What are symptoms of alcohol withdrawal? Timeline & Treatment

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment - All American Detox


Have you or a loved one been struggling with a drinking problem for some time? Despite seeming innocent at first, alcohol can quickly become part of your daily routine and before you know it, you are having several drinks just to get through the day.

Despite being legal, alcohol poses several risks to your health: the worst of which occur when you drink too much. In the short term, binge drinking can lead to dangerous and irresponsible behaviors such as driving while intoxicated, blacking out, fighting or overdosing. In the long-term, alcohol misuse can cause heart problems, several types of cancer, memory and learning problems, poor mental health, and addiction.1

In addition, the wear on the body, heavy and long-term drinkers seeking sobriety must also contend with alcohol withdrawals. More so than any other drug, the side-effects of alcohol withdrawal are destructive and potentially lethal.

Fortunately, with proper care and dedication, it is possible to overcome alcohol addiction once and for all. Read on to learn more about the symptoms, treatment and timeline of alcohol withdrawal.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

As a central nervous system depressant, alcohol blocks glutamate receptors and increases the inhibitory receptors in the brain. This decreases neuronal firing and slows down the brain’s response to stimuli.2 This is the reason we feel relaxed when we drink. It’s also the reason why we get dizzy and exhibit poor judgement.

In cases where long term drinking occurs, brain chemistry is completely altered. When a person stops drinking, their brain can no longer regulate itself and becomes overexcited. This process is what is referred to as alcohol withdrawal.2

The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are most pronounced for people who have abused alcohol for an extended amount of time.2 Withdrawals begin to set in within the first hour and are usually mild, however they will get worse as time goes on.

Alcohol withdrawals range from mild to severe and are physical as well as mental. Here are many of the symptoms than can occur when a person stops using alcohol.

Alcohol withdrawal Common Symptoms

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Difficulty falling asleep or sustaining sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Increased Heart rate
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Anger or irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Alcohol withdrawal Severe Symptoms

  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Body tremors
  • Cardiac Arrythmia
  • Delirium tremens
  • Severe dehydration
  • Thoughts of suicide

Alcohol withdrawals, if not treated properly can result in permanent damage or even death. People who are older, have chronic health conditions and those who are severe or long-term drinkers are at a higher risk of experiencing complications during alcohol detoxification and may need to enroll in a medical detox program to safely detox.

Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline

There are several factors that can impact the duration of alcohol withdrawal. Among them, the number of years the person drank for, the amount of alcohol they regularly consumed, their physical and mental health state, and the presence of other substances or addictions.

6-12 Hours

During the first few hours the signs of alcohol withdrawal begin to set in. At first these early symptoms are mild and may include anxiety, nausea, changes to blood pressure, discomfort, heavy breathing and difficulty sleeping.3

12-48 Hours

During this stage some may also experience visual and auditory hallucinations and seizures.

48-72 Hours

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms peak during this time and can result in fever, quickened heart rate and high blood pressure. Out of those who experience severe withdrawal symptoms, 3 to 5 percent will develop delirium tremens: a condition that occurs as a result of heavy prolonged drinking. Symptoms of delirium tremens include:

  • Extreme agitation
  • Body tremors
  • Seizures
  • Autonomic Overstimulation (nausea, sweating and rapid heart rate)
  • Hallucinations
  • Changes in mental state
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Death

Post-acute Withdrawal (72 hours or more)

After about 5 to 7 days, withdrawal symptoms return to more manageable levels making it possible for those to leave medical care without the risk of any health complications.

From this point on, individuals experience some lingering effects called post-acute withdrawal symptoms or PAWS. These symptoms are mostly psychological and may include depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, difficulty sleeping and mood swings.4

Those completing alcohol detox will also find that the urge to use alcohol remains. For this reason, enrollment in an inpatient rehab program or intensive outpatient program is highly recommended.

How Is Alcohol Withdrawal Treated

When an alcoholic is finally ready to quit, they will have to decide how to approach it. Many are convinced that quitting cold turkey with little to no support will work out fine, but as we just discussed, alcohol withdrawals have significant health risks for those that try to quit.

Medical detox programs, on the other hand, are equipped to handle the latent complications of alcohol withdrawal and can adapt treatment quickly if things start to go south. Those in medical detox also receive preventive care–they are watched around the clock, their vitals are monitored, and they are given nutritional support so that the body more properly heal itself.

When necessary, patients are also given medication to ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms. And in the case of a medical emergency, drugs like anti-convulsant may be administered to stop seizures.

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety

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Conclusion – Get Help

Attempting to quit alcohol cold turkey can be dangerous, especially if you are a heavy or long-term drinker. Alcohol abuse can drastically alter the brain leading to an overexcitement in brain activity that can cause seizures, hallucinations and delirium tremens. It can also negatively impact behavior causing irritability, mood swings, anxiety and depression.

Are you finally ready to quit drugs and alcohol once and for all? All American Detox is a drug and alcohol treatment and rehab center in Los Angeles California. Our detox and residential inpatient programs can help you overcome substance abuse in comfort and with confidence. For more information, call us today at (844) 570-1301.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, April 14). Drinking too much alcohol can harm your health. learn the facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 12, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm

Newman RK, Stobart Gallagher MA, Gomez AE. Alcohol Withdrawal. [Updated 2021 Nov 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441882/

Tietz, G., & Khan, G. (n.d.). Alcohol withdrawal symptoms: What you need to know. WebMD. Retrieved September 12, 2022, from https://www.webmd.com/connect-to-care/addiction-treatment-recovery/alcohol/alcohol-withdrawal-symptoms-timeline

What is post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS)? What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)? | Hazelden Betty Ford. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2022, from https://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/articles/post-acute-withdrawal-syndrome

When does Alcohol Become an Addiction

When does Alcohol Become an Addiction - All American Detox

Most people, when asked can recall at least a few memorable events when they took their drinking too far. But after a few “I’m never drinking again” level hangovers, most people return to drinking in moderation, at least most of the time. So, why is it harder for others to walk this fine line?

The truth is, the signs of alcohol and other drug dependence can be difficult to identity, more than likely because it is hard for us to accept when we’ve lost control.

Going through the motions of an alcohol addiction can start to feel very much like stages of grief, where so much time is spent denying the problem.  Attacking the ones who are trying to help and bargaining with ourselves over a few “insignificant” drinks before ending up back where we started.

If any of this sounds familiar, read on to learn about the signs of alcohol and other drug dependence.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction and its Dependance:

You are Drinking Frequently or Heavily

There are several patterns of unhealthy drinking that may indicate alcoholism. The first of which is binge drinking, also known as heavy episodic drinking.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) defines binge drinking as consuming five or more standard drinks in one hour for men or four or more drinks for females.1 In other words, binge drinking can be defined as drinking a large number of drinks over a short period of time.

The other, heavy drinking, is defined as drinking more than four drinks daily or fourteen drinks a week for men and seven drinks a week for women.1

While binge drinking or heavy drinking does not always mean alcohol addiction, engaging in behaviors along with these and getting black out drunk or drinking until you pass out are strong indicators. Another criterion for alcoholism, is continuing to use alcohol despite social and legal repercussions (i.e. loss of job, DUI, and serious health issues).

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety

Friends and Family are Concerned About Your Drinking

People often notice things about us that we miss about ourselves. Not everyone will risk their relationship to confront a friend or loved one about a drug or alcohol problem, but when it’s people that you love and trust, it is time to start paying attention.

If your drinking has reached the point where it is causing harm to others, you may also find yourself being the subject of an intervention with multiple friends and family at once.

You Often Drink More Than You Mean To

How many times have you said, “I’ll just have just a few drinks” and ended up binge drinking anyways?  Not being able to moderate your drinking is a strong indicator of waning self-control–a problem associated with alcohol addiction.2

You Are Engaging in Dangerous or Unlawful Behaviors

It’s no secret that heavy alcohol consumption can result in poor life choices. From DUI’s, infidelity or causing injury to yourself or others, alcohol can result in some pretty life changing consequences.

Normally, these events are a wakeup call, but if a person refuses to get their drinking under control despite repeated negative consequences, this could be a tell-tale sign of alcoholism.

You Feel Terrible When You Aren’t Drinking

As anybody who has spent a night out of heavy drinking can tell you, the morning after hangover can make you regret ever drinking. Heavy drinkers, however, spend a lot of time dealing with the negative health effects of overindulging.

Some of the effects that heavy drinkers and alcoholics regularly experience include3

  • Stomach pain and nausea
  • irritability
  • headaches
  • Low energy
  • Haziness and difficulty concentrating
  • Weakened immune system
  • Numbness of limbs
  • Memory loss
  • Withdrawals (when not drinking)

You Have underlying Mental Health Issues

If you have one or more diagnosed mental health disorders and are abusing alcohol or other drugs, the risk for developing substance use disorder (SUD) is higher. According to the American Medical Association, approximately 50% of those with severe mental disorders also have substance abuse issues.4

The reason for this varies but using alcohol as a substitution for treatment is common. For example, a person might drink when they are feeling depressed or anxious so that they can take the edge off.4

When people lean on substances in this way, sobriety can become unpleasant, making it more likely that the person will spend more of their time drinking.

Alcoholism Runs in Your Family

Research indicates that genetics account for 40-60 percent of a person’s addiction risk. Given this fact, if you are addicted to alcohol, it’s possible that your addiction didn’t start with you.

Addiction is similar to other inheritable diseases with treatment outcomes similar to diabetes.5

Rehab Center for Alcohol Addiction

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When the signs of alcohol and other drug dependance becomes obvious, the next step is to look for addiction treatment.

Alcohol dependency can be dangerous and often requires medical detox, just to be on the safe side. People who attend inpatient alcohol rehab have better access to relapse prevention, medical support, lifesaving medications, and mental health services like individual therapy and peer support.

All American Detox Center, center is a rehab center in California that provides inpatient rehabilitation and detox services for those seeking treatment for alcohol addiction and other substances. For more information about our quality service and facilities. Call us today at (844) 570-1301.


It is not always easy to accept when an alcohol problem has become an addiction, but when it has, there are several signs that serve as indicators. People who are falling into alcoholism begin to drink more and binge heavily.  They also tend to lack the ability to stop drinking once they’ve started.

This may also be an indicator that alcoholism runs in your family or stems from a preexisting mental health issue as well. As a result of heavy and frequent drinking, alcoholics may do things that cause danger to themselves or others and risk life altering consequences if they continue to use.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Drinking levels defined. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/moderate-binge-drinking 

Verywell Mind. (2021, July 8). Types of drinking habits to avoid. Verywell Mind. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-alcohol-problems-63139 

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, May 18). Alcohol use disorder. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alcohol-use-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20369243 

Robinson, L., Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2022, August 18). Dual diagnosis: Substance abuse and mental health. HelpGuide.org. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/addictions/substance-abuse-and-mental-health.htm 

Retooling our comparisons of addiction to other illnesses. Recovery Research Institute. (2020, July 3). Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.recoveryanswers.org/research-post/addiction-treatment-policy-expert-suggests-comparisons-addiction-illness-may-need-retooled/ 

Top 7 Reasons Why Lean Is Still a Dangerous Drug

Top 7 Reasons Why Lean Is Still a Dangerous Drug - All American Detox

Often confused with over-the-counter cough syrups, the contents of a cup of lean are often misunderstood especially among teenagers and young adults.

To make matters worse, lean is incredibly popular. Lyrics about the purple drink has become ubiquitous in rap music. Now with celebrity endorsement, lean use has become trendy.

So why is lean so dangerous? Let’s talk about what is really inside that Styrofoam cup.

What is Lean?

Lean, also called sizzurp, Texas tea, or purple drank, is a purple-colored beverage made by combining soda (Sprite or Mountain Dew) and promethazine cough syrup–a powerful prescription medicine.

Lean can also contain candy, like Jolly Ranchers, or gummy worms and in some cases, alcohol is thrown into the mix. Lean typically comes served in a white Styrofoam cup and gets its name due to how its sedating qualities affect posture.

Lean has its origins in the south, Houston, Texas to be exact and was popularized by artists like Lil Wayne, Justin Bieber, and Souja Boy. With the opioid epidemic already in full swing, lean is another dangerous opioid contributing to addiction and overdose rates.

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1. Lean Contains Codeine

Lean is made using a prescription cough syrup that contains codeine. Codeine is a weaker opioid compared to morphine, but when taken in larger amounts, its effects on the body are no different.

Those that abuse codeine experience a sense of calmness, euphoria and numbness throughout the body, but they can also experience problematic symptoms like respiratory depression, fainting and seizures.

2. It’s Easy to Drink Too Much

Mixed with Sprite and Mountain Dew, hard candy and gummy worms, lean’s sweet flavor encourages drinkers to come back for several cups. This can lead to dangerous or even fatal doses in no time.

For example, a large mixture of lean made with Promethazine cough syrup can exceed almost twice the maximum recommended daily dose of codeine and 3/4 the maximum daily dose of promethazine.1

3. Codeine Can Damage the Body and Brain

Taking large amounts of codeine can result in breathing difficulties, also called respiratory depression. When severe enough, it can lead to hypoxia: a condition where vital organs lose access to the oxygen they need to function properly.

This can have a profound effect on the brain causing permanent damage or even death.

4. It Contains Harmful Additives

What makes lean such a dangerous drug goes beyond just codeine. Add in large amounts of promethazine and dextromethorphan into the mix and the risks begin to multiply quickly.

Promethazine is a common antihistamine. In small dosages it is perfectly safe, but it’s toxic in larger amounts. When promethazine is abused, it can cause a variety of health complications such as2

  • Quickened heart rate
  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Hallucinations
  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
  • Serious breathing problems
  • Seizures

With popular demand for lean, prices for the drug have skyrocketed. To obtain a cheaper high, some are turning to cough syrups with dextromethorphan [DXM] instead.

5. Lean Is Addictive

Like other opioids, prolonged abuse of lean can lead to addiction. When a person becomes addicted to codeine or other opioids they tend to use compulsively and excessively without regard for their own wellbeing.

Given that lean is expensive, and opioid tolerance can build quickly, it is not uncommon for Lean drinkers to fall into using stronger and more available opioids like hydrocodone, fentanyl, and heroin.4

According to one study from the National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 86 percent of a sample of urban drug users injecting heroin had also used prescription opioids in the past.4

6. Using Codeine Without a Prescription Is Illegal

Some are under the assumption that because Lean is a medicine and cough syrup, there less of a risk of doing hard time. This is actually untrue.

As an opioid with long-standing medicinal use, lean is labeled as a Schedule III substance. But don’t let this designation fool you, being caught with Lean can still mean jail time and severe fines.

In California, being in possession or under the influence of codeine is punishable by up to a year in prison and up to 20,00 dollars in fines. Selling codeine could land you up to 9 years in prison.5

7. Lean Withdrawals Can be Intense

The effects and symptoms of opioids like codeine can vary based on a variety of factors such as age, overall health, and a history of drug use.

Lean withdrawal symptoms can be severe and may include the following:6

  • Powerful cravings
  • Negative changes to mood such as feelings of hopelessness, sadness, depression, and anger.
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Nausea, diarrhea and constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • High blood pressure and increased heart rate
  • Muscle, joint, and bone pain
  • Insomnia and restlessness

It’s also important to mention the symptoms of an opioid withdrawal are potentially fatal. With the help of drug rehab, however, it is possible to significantly reduce these risks.

Treatment Options for Drug & Alcohol Abuse at All American Detox

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Are you or a loved one suffering from opioid addiction or abuse?

Lean and other opioids can rewire your brain and eventually lead to addiction. Since opioid use can also cause severe physical withdrawals, it is crucial to detox under the care of trained professionals

At All American Detox Center, we offer rehabilitation and drug detoxification programs for a variety of substances including opioids and painkillers, alcohol, benzodiazepines, stimulants, and other types of prescription drugs. To learn more about our accredited detox and rehabilitation programs, call us at (844) 570 -1301.

Conclusion – How to Get Help

In this article we discussed the many reasons why lean is so dangerous. For younger users the biggest risk comes from a lack of understanding. Lean tastes good and appears harmless, but it’s a dangerous opioid that is as harmful to the body as it is addictive.

If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, don’t put it off any longer. Call our drug rehab center today at (844) 570-1301.


Drugwatch information sheet lean (purple drank/syrup). (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from http://thedrugswheel.com/drugwatch/Lean_Infosheet_DrugWatch_1_0_Pro.pdf 

Saleh, N. (2022, May 8). Purple drank: Everything you’ve been afraid to ask. Verywell Mind. Retrieved August 15, 2022, from https://www.verywellmind.com/is-purple-drank-going-down-1123889 

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Dextromethorphan: Medlineplus drug information. MedlinePlus. Retrieved August 15, 2022, from https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682492.html 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022, March 22). Prescription opioids Drugfacts. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved August 15, 2022, from https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/prescription-opioids 

Illegal possession or selling of “Codeine” in California. Shouse Law Group. (2022, June 9). Retrieved August 15, 2022, from https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/crimes/codeine/ 

MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Codeine withdrawal: Symptoms, timeline, causes, and treatments. Medical News Today. Retrieved August 15, 2022, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326849#symptoms 

Benefits Of Detoxification

Benefits Of Detoxification - All American Detox


You hear a lot about detoxification in the media these days. These detoxes usually involve trendy diets with weird names, fasts and supplements, with questionable efficacy.

Dietary fads and new age medicine, claim to have the magic bullet that will revitalize and cleanse the body, but when it comes to substance abuse, people need answers that they know will work. Sometimes their very lives depend on it.

If you like many others are wondering what the difference between full body detoxification and clinical detox, along with what role they play in the recovery process, read on to learn more.

Benefits Of Cleansing or Full Body Detox

In the mainstream sense of the term, full body detoxes are diets that purportedly remove toxins from the body that build up for a variety of reasons. What providers of these full body detox products usually fail to mention, is that the body naturally cleanses itself and can do so quite effectively when it is healthy.

The problem for many chronic long term drug users, is that overtime extensive substance abuse puts the body in a state of poor health and rewires the brain, making it dependent on those substances to function normally. This can have a variety of negative short and long-term effects such as:1

  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping or achieving sustained sleep
  • Changes is blood pressure and heart rate
  • Mouth sores and dental problems
  • Depression, anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, and mood swings
  • Poor hygiene
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Cognitive disfunction (motor control problems, slowed reaction time, difficulty concentrating and memory problems)
  • Stomach ulcers and other gastro-intestinal problems
  • Diseases from sharing needles or other equipment
  • Heart disease
  • Liver, kidney and lung problems

So, for those looking at quitting drugs and alcohol for the sake of their overall well-being, what is the way forward?

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Talk To Your Doctor

Don’t do anything rash, schedule an appointment with your doctor. A medical evaluation and a few tests can point out issues that you may have developed while you have been using drugs and whether medical detox is right for you.

You can also reach out to a trusted detoxification center, schedule an evaluation and get help.

Get Off Drugs and Alcohol

Once you have determined the “how”, the next step is putting that plan into action. Recovery cannot begin if you continue to use, and your health will not improve either.

The most important part of the detox process is allowing the body to cleanse itself without any unnecessary aggravation.

Healthy Diet and Exercise

During periods of substance abuse, proper diet and exercise are often critically overlooked. In one review that looked at the past data of drug user’s dietary habits, it was found that high intake of sugars; low consumption of fruits and vegetables; low essential vitamins (A, D, C, and E); low protein levels; low total cholesterol and overall malnutrition were prevalent.2

Proper nutrition and exercise are key to addiction and substance abuse recovery, also making detox safer and prevent further damage.


People beginning the journey of recovery experience multiple hurdles before they can move on to the next phase of treatment. The first of which, is deciding what kind of detox treatment program is right for them.

For those that may be trying to get sober for the time, people tend to have an idealistic vision of detoxing at home and seek to remain in their comfort zone, go at their own pace, saving money. On the other hand, home detoxes are highly ineffective and the risks are considerable.

Commonly abused drugs like alcohol and opioids come with a high risk of dependency; stopping their use “cold turkey “can be physically stressful on the body–sometimes severely so.

These symptoms can emerge seemingly without warning. When these flare ups occur, a medical intervention may be necessary. Seeing the signs without medical training, however, can be tough and failing to intervene could result in permeant damage or even death.

Clinical Detoxification and Benefits

Treatment Planning

Before care can begin, all incoming patients undergo an examination to determine what their needs in detox will be. To do this, detox centers do health screenings and interview you about your history with drugs and alcohol before devising a treatment plan.3

Relapse Prevention

The secure and supervised environment of a detoxification center effectively works to prevent relapse from occurring, allowing clients to focus on getting well.

Medical Care

Non-stop medical supervision not only ensures sobriety during detox, but also allows doctors and treatment staff to monitor patient condition. With their expertise, any health complications that occur can be dealt with before they become an issue.

Medication Assisted Detox (MATS)

Those undergoing detoxification for alcohol and opioid abuse can often benefit from medically assisted detox programs.

Drugs like methadone and buprenorphine, for example, that have shown to be safer for tapering than the drugs they replace.4

For those in alcohol detox, their program might prescribe a benzodiazepine like Diazepam or an anti-convulsant to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and prevent seizures from occurring.4

In other cases, patients may be given essential vitamins to supplement deficiencies and promote immune system health such as folic acid, b-vitamins, potassium, electrolytes and others.5 

Stabilization and Aftercare Planning

The primary goal of a drug detoxification program is stabilization. For most people going through drug and alcohol withdrawals, this occurs somewhere between 3-7 days.

Once a person’s symptoms are manageable, the conversation becomes what happens next. Aftercare assistance is a service provided that connects clients with inpatient drug rehab programs for the next stage of recovery.

Get Help at All American Detox Center

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Are you or a loved one struggle with substance abuse? At All American Detox Center, we understand the difficulties involved early recovery we and are here to help. To learn more about our accredited detox and rehabilitation programs, call us at (844) 570 -1301.


Many of the objectives of full body detox and clinical drug detox are the same. Both promote healthy diet, nutritional balance and emphasize the need to help the body as it cleanses itself from toxins. Despite this, detox diets and fasts should only be done when approved by a licensed physician.

For long-time users of drugs and alcohol, however medical detox programs are a critical juncture of early recovery whose goals range from cleansing the body of harmful substances to helping their clients taper off the drugs and alcohol with the use of medications.

Whatever method is chosen, the primary mission of a clinical detox program is to get you on the path to lifelong sobriety in a safe and effective manner.


Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2017, October 26). Drug addiction (substance use disorder). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved August 18, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/symptoms-causes/syc-20365112

Mahboub, N., Rizk, R., Karavetian, M., & de Vries, N. (2021). Nutritional status and eating habits of people who use drugs and/or are undergoing treatment for recovery: a narrative review. Nutrition reviews, 79(6), 627–635. https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuaa095

Moore, W. (n.d.). Alcohol Detox and rehab programs: What to expect and how to choose. WebMD. Retrieved August 18, 2022, from https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/alcohol-detox-programs#2

Diaper, A. M., Law, F. D., & Melichar, J. K. (2014). Pharmacological strategies for detoxification. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 77(2), 302–314. https://doi.org/10.1111/bcp.12245

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Substance use recovery and Diet: Medlineplus medical encyclopedia. MedlinePlus. Retrieved August 18, 2022, from https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002149.htm

10 Points You Should Know About PTSD Therapy


As the saying goes, “time heals all things,” but in some cases, the side effects of these traumas can persist leading to long term mental suffering also called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.

Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 

Being party to an earth-shattering event or a string of deeply stressful events, can live with us far beyond the event itself. The scars that are left behind is what is known as psychological trauma.

PTSD can occur due to a wide variety of circumstances such as, being in combat, living through a natural disaster, situations of sexual abuse or domestic violence.

Other times, it can occur after hearing details of a deeply disturbing event such as murder or torture. This is especially true if this occurs to somebody that the person is close to.

When a person has PTSD, they relive their trauma through nightmares and intrusive thoughts. They may also self-isolate and become distrustful of others and the world at large. PTSD can also lead to feelings of low self-worth, anger, anxiety and depression.1

Symptoms And Effects of PTSD

  • Involuntary reliving a traumatic memory (also called flashbacks) along with physical symptoms such as increased heart rate or perspiration.2
  • Disturbing dreams or nightmares.
  • Intrusive thoughts that come without warning.
  • Avoiding regular situations and places that are connected to a traumatic memory or experience.2
  • Changes in mood and behavior such as hopelessness; feelings of low self-worth, emotionally numbness, blaming oneself (others) for events out of the realm of control and anger, and guilt over past actions.1
  • Being constantly on edge or at a heightened state of alert making it difficult to relax around others or have healthy sustained sleep.1

Also Read: How to deal with depression and anxiety


  1. PTSD Is More Common Than You May Think 

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 8 million American adults struggle with PTSD.3 Women are also more likely than men to have PTSD and by race, PTSD disproportionately effects Latin, African American, and Native populations.1,4

  1. There Is More Than One Type of PTSD 

Not everyone who suffers from PTSD does so in the same way. Understanding the type of post-traumatic stress disorder of the patient, allows practitioners to develop more effective treatment plans. Here some examples of the different types of PTSD:

Acute Stress Disorder 

Like PTSD, acute stress disorder arises in response to experiencing a traumatic event or being in proximity to someone who has. Unlike PTSD, acute stress disorder generally lasts less than a month after the traumatic event occurs.5

Acute stress disorder is generally treated with a variety of psychotherapies. If left unchecked acute stress disorder can escalate into PTSD.5

Uncomplicated PTSD 

Uncomplicated PSTD is the most common form. It usually arises from a single traumatic event and has symptoms that are less prevalent than complicated PTSD.

Complicated PTSD 

This type of PTSD arises from repeated exposure to traumatic events. Those with complicated PTSD experience flashbacks more often and are more likely have negative opinions about themselves.6

Comorbid PTSD 

The presence of PTSD with at least one other comorbid psychiatric disorder. These may include anxiety disorders, depression, and addiction.

  1. PTSD Therapy Has 3 Main Goals7 
  • Treat symptoms by bringing them to a manageable level.
  • Give patients the skills to effectively manage their trauma.
  • Help the person restore their sense of self-worth and improve their outlook on life.
  1. You Will Learn to Face Your Trauma Head On 

In exposure therapy, people with PTSD learn to process their trauma through confrontation. One of the most effective methods for this is exposure.

Different types of exposure used in PTSD treatment include imaginal exposure or discussing, and working through the traumatic events in a therapeutic setting or in vivo exposure. Vivo exposure involves confronting triggering situation either out in the world or by simulating it, when it is considered safe and beneficial to do so.8

  1. You May Be Prescribed Medication 

While medication may not be necessary for everyone, when used alongside psychotherapy it can greatly benefit treatment.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRI’s] and selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors [SNRI’s] have shown to be the most effective medications at treating PTSD symptoms.9

  1. Therapies For PTSD Are Evidence Based 

Suffering with PTSD can be overwhelming and even feel even hopeless at times. Fortunately, there are several therapeutic methods deemed to be effective at treating PTSD.

In a joint study with the Veterans Health Administration, the Department of Defense (VA/DoD) and the American Psychological Association [APA], Cognitive Processing Therapy [CPT], Cognitive Behavioral Therapy [CBT] and Prolonged Exposure Therapy [PE] were determined to be the most effective treatments for PTSD.10

  1. Learning To Manage Triggers is Key 

Those with PTSD often deal with sudden emotional shifts. These experiences can be brought on by the most subtle of triggers.

Unfortunately, this also means those with PSTD can become distrustful and even fearful of people, places and situations that can trigger unwanted memories.

To help patients regain a sense of security, PTSD therapy trains them to identify triggering experiences and develop coping strategies to deal with them.

  1. One On One Treatment Will Help You Change Your Mind 

Centered around trauma are the thought patterns that keep people with PTSD stuck in negative emotions. Continually living with trauma, they can develop distorted thoughts.

“The outside world as a dangerous place”, “It was my fault that this happened to me” and “I don’t deserve to get better”. These are all harmful thought patterns which can be reframed by working individually with a therapist.

  1. Group Therapy Can Also Be Beneficial 

Group therapy for treating PTSD goes back to World War 2 and was used to help soldiers coming back from the from lines.

Today, group therapy has been shown to treat a variety of traumas including sexual abuse in childhood, trauma stemming from war, refugee displacement, and sexual violence.11 

  1. The PTSD Therapy Timeline 

While no two cases are the same, studies indicate 15-20 sessions can provide recovery for 50 percent of patients.12 In cases of comorbid disorders such as addiction, however, longer treatment (a year or more) may be necessary.12 

Conclusion – Treating PTSD And Addiction 

Today we discussed how PTSD works and discussed the symptoms and differences between the different types of the disorder. We also covered the purpose and goals of therapy and how it can help patients to manage their triggers and gain control of their thinking. We also briefly covered the effectiveness of PTSD therapy and timeline for treatment.

One significant speedbump for the treatment of PTSD is co-occurring illnesses, most notably substance use disorder. According to one study, nearly half of individuals with lifetime PTSD also have substance use disorder.13 For these individuals, it is imperative that they find an addiction treatment program that will help them treat their addiction, while also providing them with therapeutic options to treat their PTSD.

Get Help with Addiction Today

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Are you or a loved one struggle with substance abuse? At All American Detox Center, we specialize in helping you through the earliest stages of recovery. For more information about how our programs call us today at (844) 570 -1301.










What is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Psychiatry.org – What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://psychiatry.org/patients-families/ptsd/what-is-ptsd

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Post-traumatic stress disorder. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd

PTSD Facts & Treatment: Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. PTSD Facts & Treatment | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/posttraumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/treatment-facts

Julia, N. (2022, August 9). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) statistics: 2022 update. CFAH. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://cfah.org/ptsd-statistics/

Moore, M. (2021, May 24). Types of PTSD. Psych Central. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://psychcentral.com/ptsd/types-of-ptsd#acute-stress-disorder

YouTube. (2021, June 22). 6 hidden signs of Complex PTSD (CPTSD) | medcircle. YouTube. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44hqDT7NNHU

Durning, M. V. (2020, December 15). Treatment options for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Healthgrades. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.healthgrades.com/right-care/mental-health-and-behavior/treatment-options-for-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd

Zoellner, L. A., Feeny, N. C., Bittinger, J. N., Bedard-Gilligan, M. A., Slagle, D. M., Post, L. M., & Chen, J. A. (2011). Teaching Trauma-Focused Exposure Therapy for PTSD: Critical Clinical Lessons for Novice Exposure Therapists. Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy, 3(3), 300–308. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0024642

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Medications for PTSD. American Psychological Association. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.apa.org/ptsd-guideline/treatments/medications

Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A Review of                            Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Interventions. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 12,                    258. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00258


Trauma/PTSD. (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.agpa.org/home/practice-resources/evidence-based-practice-in-group-psychotherapy/trauma-ptsd

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). How long will it take for treatment to work? American Psychological Association. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.apa.org/ptsd-guideline/patients-and-families/length-treatment 

Treatment of Co-Occurring PTSD and Substance Use Disorder in VA. (2017, May 15). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treat/cooccurring/tx_sud_va.asp

Hashish Addiction Treatment. Effects Of Hashish Addiction

effects of hashish drug

According to the United Nations, about 158.8 million people take Hashish all over the world and that’s around 4% of all the people in the world. That’s a huge number and just goes to show how much this drug affects people worldwide. In the United States itself, over 48.2 million people, or about 18% of all Americans reported using Hashish at least once in 2019, that is according to the CDC. In this article, we will learn about Hashish effects, its symptoms & how to recover from Hashish addiction.

What is Hashish?

Hashish is just another form of cannabis, also known as Marijuana. The difference being Hashish is much more potent and its effect can last longer depending on its quality. The active agent in Marijuana that is responsible for getting you high is “THC” and the concentration of THC in Hashish is much higher. It sort of gives you a better high compared to other marijuana products and only drug detox can get the user back to normal.

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How Does Hashish Affect You?

It affects you the same marijuana does, the only difference being it will stay in your system for much longer due to a much denser concentration of THC. Whether you eat it or smoke it, it will get into your bloodstream and from there it will travel to your brain. Once it gets there, it will bind itself to certain receptors in the GABA nerve terminals of the neurons in your brain called the CB1 and CB2. After it gets attached to the receptors, it will change the production of certain chemicals in your brain, including dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, etc. Changes in the production of these chemicals result in the development of euphoria, also known as feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Can You Get Addicted To Hashish?

Yes, absolutely and there’s no doubt about it. Like any other marijuana, Hashish is extremely addictive and if taken for a long time, it will slowly develop into addiction. Once you get addicted to it, it will be very hard to get rid of it and often requires medical intervention and inpatient treatment programs at detox centers.

What Are the Symptoms of Hashish?

what are the symptoms of hashish effects

What symptoms the user experiences depends on the dosage and the concentration of the THC in the Hashish they take. But, most people who have this drug addiction will experience the following symptoms-

  • Symptoms Based on Mood

  1. Depression

  2. Anxiety

  3. Euphoria

  4. Greater sense of happiness

  5. Sudden mood shifts.

  • Symptoms Based on Psychology

Here are the following psychological symptoms that will begin to manifest when a user takes a considerable dose of Hashish

  1. Nervousness

  2. Repeat same activities

  3. OCD

  4. Paranoia

  5. Hallucination

  6. Insomnia

  7. A sensation of bugs under the skin.

  • Symptoms Based on Behavior

Here are some potential signs and symptoms when it comes to behavioral changes-

  1. Social Isolation

  2. A dangerous pattern of behavior

  3. Aggression

  4. Impulsiveness

  5. Incarceration

  6. Significant increase or decrease in appetite

  • Symptoms Based on Physical

Here are some potential signs and symptoms when it comes to physical changes-

  1. Twitches, spasms, and shakes

  2. The feeling of nausea and vomiting

  3. Increased libido which could lead to unprotected sex and pregnancy

  4. Hair loss and open sores

  5. Vasoconstriction leading to tachycardia

  6. Lung damage

  7. Fluctuations in body temperature

  8. Engaging in risky activities

If you are not sure about the symptoms, please check into a California drug rehab to confirm any of your doubts.

What Causes the Hashish Addiction?

There are exact causes yet that could describe the exact reason why a person gets addicted to Hashish, but factors such as environmental, social, psychological, biological, genetic, and availability of the drug play a crucial role. It all comes down to these factors that ultimately determine whether a person will get addicted to this drug or not. Suppose, the environment where a person lives may have other addicts, which makes it easy for the person to gain access to the drug. If one parent or both struggled with addiction in the past, their genes could get passed on to the children. Psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia can also push a person to either self-medicate or turn to drugs.

How Long Does Hashish Stay In Your Body?

How long Hashish stays in the body depends on what you mean by it. If you mean how long the effects and feelings of Euphoria last, then depending on whether you consumed it through ingestion or smoke, it could last somewhere between 3 & 5 hours to 24 hours. But if you want to know how long the drug itself stays in your body, as in how long is it detectable in tests, then that depends on the test itself.

  1. In the case of blood tests, Hashish leaves your body after about 1 – 2, and after that, it’s undetectable in your blood. But that’s a typical case. In rare cases, Hashish could be detected even after 25 days.
  2. As for urine tests, it could be detectable for 3 – 30 days depending on whether you are a moderate or a chronic user.
  3. As for saliva tests, it could be detectable for 1 – 3 days for the occasional users while it could be detectable for up to 29 days in the case of chronic users.
  4. Hair testing can detect Hashish could be detectable for up to 3 months.

Can You Get Rid of Hashish Addiction?

Yes, but it will require a drug intervention program and the user must be admitted to an inpatient substance abuse treatment center. If treatment is delayed, things can get much more serious and complicated and the user could get an overdose.

Wrapping Up

Hashish is one of the most abused drugs of all time and is common among teenagers and college students. If you are a parent or a guardian and start noticing the symptoms, please consult your nearest detox center for advice and recommendation. All American Detox is a California-based Drug Rehab Center that can help you in dealing with Hashish addiction. You can call the addiction recovery helpline number at +1 8445701301.

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Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

opiate addiction treatment

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

The Opiate withdrawal condition can be extremely life-threatening, especially if they are not treated immediately. The more time passes, the more severe the condition gets. This happens when a user is addicted or dependent on opiates on a daily basis and hasn’t had another dosage of opiate in a long time. Take a closer look at opiates withdrawal symptoms, how it work, their causes, their symptoms, and how to treat this condition.

How Do Opiates Work?

Opiates are a pain-relieving drug that also has many other properties, including feelings of euphoria. It’s this feeling of calm and pleasure that makes people want to take it again and again, leading to addiction. It works by getting into the bloodstream, after which it will quickly reach your brain and bind itself to the opioid receptors in the neurons of your brain and it alters the chemicals inside your brain, giving the user the feeling of euphoria.

Causes of Opiate Withdrawal

The cause of Opiate withdrawal symptoms is the dependency of a user on opiates. Most people begin to take opiate or opioid-based medication as means of controlling their pain levels. In a 2018 survey, 11.4 million people in the US reported the use of opiate or opioid-based pain relievers without a prescription and how the dependency on the drug begins. Once the dependency is fully manifested, the user won’t be able to spend a single day without this drug and will begin to show opiate symptoms if they go without taking this medication for a long period.

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

opiate withdrawal symptoms

Opiate withdrawal symptoms begin to manifest when an opiate addict goes without taking opiates for a while. Here are some of the major opiate withdrawal symptoms.

  • Anxiety
  • Blurred vision and/or lightheadedness
  • Tremors
  • Nausea
  • Sweating and/or high body temperature
  • Depression
  • Body aches or itches
  • Vomiting
  • Tingling sensation or swelling in arms, legs, or feet.
  • Chest pain, tightness of the chest, or back pain.
  • Irritability
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Dizziness, nervousness, or pounding in the ears
  • Sunken eyes, sore throat, ulcers
  • Paranoia and/or illusions
  • Seizures

While some of the symptoms may not seem that bad, other symptoms such as hallucinations or seizures can be extremely dangerous. In such cases, it’s recommended that you take the user to a detox center as soon as possible. Time is of the essence here and so go to the addiction center that’s the closest to you.

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

Here’s a general timeline of what happens when opiate withdrawal symptoms begin to manifest.

  • First 6 Hours

After the first 6 hours without a single opiate dosage, the first opiate withdrawal symptoms begin to manifest such as anxiety, dizziness, rapid heart rate, tingling sensations, etc.

  • 12 To 24 Hours

Within the period of 12 to 24 hours, serious symptoms such as tremors, sweating, high body temperature, and even hallucinations, among other symptoms may begin to manifest. This could trigger the user to believe that they are hearing a voice or someone’s calling them or may see things or people who are not really there. In such a state, psychosis may also begin to manifest and they could be in danger to themselves or anyone who’s around them. So, it’s important that they stay confined at an addiction center where they will be looked after and taken care of. It’s for their own safety as well as the safety of others.

  • 24 To 48 Hours

At this stage, their opiate withdrawal symptoms will be at their peak. Symptoms such as upset stomach, vomiting, headache, dizziness, hallucination, nausea, and paranoia among others will be at their worst. Comfort, rest, and constant surveillance are necessary to monitor the condition of the patient. Only medical detox centers are capable of handling such situations.

  • 48 To 72 Hours

After the passage of 2 days, some of the opiate symptoms will begin to go away such as hallucinations and psychosis, but tremors, tingling sensation, anxiety, and fatigue, among others may still remain. The user should be out of any major symptoms at this point.

  • 100+ Hours

After about 100 hours, almost all of the symptoms will disappear and those that still remain will also begin to slowly disappear.

Opiate Treatment Center in Los Angeles

addiction recovery helpline number

The most recommended treatment is to get the addicted user admitted to Opiate treatment  programs at reputed institutes such as All American Drug Detox Center. This institute comes highly recommended and they both offer opiate treatment and alcohol detox treatment programs, among many other drug treatment programs. If you still have doubts or want to keep the treatment completely discrete, that is possible as well. Just make a call to the All American Drug Detox Center and clear all your doubts. You can just make a call to our hotline number i.e., +1 (844) 570-1301.

Wrapping Up

While the opiate symptoms can look quite horrendous, its withdrawal symptoms are even worse and things could get a lot more extreme when an addict goes through withdrawal symptoms. The best one can do is get them admitted to a rehab center.

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety?

dealing with depression & anxiety

Life is hard as it is and it’s even harder for people to deal with depression and anxiety. People with depression and anxiety need love and care but more importantly, they need proper help and therapy for them to heal and live their lives like they are supposed to. But this sounds much easier than it actually is. In reality, there’s a considerable amount of stigma, prejudice, and discrimination against people with depression and anxiety, like they didn’t have enough issues already and now they have to deal with this as well.

These things really make it harder for people to deal with depression and anxiety and instead people often choose to hide their anxiety and depression from people. If depression and anxiety are left untreated, they may develop into chronic ones which will make them very difficult to manage, so it is necessary that you or people you know who have depression get the help they need. Let’s take a deep dive into everything that you need to know to deal with depression and anxiety.

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What Are Depression and Anxiety?

Depression and Anxiety are both types of psychological conditions that influence the way a person behaves or acts. Depression in particular causes feelings of sadness and negatively affects their emotions about how they feel, how they think, or even how they act. This can lead to a loss of interest in work, day-to-day chores, and activities. Depression could also negatively affect their friendships and relationships, which could complicate things even further.

Anxiety, on the other hand, causes overwhelming feelings of what to do, what not to do, what’s to come, and what’s not to come, among countless other fears. This causes unnecessary anxiousness or worries about things that they shouldn’t be anxious about and in extreme cases may even trigger an anxiety attack. In some cases, people with extreme anxiety levels are not even able to enter an elevator or cross the street or even go out of their homes.

People who are addicted to drugs or are alcoholics often have signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety and often need therapy along with an addiction treatment program to completely get out of their current situations. If you need a recommendation for a great drug detox center, then we will be happy to introduce you to the All American Detox Center that not only helps people who are addicted, but also treats people with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and much more. Their residential inpatient treatment is excellent and has some of the highest ratings when it comes to patient recovery success.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?

symptoms of depression & anxiety

Here are some major signs and symptoms that you will notice in a person if they are depressed or anxious. Let’s start with Depression first.


While it usually starts with feelings of sadness and hopelessness, it could get more serious with time. Here are some major ones.

  1. Irritability, restlessness, unexplained aches and pains, and may even have irregular heartbeat or tachycardia.
  2. Their emotional state is very vulnerable when they are under depression. So, they may end up saying or doing something that jeopardizes their relationships and/or friendships.
  3. Loss of interest in day-to-day activities or social activities or hanging out of the home.
  4. Lack of energy, enthusiasm, motivation, and/or hope is common among people with depression.
  5. Changes in mood, appetite, and weight.
  6. Sleeping issues.
  7. Difficulty focusing on the important stuff and uncontrollable thoughts.


Here are some of the common symptoms of anxiety.

  1. Fear, anxiety, and/or nervousness.
  2. Uncontrollable stress.
  3. Irritation, physical restlessness, and/or a sudden fight or flight state of mind.
  4. Trouble falling asleep.
  5. Headache, confusion, and brain fog.
  6. State of panic.
  7. Being always on the edge.
  8. Anxiety attack.

How To Deal With Depression and Anxiety?

Some people have either, while others may have both, but due to societal stigma, prejudice, and discrimination against people with depression and anxiety. So, dealing with depression and anxiety becomes much harder. Dealing with depression and anxiety is something not a lot of people can do. Even if they do choose to do something about it, they either choose not to get help due to said stigma. Even if they do manage to ask for help, they are often misdiagnosed, either due to systemic bias. Or due to the fact there’s no definitive test that says positive for depression or anxiety or both.

There’s a whole lot of research going on to figure out more about these psychological conditions. To effectively deal with depression and anxiety, it’s important that the one who has these psychological conditions gets admitted to an addiction recovery center. Don’t get fooled by the name. They treat all kinds of psychological disorders including addiction treatment programs, eating disorders, and depression and anxiety treatment.

Just search for a residential inpatient drug rehab and check their treatment programs for depression, anxiety, or any other psychological conditions. They don’t just treat their symptoms but fix the root causes behind their anxiety and depression through therapy and proper treatment methods.

Wrapping Up:

Anxiety and depression can be quite overwhelming, especially with the stigma that surrounds them. If they don’t get the treatment in time, it could get quite serious which could lead to more problems. Managing the symptoms isn’t enough and one needs to deal with the root cause behind their anxiety and depression. So that this will make it difficult for these conditions to come back again. All American Detox Recovery Center can help you in recovery, which is a luxury residential treatment center in Los Angeles. Just make a call to us at our addiction recovery hotline +1 (844) 570-1301

Painkiller Addiction: Understanding Its Effects

Painkiller addiction often goes undetected as it is considered a necessity thanks to chronic pain that affects over a third of all American people. To manage their chronic pain, painkillers are taken almost every day, which should not be an issue so long as they follow the dosage requirement and timing as prescribed by their doctor. But people often fail to follow that and may end up getting addicted to the painkillers.

How do they get addicted to painkillers? How does a painkiller work? What are the signs and symptoms that you should look out for to perceive if someone is addicted to it? And what can you do to fix this addiction situation? We are sure you have a lot of questions and we plan to answer every one of them. So, take a minute with us as we explain everything to you.

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What Are Painkillers and Why Are They Needed?

Painkillers are a type of medicine that has both natural and semisynthetic substances that are derived from opium poppy plants. These types of medicines are used to treat acute as well as chronic pain. They are needed when a person gets surgery or is injured and it helps to keep their pain down. They are also taken by people who have chronic pain on an everyday basis and cannot live their lives without taking the painkillers as the pain can be too severe for them to work or do anything.

There are two types of painkillers that can be bought legally and they are either over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers or prescription painkillers. As the name suggests, the OTC painkillers can be purchased from any pharmacy counter and don’t need any prescription, while the prescription painkillers can’t be bought without a valid and signed prescription. Prescription painkillers are usually stronger than OTC painkillers and are usually taken for more intense pain. People who abuse prescription drugs can get prescription drug addiction in the long run.

Understanding How a Painkiller Works?

Before we tell you how painkillers work, you need to understand how pain works and why we sense pain. When we get injured, a special chemical called prostaglandins is released which then gets picked up by the nerve endings and travels to the brain via the spinal cord. The prostaglandins chemicals are unique and contain unique data about the location and the nature of the injury. When our brain gets this chemical, the data is revealed and our brain creates a pain sensation in that area to make us understand that something went wrong in that area and needs tender care and attention to prevent further damage to that area or any other area.

So, in a short answer, it’s a signal that if it gets transmitted to our brain creates a painful sensation. This one can be blocked to stop the transmission of the signal. No signal is equal to no pain and it’s that easy to understand. The painkiller does exactly that. The chemicals released from the painkillers block the prostaglandins from being released in high numbers and if it’s not released, you will feel no pain. The higher the release of prostaglandins, the higher the level of pain you will feel and vice versa. If you need a recommendation, the All American Detox Center is an excellent drug detox center that can help you or someone you care about getting rid of painkiller addiction swiftly and discretely if that’s required.

How Does One Get Addicted To Painkillers?

When painkillers are prescribed to someone, the doctors will mention the dosage and how often you should take them. The amount of dosage that the doctors prescribe is safe, but the pain is relative and on an odd day, the pain levels could be a lot higher forcing the user to take a user to a higher dosage without consulting their doctors. When this happens quite often, their tolerance level will increase and they will need to take more and more dosages to keep the pain in check, slowly leading to an addiction to the painkillers and may require a painkiller addiction treatment from an inpatient drug rehab center to get rid of it properly.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of a Painkiller Addict?

symptoms of painkiller addiction

Here are some major signs and symptoms that you can notice in a person who is addicted to painkillers. Let’s start with the signs.

  • They Will Think About Medications a Lot

If someone’s addicted to their painkiller medications, then this may become one of their top priority. They keep thinking about things like what if they ran out of painkillers. This shows that living without this painkiller is not something they want.

  • They Will Take a Higher Dosage Than The Dosage Prescribed To Them

People who are addicted to painkillers may take a higher dosage than what’s prescribed citing that the pain level is higher than usual which it may not be.

  • They Have Been Taking Painkillers For a Long Time

Those who have chronic pain and have been taking painkillers for a long time have the highest risk of developing an addiction to painkillers and may need surveillance to confirm if they are abusing the painkillers.

  • They Get Angry Whenever Someone Talks About Alternative Painkillers

People can get a sense of euphoria by taking painkillers and this sense is a very powerful sense. It’s powerful enough to get addicted. So, when there are talks of switching to different or alternative pain medications, they may get angry and aggressive. This happens because they are afraid that the new medications may not provide them with the same euphoria.

Sometimes the user may also experience some severe symptoms if they addicted to painkillers severely and abuse the drug more often than not. Here are some of the symptoms that may present themselves in the user.

  • High blood pressure, lung damage, seizures, and irregular heartbeat.
  • Injury due to an accident or there could be self-inflicted injuries.
  • Withdrawal symptoms may begin to manifest when the user doesn’t take the next dosage for a long time.
  • The influence of drugs may jeopardize the relationships they have with their loved ones, friends, and family.
  • Loss of interest due to the influence of painkillers may lead to negligence in work and college.
  • Brain damage or death by overdose.

How to Get Someone Out of Their Painkiller Addiction?

Convincing someone or forcing them to get rid of addiction will only lead to backfire and create more tension. To get them the help that they need, you will have to get them enrolled in a California detox center or any other drug rehab center. The rehab center’s staff are well trained and knows how to handle difficult situations and when they finally come out of the program, they will be completely clean.

Wrapping Up

Painkiller addiction affects a lot of people in the US and can get unnoticed. We hope we’re able to clear all of your queries and doubts. Thankfully, All American Detox treatment center can really help you get rid-off from this situation. You can easily make a call on this number to reach out one of our expert that can guide you to the whole admission process at +1 (844) 570-1301. We accept all major PPO Insurances for the treatment.

What are the 12 Steps of the Recovery Program? How do they work?

12 steps in the recovery process

Originally developed by AA groups, short for Alcoholics Anonymous Group, these 12 steps of recovery programs work as a spiritual foundation that guides a person out of their addiction or alcoholism. Time has come a long way since it was first introduced and now it is more than just a way to overcome addiction. It has now become a guide that pushes you towards a new way of life. With that said, let’s take a look at the 12-step program in brief.

The 12 Steps of Recovery Programs

Here are the 12 steps of a recovery program that have helped countless people over the years on their path to recovery.

12 steps of addiction recovery program

  • Honesty

“I’m not an addict,” “I wasn’t before and I’m not now,” “I don’t need help.” You are not the only person who feels this way at the beginning. It’s hard to accept that you are addicted and that’s accepting it means accepting the fact that you are not in control and that you do need help, but it’s okay. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to not be in control. No one is in control of their lives for every second, minute, and hour of their lives. No one can be in control all the time and that’s because the world is unpredictable and we all make a mistake now and then. Only after you accept the fact that you are vulnerable and that you need help, the program can begin to help you.

  • Surrender

You have to surrender yourself to the program to allow it to heal you. A lot of people tend to have this attitude that this program is trash, or that it doesn’t work, or that it won’t make you a better person and it won’t, not with that attitude. For the program to work, you have to surrender yourself to it and believe in it, which brings us to the point of faith.

  • Faith

Your belief and faith in the program are the only way this program can ever work. When you put your faith in the program of addiction treatment and truly believe that this could work, you will begin to see that it can work.

  • Soul Searching

Now that you have surrendered to the program and it’s working great, it’s time you start working on identifying the root cause of your alcoholism or addiction. More often than not, the root cause behind drinking habits turns out some trauma anxiety or depression that was nagging at them. Instead of dealing with these issues, people turn to alcohol or drugs to numb these feelings and ignore them. But with this step, you are going to have to deal with all these issues. Only when these are truly resolved, your need for alcohol and drugs will be over too.

  • Integrity

Integrity is the key to moving forward. It’s to look at someone else and point out their fault, but it’s incredibly hard to accept that you may also have similar faults or the fact that you might be in the wrong as well.

  • Acceptance

When you find your faults, you have to accept them as they are. No excuses such as “I did it because..,” or “I had to because..” are going to work. You have to accept your faults no matter how bad or embarrassing it is. Just remember no one will judge you there as it’s a safe place.

  • Humility

In this step, a person has to ask someone else to do something that they cannot do by themself.

  • Willingness

In this step, you are asked to make a list of every bad mean, or harmful things that you may have said or done to someone before you began your recovery program.

  • Forgiveness

The above list is not going to be small. The list will have several names unless you are still hiding something which is not going to work. For the program to work, you have to be truthful to others as well as yourself and once the list is ready, you are going to have to make amends for everything you did or said to every person on the list.

  • Maintenance

Nobody likes to agree that they did something wrong but once you do, true spiritual work can begin and heal you from the inside.

  • Making Contact

The 11th step is realizing that your life is not just yours but a part of a higher power that your life has a meaning and that you have to work hard to find the meaning of your life and achieve what you were meant to.

  • Service

You have learned everything you need and have been provided with all the tools that you need. The last step is all about using the rules and principles that you found in the program in real life.

How Do These 12 Steps Work?

The 12 steps in the recovery program work when you work for it. Having the wrong attitude or without faith, the program will not work. For the program to work, you have to believe in the program, submit to it, and do what it tells you to. You have to do everything truthfully without hiding anything from yourself or others around you. When you begin to share, you will realize that others in the recovery program also have similar stories and this will give you the courage to continue with the program. Almost all substance abuse treatment facilities have this 12-step recovery program.

Wrapping Up

The path to recovery is hard and one needs great courage to follow this path. The 12 steps of recovery programs merely serve as the guide that helps to stay on the path until you fully recover. You can just make a call to our recovery helpline number at +1 844-570-1301.