Medication Assisted Therapy in Rehab

Medication Assisted Therapy in Rehab

The simplified trajectory for going from addict to sober is, in broad strokes, as follows:

Detoxification > inpatient care > outpatient care > aftercare 

Pretty neat and clean process, no?

As we all know, life is messier than that. So, make sure to call our addiction recovery hotline number.

The general idea is to get into the counseling portion of therapy once your body is fully detoxed from the substances you were taking. In reality, that can sometimes prove dangerous. In addition to each person being their own separate case that requires a unique approach, detox from certain drugs sometimes necessitates that some medications be involved.

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What Is Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT)?

Medication-assisted therapy combines the commonly accepted forms of inpatient care and rehab with medications that are meant to relieve withdrawal and subsequent cravings.

Most often medication is used in the treatment for opioid and heroin addiction with the FDA approving 3 drugs specifically for that purpose: buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone. These powerfully addictive drugs are just extremely difficult for a person to kick on their own because of the stronghold they have on a person’s body and mind.

The way it works for opioids is that the approved medication essentially blocks the euphoric feelings associated with opioids and what makes them so addictive. Additionally, they relieve mental cravings and help normalize body functions. In other words, this type of therapy keeps the brain and body stable so the work of therapy can move forward.

In a 2009 study it was noted that “after buprenorphine became available in Baltimore, heroin overdose deaths decreased by 37 percent during the study period, which ended in 2009.” On top of that, medication-assisted therapy increases social functioning.

Medication, in the form of acamprosate, disulfiram and again, naltrexone, is also used in treating alcohol addiction.

An extremely important thing to note though is that this type of treatment does not just substitute addiction to one substance with addiction to another.

What Are the Benefits of Medication Assisted Therapy in Addiction Treatment? 

The benefits go beyond the few mentioned above. The relief from cravings and the normalization of your body functions are somewhat immediate effects, MAT treatment reaches further forward in time with its benefits. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), describes the effectiveness as such:

  • Improve patient survival
  • Increase retention in treatment
  • Decrease illicit opiate use and other criminal activity among people with substance use disorders
  • Increase patients’ ability to gain and maintain employment
  • Improve birth outcomes among women who have substance use disorders and are pregnant

Arguably the biggest positive is that the medication allows a person to actually focus on the work of recovery. By removing the euphoric effects of a drug, in the case of opioids and heroin, you’re really removing the mental compulsion that drives you to take more. The “reward” is taken out of the equation so you’re able to control cravings that would otherwise seem like huge mountains to climb.

We said it once, and it bears repeating and hammering home, the point isn’t to swap out drugs and create a new addiction. What an opioid or heroin does and what a drug for treatment does are different in vitally important ways. One can kill you, the other can help cure you.

All American Detox Is Here for You

The main goal of medication-assisted treatment is ultimate to help people break the cycle of addiction once and for all and find not just sobriety, but sobriety that lasts. The process of getting clean isn’t always clean or straightforward and if medication-assisted treatment is right for you or your loved one, a carefully crafted plan for intake and monitoring will be created. Reach out to us at All American Detox to find out more information.

What Is the Definition of Addiction?

What Is the Definition of Addiction?

It’s stigmatizing. It’s a struggle. It’s helplessness. It can seem perversely fun. It’s the illusion of control. It’s destructive. It’s deceptive. It’s painful. It’s euphoric. It’s devastating. It’s life-shattering. And it’s certainly treatable. Learn here about drug addiction!

How Do You Define Addiction? 

So, how do you define addiction? While addiction comes in many forms, the American Psychiatric Association does a great job of defining it concisely: “Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use disorder despite harmful consequences”.

The effects of substance abuse and addictive behavior eventually manifest in a dancing plethora of adverse ways, a few of those, according to Healthline, being:

  • A lack of self-control
  • Increased reliance on the substance 
  • Emotional numbness

What starts maybe innocently as a way to feel better or from curiosity, snowballs into one of those, you-just-can’t-help-yourself vibes, and it continues ad nauseum until you reach a breaking point. The proverbial rock bottom.

But does it happen to everyone?

What is Drug Addiction?

Addiction is a disorder of the brain and behavior. When you’re hooked to drugs, you can’t stop yourself from using them, no matter how dangerous they are. The sooner you seek treatment for drug addiction, the more likely you are to prevent some of the disease’s more serious consequences.

Drug addiction can begin with the occasional use of a recreational drug in social situations, and for some people, the drug usage progresses to more frequent use. Others, particularly those addicted to opioids, develop a drug addiction after being exposed to prescription drugs or acquiring medications from a friend or relative who has been given the medication. The risk of addiction and the rate at which you get hooked differs depending on the drug. Some medicines, such as opioid pain relievers, have a higher risk of addiction and induce it more quickly than others.

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Drug addiction is not limited to heroin, cocaine, or other illicit narcotics. Alcohol, nicotine, sleep and anti-anxiety drugs, and other legal substances can all lead to addiction.

Why Addiction Effects Some People and Not Others

Drug addiction is defined as a complex condition and brain disease. Addiction is not a fate that befalls all, which honestly is great, so let’s take a moment to acknowledge that fact. That said, it is something that can touch everyone in one way or another. It’s not as if we’re separated out and sorted into static columns of “addict” and “addiction-free” at birth. Like the fluidity with which our lives move, so too does addiction.

There are a handful of big-time considerations for why the scourge of substance abuse affects some of us and not others, the National Institute of Health does a great job boiling it down:

  • Biology – The risk of addiction is 40 to 60% related to genetics, which is wild. Gender, ethnicity, and existing mental disorders all can be factors that increase risk.
  • Environment – This is perhaps the most visible factor. Things related to your neighborhood, home life, family, and socioeconomic standing. All these things play an enormous role when combined with the peer pressure many kids and even adults face.
  • How the substance is taken – Simply put, smoking or injecting increases the potential for addiction drugs.

It’s a bit nature and a bit nurture and ultimately recognizing that each person’s situation is unique is important in forging a road to recovery they can confidently, and successfully, travel down.

How to Treat Addiction

It’s not an easy task but luckily there are many approaches to suit the varied needs of those suffering from addiction. Often the first thing that happens is an acknowledgment of their addiction and the struggle, or impossibility, to cope with it personally and internally. That’s how it all starts for us at All American Detox, we help anyone who reaches out and asks for help.

After that momentous leap, a huge component to getting on the straight and narrow is drug detoxification, i.e. the act of removing toxic substances from your body through physiological and medicinal practices. Our program is a way to safely get you off the drugs or alcohol and back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Defining Addiction at All American Detox

Depending on the individual situation, inpatient treatment may be the best way to go. We create a welcoming environment, with loads of amenities and surrounded by a team of medical and psychiatric professionals, to keep you comfortable while you get yourself clean.

As important as it is to get clean and on the right track, doing it in a bubble at a center like ours isn’t quite the same as real life. We know that. Because of that, we offer robust outpatient and aftercare to help adjust to sober living on the outside. It’s essentially the same treatment we offer at a facility but at a scaled-back level. Think of it as us holding your hand through the transition.

Yet another element of the treatment ecosystem is sober living, more or less a stripped-down version of inpatient treatment. Folks can come and go as they please, get back into and resume normal life while having a safe space to come back to as they really cement those newly formed healthy habits.

Addiction doesn’t have to be a life sentence and at the All American Detox Center, we are here to help people find a path to lasting recovery once and for all. Call us today to learn more about our drug alcohol detoxification program!

What Things To Do in Los Angeles When You’re Sober

What To Do in Los Angeles When You’re Sober

The journey toward addiction recovery is a long road filled with numerous twists and turns and happens to be different for everyone. The ultimate goal of sobriety is less of a destination and more of an experience. At All American Detox, we’re here to tell you Los Angeles is a great city to seek addiction treatment in, and even a better city to live in afterward. The LA community has a lot to offer for a post-treatment life. Let’s read below about What to do in Los Angeles when you are sober?

At All American Detox, we are a caring drug & alcohol treatment service located in the beautiful setting of Woodland Hills, CA. We offer drug alcohol detoxification, residential inpatient treatment for drug abuse and addiction.

Sobriety in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in the country. Second in population only to New York City, you can find your niche on the West Coast. With a massive community composed of all different kinds of people, you’ll have the opportunity to start fresh here sobriety in Los Angeles. You can make new friends in sobriety and find support groups that will help you maintain your sobriety and enjoy your life ahead.

Why You Should Get Sober in Los Angeles

what to do in los angeles when you are sober

There are a number of benefits that come with getting sober in Los Angeles. Some of the biggest benefits include:

  • Distance:
    Distance is an important part of the recovery process. When people seek addiction treatment, they naturally look close to home at first. This is because people are afraid of change and like familiar settings; however, when it comes to addiction recovery, distance is exactly what people need. They need to separate themselves from the environment that led to addiction. By traveling to LA, people can do exactly that.
  • Weather:
    While it is often overlooked, the weather is one of the most important factors in the recovery process. When someone is trying to focus on themselves, the other stressors need to fall by the wayside. Without extreme cold or heat, people are likely going to feel comfortable in LA. This makes it easier to focus on the recovery process.
  • Professionals:
    Finally, Los Angeles is home to some of the country’s leading professionals in the world of addiction and mental health. Addiction can impact anyone, including celebrities. This has led to a burgeoning community that can use both modern therapies and innovative treatment methods to help people recover.

Sober Things To Do in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the perfect place to enjoy your new sober life. Some fun activities that don’t involve drugs or alcohol are:

  • Hiking:
    Los Angeles is home to some of the country’s most beautiful scenery. There is an endless expanse of hiking trails for those who love the outdoors. Because the weather is so beautiful and ranged from about 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit, these trails are accessible during the entire year.
  • Tourism:
    Tourism is one of the biggest industries in Los Angeles and there is plenty for people to see. Between Hollywood, Dodger Stadium, Disneyland, Universal Studios, Griffith Observatory, and all of the beaches, you’ll have plenty of things to do in Los Angeles when you are sober.
  • Focus on wellness:
    LA definitely focuses on wellness. There is plenty of organic grocery stores, yoga and meditation studios, gyms, and vegan restaurants. A big part of sobriety is taking care of your health so you can feel your best. LA makes it very easy to be healthy. So these are the things to do in Los Angeles when you are sober and also want to stay sober in your life ahead.

Let All American Detox Center Help You!

All American Detox is a detox center in California. our comprehensive program is created to work with people who are recovering from addiction from start to finish. Our program blends traditional treatment techniques with modern therapies and we tailor our treatments to meet the individual needs of our clients. Call us today to learn more about our addiction and substance abuse treatment programs!