of intense pleasure, full-body warmth, calm feelings, and overall heavy feeling of the body, and an increased feeling of confidence and overall happiness.

Heroin use has decreased over the last few years but is still widely used due to it being easier to obtain than prescription opioids, and it is much cheaper to get on the streets. In addition to it being easier to obtain, some people think that pure heroin is safer because it doesn’t have to be injected, consequently this is not the case. Heroin has taken the lives of more than 14 thousand individuals and will take more lives each year.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, heroin abusers are typically between the ages of 18 to 25 and in contrast, heroin use has declined in teens ages 12 to 17.

Signs of Heroin Overdose

 Some signs of continued long-term use may include needle marks or bruising around injection sites, visible skin infections, heart problems, kidney/liver disease, and collapsed or broken veins from injecting heroin into the body.

With prolonged use, there is a much higher chance of overdose. When someone uses too much heroin their breathing becomes much slower to the point where breathing completely stops. Heroin is considered an opioid and opioids are known to reduce breathing and slow the central nervous system.

Heroin and other opioids may have similar-looking drug overdose symptoms. Many drug overdose symptoms and signs include a lowered respiratory system and risk for seizures and heart problems.

Some individuals are at higher risk for overdose such as:

  • People who have reduced their tolerance or have been through detox treatment
  • People who inject heroin rather than smoke or snort it
  • People who take large quantities of other opioids
  • People suffering from liver conditions such as hepatitis C, or HIV
  • People who suffer from depression
  • People who use heroin with a combination of other drugs

According to American Addiction Centers, most heroin users are single,

although many of the overdoses that occur, happen in front of someone else Knowing

the signs of a heroin overdose can potentially save a life. If you see someone showing

heroin overdose symptoms and signs, immediately call 911 for help and assistance.

Symptoms of Heroin Overdose

Heroin is a powerfully addictive drug that can cause frequent mood swings, medical problems, and even possible brain damage due to slowed breathing. Heroin abuse also has shown deterioration of white matter in the brain which is what regulates your decision-making and behaviors.

When you are using heroin chronically, your body creates a tolerance to the drug which will make you want to use higher doses to acquire the same effects. When the drug wears off, withdrawal starts up and these symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, vomiting, and cold flashes.

According to American Addiction Centers, symptoms of heroin use vary depending on how much is used as well as how often it is used.

Immediate Symptoms

– Nausea
– Vomiting
– Itching
– Dry Mouth

Delayed Symptoms

– Feeling sleepy for hours
– Foggy mental state
– Slow breathing
– Slow heart rate
– Nodding off

If you use more than your normal amount or maybe use more frequently overdose will most likely occur. Furthermore, heroin overdose symptoms look like:

– Shallow breathing
– Gasping for air
– Very pale skin
– Blue tint to lips and nails
– Discolored tongue
– Pinpoint pupils
– Weak pulse

– Lowered blood pressure
– Changes in mental state
– Constipation
– Seizures/ spasms
– Nausea/ vomiting
– Coma
– Inability to stay awake

Top 10 Heroin Overdose Symptoms and Signs

Heroin Overdose Treatment

Heroin addiction is a chronic disease, and like many chronic disorders, it can be treated. Recognizing your addiction is the first step, and it may be followed with an intervention or simply by entering a treatment facility. Heroin drug addiction treatment includes medical detox and inpatient services.

The goal of treatment is to not only get you sober but to restructure the brain and teach you healthy coping skills you get through the stressors of daily life.

What happens when you detox?

Your body will go through heroin use withdrawal and during this withdrawal, you will be under round-the-clock medical supervision while also being given medications like methadone to treat these symptoms. Drug detox centers are designed with you in mind and are equipped with the tools and skills to help you start treatment.

After you detox and no longer have heroin in your body, it will be time to start behavioral and cognitive therapy at an appropriate drug rehab center best fit for your needs where you can live at the site and join 12 step meetings as well as support group therapy.

Get Help Now at All American Detox

If you have suffered from any of the above information on heroin addiction, it may be seriously time to get yourself or your loved one help. Chronic diseases like addiction, even heroin addiction, can be treated.

All American Detox Center – A residential inpatient drug rehab center can provide you with personalized luxury detox services and medically trained staff who are ready to help you on your road to recovery.

Not only do they provide detox services, but at their center, they also provide inpatient rehabilitation. They only take about 6 patients at a time as a way to stay dedicated to your personal needs and really focus on you and your treatment plan.

You can contact All American Detox today by visiting their website here at Alcohol & Drug Rehab Center Los Angeles CA. They are currently adhering to all Covid-19 safety restrictions and are also currently accepting new clients. Call them today at (844) 570-1301 for more assistance.


How Long Does Cocaine Addiction Treatment Recovery Take?

How Long Does Cocaine Addiction Treatment Recovery Take?

Cocaine use has taken a serious toll on the health of Americans. In 2018, a national survey found that almost 1 million Americans meet the criteria for cocaine use disorder. Since that time, cocaine use has been on the rise–wreaking havoc in American communities and increasing deaths by overdose.

If you or a loved one is thinking about getting treatment for cocaine use disorder (CUD), determining what kind of treatments you need and how long they will take are primary concerns.

If you have spent time on addiction forums, you may have seen phrases like “inpatient”, “detox” or “residential inpatient treatment” being thrown around and wondered how these terms fit into addiction recovery. Today we will be discussing the timeline for cocaine addiction, recovery as well as providing you with useful information about addiction treatment programs for cocaine abuse and addiction.

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Cocaine addiction treatment

Addiction treatment for people with cocaine use disorder and other drug addictions is designed to address the needs of individuals as they continue their journey on the path towards recovery. People who first enter addiction treatment, might attend a drug detox program or go straight to an inpatient or an intensive outpatient program depending on what best fits their overall needs.

After the intensive phase of addiction treatment ends, addiction recovery for cocaine use continues. Many people find that a weekly outpatient program, joining a 12-step program, or attending some other weekly addiction counseling group helps to keep sobriety in perspective.

Cocaine Detox

Before the bulk of treatment can begin, it is important for the body to readjust to being without the drug. In medical detox, a person is evaluated to determine their physical and psychological condition. This helps to determine any potential complications to detox treatment early on.

In medical detox, trained staff are available 24/7 to consistently monitor the patient’s condition, keep them hydrated, nourished, and comfortable as the body experiences a range of cocaine withdrawal symptoms.

Cocaine detox, despite being less physically intense than other abused substances, has some caveats.

  • There are currently no FDA-approved medications used for cocaine withdrawal.
  • Cocaine users often abuse other substances like alcohol or marijuana, sometimes in the same setting.
  • Initial withdrawal symptoms appear in the form of a crash whereby a person experiences extreme exhaustion.
  • Acute (or severe) withdrawal symptoms for cocaine users typically last 5-7 days.
  • People who abuse drugs commonly also have mental health conditions. These co-occurring disorders can cause additional discomfort and increase the likelihood of relapse as a post-treatment outcome.
  • Once these more severe symptoms have subsided, the individual experiences less severe post-acute withdrawals symptoms or PAWS.

Inpatient Rehabilitation for Cocaine Addiction

At a residential inpatient treatment center, patients live in a 24/7 medically managed facility usually for 1-3 months. While in treatment clients have access to:

  • Individually tailored treatment plans
  • A safe relapse-free environment
  • Set treatment end dates
  • Medication management services
  • Group and individual counseling (including 12-step and other alternative counseling programs)
  • Evidence-based therapies have been shown to improve recovery outcomes
  • Recreational and Holistic therapies (such as art therapy, yoga, and meditation)
  • Access to recreational areas (gyms, pools, and tennis courts)

After completing an inpatient cocaine detox program, patients are encouraged to step down to either a partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient program.

Sometimes if a person has financial constraints or does not need an intensive program, they may opt for a regular outpatient program. These programs can provide greater flexibility and a lower weekly commitment.

How Long Does Cocaine Recovery Take?

In the early stages of addiction treatment, programs have set start and end dates. Because of this, people tend to associate the end of recovery with the end of their rehabilitation program. This, however, is not the case.

Life can present challenges that put people at low points. When things are going well, sobriety is easier to manage. When it isn’t, self-doubt can find its way in. This by no means suggests that sobriety is unattainable, but rather that recovery takes a lifetime of commitment.

Rather than seeing recovery as the endpoint of addiction treatment and relapse as a failure to change or succeed, we are instead encouraged to view recovery as a life-long journey and commitment to avoid the self-sabotaging behavior of drug abuse.

Get Help Today with Overcoming Cocaine Addiction

If you or a loved one are looking for an addiction rehab or detox program for substances All American Detox Center is here for you. Call addiction helpline number. We are an accredited addiction recovery center serving Los Angeles County, California.

The Benefits of Family Therapy for Drug Addiction

Family Therapy for Substance Abuse

If you or a loved one is considering addiction treatment, you may already be familiar with group and individual counseling. But what about other forms of therapy? In this article, we will discuss what family therapy is and who benefits from it in an addiction context.

What is family therapy?

Family therapy emerged from psychotherapy in the early 1960s. But unlike psychotherapy, which focuses on resolving issues with the individual, a family therapist looks at how one or more individuals function, resolve conflicts and communicate within the context of their family unit.

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Who Benefits from Family Therapy

Family therapy shows remarkable flexibility in treating disfunction. Family units such as couples, parents with adolescent children, and even less conventional types of family units can benefit from this type of therapy.

In recent decades, many families deviate from the nuclear family norm. A practitioner may work with a family where some or all its members are unrelated. In another situation, cousins, grandparents, or siblings may play more dominant and important roles than is typical. And regardless of who comprises a family system, its members live and develop interdependently.

The Family as a Whole

Addiction is considered by many to be a family disease, and this is for many reasons. One reason is that addiction susceptibility can be inherited genetically. Also, when families succumb to addiction, it is more likely for an environment that perpetuates substance abuse across generations to be created.

The Family of The Addicted Person

If you have somebody in your family who has a substance use disorder (SUD) you are probably experiencing a range of emotions. In the throes of addiction, it is not uncommon for your loved one to engage in life-threatening behaviors, endanger others, become hostile and withdraw from family responsibilities. These behavioral issues can cause additional stress and even rifts in the relationship and may need to be resolved with family counseling.

The Person with an Addiction

A person with an addiction may resort to drug use in part to cope with the dysfunction in their family. They may feel, misunderstood, unloved, or stigmatized by family members. When treatment is underway, this loss of critical support can lead to negative outcomes and prolonged family dysfunction can worsen mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Family therapy offers a way to address concerns on behalf of the patient, which can give them a more positive outlook towards the recovery process. This positively seems to be an important predictor of successful treatment. As one study noted, alcoholics who received family therapy were more likely to enroll in drug detox center and experience positive outcomes than those who did not.

If you are currently in addiction treatment, you may feel isolated or disconnected from your regular life. Family therapy provides a way for loved ones to be more visible and involved in addiction treatment which in many cases benefits the patient.

What are the Goals of Family Therapy?

During a family therapy session, the practitioner will interview and moderate family discussions in order to get a better understanding of how the family unit functions and determine what it does well and what problem areas need to be addressed. Specific goals include:

  • Solving disputes within a family
  • Improving honest engagement
  • Establish boundaries
  • Help families engage in healthy communication
  • Foster compassion and understanding between family members
  • Help individuals develop a greater awareness of family dynamics.


effect of addiction on family

How Family Therapy Works with Addiction Treatment

In the interest of getting everybody on the same page, it is important to educate family members on the realities of addiction.

Family members will need to adjust to understanding addiction is a disease so that they may develop realistic expectations for treatment. Addiction is the result of numerous factors, such as genetics, trauma, mental health, and others but its outcome strips away an individual’s ability to stop using.

Taking steps like these is important for developing empathy and helpful dialogue around the subject of addiction. As family members are often subjected to stress and negative experiences it’s important to channel that into healthy, productive discussion and refrain from blaming and shaming.

If you are the one in addiction treatment, education could mean learning about how attachment styles, mental wellbeing is deeply dependent on how your family functions. This newfound awareness can then be translated to solutions, like the development of boundaries, assertiveness, the development of independence and empowerment.

Where is it Offered?

As previously mentioned, family therapy has proven to be flexible in its ability to treat issues within family systems, but it is also favored for its ability to be purposed in a variety of treatment settings such as:

What Approach is Right for Me?

Family Systems Therapy

Treats individuals based on their role in a larger family system. Because families share a collective history, the behavior and sense of identity that makes one feel unique are interconnected and dependent on the other members.

In addiction treatment, a family systems counselor might help you to recognize how a person’s drug usage is tied to dysfunctional patterns of communication and help them develop tools to increase mindfulness, create healthy boundaries, and promote healthy communication with loved ones.

Family Behavior Therapy (FBT)

An approach suitable for both and adults and adolescents. In this approach, patients work with their family and a therapist to develop behavioral goals. Upon meeting these goals, they are rewarded with a reinforcer or something that encourages them to continue the behavior. For example, parents might reward adolescents for remaining sober or for increasing their school attendance.

Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)

Typically lasting only 3 months split into 12-15 sessions, BSFT is an effective intervention treatment for parents with adolescents who are struggling with substance abuse and other behavioral issues. In this short but effective treatment, the therapist builds a relationship with each member of the family and learns their motives and concerns. Once this phase is completed, and mediation is underway, an action plan is developed to treat the issues and maximize the family’s overall health.

If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about addiction treatment options in the Southern California area– look no further. All American Detox offers premier detox and residential inpatient treatment. For more information, please contact us at the de-addiction helpline number